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研究生(外文):Chung-Lun Wei
論文名稱(外文):Effects of Past Experiences, Reputations, and Competences of Outsourced Service Providers on Outsourcing Intentions of Clients: Perspectives of Signaling Theory
外文關鍵詞:Signaling theorypast experiences of a suppliercompetencereputationperceived service qualitysignal credibilityinformation asymmetryoutsourcing intention
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資訊科技/資訊系統一直影響著組織的績效與效率,因此,外包資訊科技/資訊系統服務是一個極重要的議題。然而,一般公司會經常對於不熟悉的外包服務公司不了解而產生不確定性。訊號理論(signaling theory)對於能理解內部及外部訊號(線索)所要傳達的品質資訊以降低不確定性並促成購買的意圖提供了一個理論基礎。本研究進行了兩個子研究以調查訊號本身及內部與外部訊號之間對服務品質及外包意圖的影響。在第一個子研究中,提出了一個架構以檢視外包服務供應商過去的經驗是否可作為一個服務品質的訊號,同時並考慮資訊不對稱及訊號可靠度這兩個因素在此影響下的調節(干擾)效果。在第二個子研究中,除了外包服務供應商過去的經驗外,再加上供應商的名聲作為兩個外部線索,另外以供應商的能力作為內部線索,並使用訊號理論的觀念作為評估對客戶端知覺價值及後續外包意圖的影響。
經製作及收集問卷並以偏最小平方法(partial least squares)進行分析後,結果顯示:在第一個子研究中,外包服務供應商過去的經驗是一個有效的訊號,而能影響服務品質,隨後影響客戶對資訊系統的外包意圖(購買外包服務);此外,訊號可靠度因素調節(干擾)供應商過去的經驗與客戶知覺服務品質之間的關係,即當訊號可靠度越高時,供應商的過去經驗影響知覺服務品質越大,而資訊不對稱因素對此關係並無影響。這些發現驗證了外包供應商傳播及投資在經驗的重要性,並且給予客戶利用外包服務商的經驗在評估資訊系統服務品質與購買外包服務時舒緩不確定性的指引。在第二個子研究結果中發現,服務供應商的經驗是客戶知覺價值的有效訊號,並且進而影響客戶的外包意圖;另外,供應商過去的經驗也同時顯著的影響了供應商的名聲及能力,然而此供應商的名聲與能力對客戶知覺價值而言並無具有顯著的訊號效果。這些發現除了實際上驗證了外包供應商的經驗在知覺服務品質及價值的影響並進而影響客戶的外包意圖外,這些在內部及外部線索影響差異的研究結果也提供了服務供應商在未來資源分配上的參考;而經由顯示較少被提及的外包供應商的經驗作為一個有用的訊號也豐富了既有的訊號理論及外包的文獻。
Information technology/information systems (IT/IS) affect the performance and efficiency of an organization; therefore, outsourcing IT/IS services is a crucial issue. However, client companies are frequently unaware of the service quality of unfamiliar IT/IS outsourcing suppliers, thus creating uncertainty. Signaling theory provides a theoretical foundation to perceive how intrinsic and extrinsic signals (cues) can be utilized to deliver service quality and value information to reduce uncertainty and facilitate outsourcing intention. This study conducts two sub-studies to investigate the effects of cues and the differences between intrinsic and extrinsic cues on outsourcing intentions. In sub-study 1, it proposes a framework to examine experiences of an IT/IS outsourced service supplier as a signal of perceived service quality and considers the moderating effects of information asymmetries and signal credibility. In sub-study 2, it suggests one intrinsic cue (competence) and two extrinsic cues (experience and reputation) of outsourced service providers using the concept of signaling theory to evaluate the perceived value and subsequent outsourcing intentions of clients.
Questionnaires were collected in Taiwan and partial least squares (PLS) technique was employed to test the proposed models. The results indicate that, in sub-study 1, past experiences of an IS outsourcing supplier affect perceived service quality, which subsequently influences positively the intention to purchase IS outsourcing services. In addition, signal credibility moderates the relationship between the provider’s past experiences and perceived service quality, while information asymmetries do not have significant effect on the hypothesized moderating relationship. The empirical findings validate the importance of dissemination and investment of past experiences for IS provider companies and give a cue of utilizing providers’ experiences to alleviate uncertainty when assessing IS service quality and purchasing outsourcing services for client companies. In sub-study 2, the results demonstrate that suppliers’ past experiences are influential signals for perceived value, which in turn affects outsourcing intentions. Moreover, suppliers’ past experiences are found to have significant impacts on suppliers’ reputations and competences while the latter two signals do not have influences on perceived value. These findings may enrich the extant literature in signaling theory and outsourcing contexts by demonstrating the few-mentioned IS outsourced supplier’s experiences as a quality signal with signaling perspectives. In addition to empirically examine the effects of past experiences of outsourced suppliers on the perceived service quality and perceived value, these results may offer a hint in resources allocation for service providers according to the difference of intrinsic and extrinsic signals.
Chapter 1 Introduction…………….………… 1
1.1. Research background…..……………... 1
1.2. Research motivation……….………...…2
1.3. Research questions and purposes………3
1.4. Research process………………………….4

Chapter 2 Literature review and hypotheses……..7
2.1. Signaling theory…………………………….……7
2.2. Service quality……………………….………...15
2.3. Past experiences of suppliers………..……...20
2.4. Information asymmetries and signal credibility…21
2.5. Perceived service quality and purchase intentions….24
2.6. Suppliers’ past experiences, reputations, and competences…...26
2.7. Perceived value and purchase intentions.…....31

Chapter 3 Research methodology………………………………35
3.1. Measurement development………………………………….35
3.1.1. Past experiences of suppliers …………………….35
3.1.2. Reputations of suppliers ………………...…………36
3.1.3. Competences of suppliers ……………………………….36
3.1.4. Information asymmetries and signal credibility...37
3.1.5. Perceived service quality………………………..….…38
3.1.6. Perceived value.…………..……..………………………39
3.1.7. Outsourcing intentions…………………………………..40
3.2. Questionnaire design……………………………………..41
3.3. Data collection…………………………………………………41
3.4. Common method bias………………………………………….42
3.5. Data analysis approach……………………………………...42

Chapter 4 Data analysis and results….………………...…..44
4.1. Sample characteristics...……...………………….…..44
4.2. Measurement model………..…….………………………….…45
4.3. Structural model…………………………..……….……...47
4.4. Moderating effects testing…………………………….…..49
4.5. Sample characteristics...……...…………………….…..51
4.6. Measurement model………..…….………………………….…52
4.7. Structural model…………………………….………..……..54

Chapter 5 Discussion and conclusions…………………...…..58
5.1. Results interpretation………………………………….….58
5.2. Link of sub-study 1 and sub-study 2………………...…62
5.3. Implications for theory…………………………...….…64
5.4. Implications for practice……………………………….…65
5.5. Limitations and future research…………………………..66
5.6. Conclusions……………………….……………………………67

Appendix A1. Questionnaire (Before revision)...…………..84
Appendix A2. Questionnaire (Revised table)……..…………..90
Appendix A3. Questionnaire (Final version)..........……..92
Appendix B. Loadings and cross-loadings (Sub-study 1)..….98
Appendix C. Loadings and cross-loadings (Sub-study 2)...100
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