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研究生(外文):Bao-Cheng Lai
論文名稱(外文):Taxonomic revision of Mantispidae (Neuroptera) from Taiwan with special reference to their biology
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台灣的螳蛉科 (Mantispidae) 紀錄始於二十世紀初期,至今國內未有針對此類群的全面性分類學報告。本研究回顧台灣螳蛉科分類學研究的歷史與現況,並修訂台灣螳蛉科物種,重新描述外部形態與雄蟲外生殖器。本研究共記錄台灣的螳蛉科5屬14種,包含2個新種 (Mantispa flavipennis sp. n. 與Orientispa bisnota sp. n.)、1個新紀錄種 (Mantispa japonica McLachlan, 1875)、2個新組合 (Orientispa formosana (Okamoto, 1910) 與 Orientispa orientalis (Esben-Petersen, 1913)) 以及1個物種恢復(Mantispa nigra Stitz, 1913),並提出7個同物異名,即台灣的Austroclimaciella quadrituberculata (Westwood, 1852) 為A. habutsuella (Okamoto, 1910) 之同物異名, Euclimacia badia Okamoto, 1910以及E. fusca Stitz, 1913為E. vespiformis Okamoto, 1910之同物異名,Ceromantispa formosana (Okamoto, 1910)、Necyla formosana minor (Stitz, 1913)以及Necyla formosana chiaiensis Ohl, 2004 為O. formosana (Okamoto, 1910) 之同物異名,Ceromantispa orientalis (Esben-Petersen, 1913) 為O. orientalis (Esben-Petersen, 1913) 之同物異名。由於梯螳蛉屬 (Euclimacia) 的成員除了體色以外,無其他可供區別的外部形態特徵,本研究以粒線體COI序列探討螳蛉科種級的分子特徵變異情形,建立螳蛉科種間遺傳距離界限為5%,確認台灣不同表型的梯螳蛉屬成員為相同物種。此外,本研究透過室內飼養,記錄台灣東螳蛉與擬蜂梯螳蛉之生活史、幼蟲取食策略以及成蟲求偶行為,建立基礎生物學資訊。
Although the record of Mantispidae in Taiwan dated back to the early 20th centrury, up to date, there is no thorough taxonomic report. In this study, I reviewed the taxonomic history and revised the species of Mantispidae from Taiwan. Adult morphology and male genitalia are redescribed. Fourtheen species of 5 genera from Taiwan are recoreded, inculding 2 new species, 3 new combinations, 1 revived species, 7 new synonyms and 1 species first record from Taiwan. The new species are Mantispa falvipennis sp. n., Orientispa bisnota sp. n.; the new combination are Mantispa nigra (Stitz, 1913), Orientispa formosana (Okamoto, 1910), Orientispa orientalis (Esben-Petersen, 1913); the revived species is M. nigra (Stitz, 1913); the new record species is Mantispa japonica MacLachlan, 1875; Austroclimaciella quadrituberculata (Westwood, 1852) from Taiwan is revised as a synonym of A. habutsuella (Okamoto, 1910); Euclimacia badia Okamoto, 1910 and E. fusca Stitz, 1913 are revised as a synonym of E. vespiformis Okamoto, 1910; Ceromantispa formosana (Okamoto, 1910), Necyla formosana minor (Stitz, 1913) and Necyla formosana chiaiensis Ohl, 2004 are revised as a synonym of O. formosana (Okamoto, 1910); Ceromantispa orientalis (Esben-Petersen, 1913) is revised as a synonym of O. orientalis (Esben-Petersen, 1913). Body color are usually the only characters used for species discrimination in Euclimacia. To solve this problem, mitochondrial COI gene is used to investigate the molecular characteristics of species-level variation in Mantispidae. The result of molecular analysis shows interspecific divergence is higher than 5% and Euclimacia species from Taiwan with different color types are the same species. In addition, I conducted labotorial experiments and established the biological information of O. formosana and E. vespiformis with recording the life cycle, larval feeding strategies and adult courtship behavior.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目次 iv
表次 vi
圖次 vii
前言 1
往昔研究 3
一、螳蛉科的分類歷史 3
二、台灣的螳蛉科分類研究 4
三、螳蛉科成蟲形態特徵 6
四、螳蛉科的生物學 11
材料與方法 13
一、標本來源 13
二、標本檢查 13
三、形態術語 14
四、分子特徵 15
五、室內飼養與觀察 17
結果 20
一、分類學 20
澳蜂螳蛉屬Austroclimaciella 20
梯螳蛉屬Euclimacia 23
優螳蛉屬Eumantispa 32
螳蛉屬Mantispa 37
東螳蛉屬Orientispa 49
二、分子分析 65
三、擬蜂梯螳蛉生物學 66
討論 70
一、分類修訂 70
二、分子分析 73
三、生物學 74
參考文獻 79
表 85
圖 86
附錄 117
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