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研究生(外文):Yung-Han Chuang
論文名稱(外文):A Study of scanning capacitance microscopy on dopant activation and deactivation induced by microwave annealing
外文關鍵詞:scanning capacitance microscopymicrowaveactive and deactivation
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Scanning capacitance microscopy (SCM) is an important technique measuring two-dimensional carrier distribution in semiconductors. SCM is very suitable for characterizing semiconducting materials because SCM is able to analyze a local area on sample surfaces and highly sensitive to capacitance changes. For instance, one can employed SCM to measure electrical junction depths (EJD), depletion widths, and the effective channel lengths. Microwave annealing (MWA) is an annealing method with a low thermal budget, effectively suppressing dopant diffusion and activating dopant. In this thesis, I used dark-mode SCM to investigate the influence of MWA time on carrier concentration distribution. With MWA time increasing, experimental results indicated that boron and phosphorus in shallow implanted regions have different electrical activation and deactivation behavior. For boron, deactivation occurred prior to activation when the MWA time is longer than 200 seconds. While for phosphorus, significant activation and deactivation were not observed for MWA time longer than 100 seconds. Prior studies indicated that low energy annealing is hard to eliminate the residual lattice defects induced by boron implantation, leading to instability of the boron-active region. However, the energy of MWA is much lower than that of typical thermal annealing. Therefore, the residual lattice defects might affect electrically active boron atoms. In this study, I performed post-annealing MWA to treat boron-implanted n-type silicon substrates and observed instability of the PN junctions formed by MWA. In addition, the influence of MWA sequence on phosphorus activation was also investigated since phosphorus is easy to activate in a short MWA time and exhibits good electrical stability. Experimental results indicated that the post-annealing MWA increased the EJD and the EJD was also closely related to the prior annealing processes.
致謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
第一章 前言 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機 3
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1 掃描電容顯微術 5
2.1.1 樣品表面處理 5
2.1.2 暗模式 6
2.1.3 調制電壓 7
2.2 熱退火處理的物理現象 8
2.2.1 擴散現象 8
2.2.2 晶格修復 9
2.2.3 活化和去活化 9
2.2.4 微波退火 10
2.3 摻雜活化之穩定性 13
第三章 實驗方法 15
3.1試片的結構與製備流程 16
3.1.1淺接面製作 16
3.1.2退火處理 17
3.1.3橫截面樣品製備 18
3.2量測與分析儀器介紹 20
3.2.1掃描電容顯微鏡 20
3.2.2四點探針電阻分析儀(4-point probe) 22
3.2.3掃描展阻顯微鏡 22
第四章 結果與討論 24
4.1 淺層區域 24
4.1.1 佈植硼 25
4.1.2 佈植磷 33
4.2 深層區域 38
4.2.1 佈植硼 39
4.2.2 佈植磷 40
4.3 微波退火形成電性接面的穩定性 42
4.3.1 佈植硼所形成PN接面的穩定性 42
4.3.2微波順序對佈植磷電性接面的影響 44
第五章 結論與建議 49
5.1 結論 49
5.2 未來研究工作建議 49
第六章 參考文獻 53
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