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研究生(外文):Chun-Chieh Chang
論文名稱(外文):Study on mechanical properties of innovative power IC attach joints
外文關鍵詞:Bi-AgX solder pasteCu-Ag nanocomposite pasteshear properties
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目前用於車用整流器等高功率模組之晶片操作溫度遠超過現行無鉛銲料使用範圍,因此以高溫銲料或者銀燒結技術做為固晶用途的開發正積極進行中。本研究著重在評估新型高功率IC固晶接點之熱穩定性,研究的固晶材料包括商用BiAgX®錫膏之外以及自行研發、添加甲酸銅之奈米銀銅複合漿料。分別以迴銲及熱壓方式進行銅基材試片接合後,進行不同時間150oC時效銲點組織特徵與剪變強度之調查。BiAgX®錫膏由於Sn元素之添加,於銲點介面與銅形成Cu3Sn,未時效銲點剪變強度為28.4MPa,經150oC 800小時僅降至22.9MPa。奈米銀銅複合漿料熱壓接點未時效組織均勻,為含1.86wt%Cu之過飽合銀固溶體,剪變強度高達43.6MPa。時效後Cu原子往基材端擴散並析出氧化亞銅,經時效200小時強度驟降至16.8MPa,後持平至800小時為14.7MPa。本研究結果顯示以熱穩定性觀點,BiAgX®錫膏較奈米銀銅複合漿料來得優異許多。
Power devices such as invertors for electronic vehicles usually operate at temperatures higher than enduable temperature range for common Pb-free solders. Development of high temperature solders, as well as nano-Ag sintering technique, for the power IC attach applications are now under development. This study aims to evaluate the thermal stability of new innovative power IC attach joints bonded using BiAgX® solder pastes by reflowing, and Ag-Cu nanocomposite pastes with the copper formate additives developed in our lab by thermal-compression bonding, respectively. Microstructural feature and shear strength of the joints subjected aging at 150oC are investigated. Due to the alloying effect of minor Sn addition, joints, Cu3Sn formed at the interface of BiAgX®/Cu joints. The fact that shear strength of as-bonded BiAgX® joints was 28.4MPa and that of 800hr-aged joints was 22.9MPa suggests excellent reliability in high temperature storage. In contrast, the joint strength of nano-composite samples drastically decrease from 43.6MPa at as-bonded state to 16.8MPa when aged for 200 hr. After that, the shear strength of nanocomposite joint remained alsmost the same up to 800 hr. The as-bonded Cu-Ag nanocomposite joints possessed a homogeneous Ag matrix supersaturated with 1.86w% Cu. Subjected to aging, Cu atoms diffused towards joint interface and precipited to form Cu2O. This may account for the deterioration in joint strength.
摘要 け
Abstract げ
總目錄 こ
圖目錄 ご
表目錄 じ
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻回顧 2
2.1高功率固晶材料之發展 2
2.2 Zn-Sn合金 2
2.3 Au-Sn合金 3
2.4 Bi-Ag合金 4
2.4.1 Bi-Ag和Cu基材介面反應 5
2.4.2 Bi-Ag和Ni基材介面反應 5
2.4.3 BiAgX®新型合金與其表現 6
2.5 銀做為接合材料 6
2.5.1 銀奈米粒子之製備方法 7
2.5.2 銀漿料製備 8
2.5.3 含奈米銀漿料於接合之應用 10
2.5.4 以銅銀漿料進行接合 10
第三章 實驗步驟 38
3.1 複合金屬粒子及漿料製備 38
3.1.1 合成以月桂酸為保護劑之銀奈米粒子 (Ag-O2C12) 38
3.1.2 低溫真空脫水製備去水甲酸銅 38
3.1.3 Ag-O2C12銀粒子混合甲酸銅之金屬漿料製備 39
3.2 接合試片製程 39
3.2.1 BiAgX®接合試片製備 39
3.2.2 奈米銀銅複合漿料接合試片製備 39
3.2.3 Alpha Metal接合試片製備 40
3.3 組織觀察 40
3.4 接點剪力測試與時效試驗 40
第四章 實驗結果與討論 47
4.1 接點組織特徵 47
4.2 剪變強度及時效效應 48
4.3 破壞型貌與失效因素分析 48
第五章結論 69
參考文獻 70
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