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研究生(外文):Kai-Heng Sun
論文名稱(外文):Fabrication of Rectification Nanosensor Devices by Electric Field Assembly of ZnO Nanowires
指導教授(外文):Hsun-Feng Hsu
外文關鍵詞:ZnO nanowireelectric field assemblyphotosensinggas sensing
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In recent years, electronic devices have increasingly been made with smaller size, lower cost and higher performance and thus the fabrication of nano electronic devices have been paid great attention. Semiconductor ZnO nanowire has been used in ultraviolet (UV) photodetectors and air sensors because of its wide direct band gap (3.37 eV) and high surface to volume ratio.
In this study, ZnO nanowires (NWs) were synthesized on ZnO seed-layer substrate by hydrothermal method and subsequently used as building blocks for parallel ZnO nanowire-based devices using direct current (DC) dielectrophoresis alignment across Au electrodes. The role of ZnO nanowire/Au metal contacts and its effect on electrical and sensing properties of the devices were investigated.
The results show that the devices exhibited rectifying current-voltage characteristic as they fabricated by electric field assembly of ZnO nanowire at a 3V DC electric field applied. This phenomenon is because the Au atoms diffusing from electrode into ZnO nanowire on the high-temperature anode side causes the increasing of Schottky barrier height as the asymmetric Joule heating effect occurs instantly in the electric field alignment process.
The photosensing and gas sensing properties of the rectifying devices were further investigated. For the UV (365 nm) photosensing, when the increased Schottky barrier height in the reverse-biased mode is used high speed and photoresponse can be observed due to the efficient electron-hole separation by built-in electric field in the depletion region. For gas sensing, as expose the device to CO Schottky barrier high at the ZnO/Au interface decreased due to O desorbing form the interface. The current increased obviously and thus high sensitivity was achieved.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
表目錄 v
圖目錄 vi
第一章 前言 1
第二章 文獻回顧 2
2-1 氧化鋅簡介 2
2-1-1 氧化鋅的結構 2
2-1-2 氧化鋅的缺陷 3
2-1-3 氧化鋅的電性 4
2-2 氧化鋅材料的應用 5
2-2-1 橡膠領域應用 5
2-2-2 藥妝及紡織領域應用 6
2-2-3 光電領域應用 6
2-2-3-1 太陽能電池 6
2-2-3-2 紫外光感測 7
2-2-3-3 氣體感測 7
2-3 一維氧化鋅奈米結構的合成 7
2-3-1 氣相法 8
2-3-2 模板法 8
2-3-3 液相法 9
2-4 蕭特基接觸(Schottky contact) 10
2-5 電泳與介電泳 11
2-5-1 電泳(Electrophoresis, EP) 12
2-5-2 介電泳(Dielectrophorsis, DEP) 13
2-6 研究動機 14
第三章 實驗方法 16
3-1 實驗流程簡介 16
3-2 實驗步驟 16
3-2-1 晶種層製備 16
3-2-2 氧化鋅奈米線合成 17
3-2-3 元件製備 17
3-2-4 光學感測實驗 18
3-2-5 氣體感測實驗 18
3-3 分析儀器 18
3-3-1 冷場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡 18
3-3-2 場發射穿透式電子顯微鏡 18
3-3-3 X光繞射儀 18
3-3-4 奈米元件測試分析系統 19
3-3-5 任意波形產生器 19
3-3-6 3W UV 365 nm LED光源 19
第四章 結果與討論 20
4-1 合成本質氧化鋅奈米線結構 20
4-1-1 微結構分析 20
4-1-2 X光繞射分析 20
4-1-3 TEM分析 21
4-2 電場誘發氧化鋅奈米線排列 21
4-2-1 交流電場誘發氧化鋅奈米線排列 21
4-2-2 直流電場誘發氧化鋅奈米線排列 23
4-3 氧化鋅奈米元件整流機制與原因 25
4-4 光學感測實驗 26
4-4 氣體感測實驗 28
第五章 結論 31
第六章 參考文獻 77
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