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研究生(外文):Guan-Hua Chen
論文名稱(外文):Exploring the Impact of Consumer Generated Advertising (CGA) on Consumers' Perceptions and Intended Behaviors
外文關鍵詞:User-Generated Content (UGC)Consumer-Generated Advertisement (CGA)Social Media StrategySource CredibilityBrand Responses
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目的:消費者生成內容(User-generated Content, UGC),意指由消費者所創造的任何形式之內容,包含了網路評論、產品/服務之使用心得,以及本文中所探討之消費者生成廣告(Consumer-generated Advertisements, CGA)。在既有的文獻裡,多數僅提到了消費者生成內容對於品牌商所推出之行銷方案或是廣告策略,具有著一定的影響力,進而會改變消費者對品牌的認知。但僅有少數的文獻,提及到消費者生成廣告之影響。所以在這篇論文裡,我們試著去探討四種類型之消費者生成廣告,將會對消費者意圖行為帶來之改變,進而分析這些改變與廣告內容特性之關聯。
Purpose – User-generated content (UGC) refers to any forms of content created by the customers, which contains online testimonials, written review and consumer-generated advertising (CGA). Whereas previous studies had shown that UGC has an extremely influence on the marketing event created by the brand-relating marketers, but there are only few research focuses on CGA. As the result, this paper focuses on examining the factors of different kinds of CGA that affect the customer’s intended behaviors.
Design/methodology –We use two (nominal relationship: assonant vs. dissonant) x two (underlying message: positive vs. negative) experimental study, which means there are four kinds of CGA (contrarian, incongruous, subversive and concordant), we explore the impacts of these CGA vs. the official printed advertisement on customers’ perceived source credibility, brand attitude, brand trust and intention Behaviors.
Originality/value – Through this research, we hoped we could find out the better understanding on different kinds of CGA by comparing different factors within themselves, and then provide the more details of the further marketing strategy. We expected this research can give a contribution to similar research and marketers.
摘要 i
List of Tables iv
List of Figures v
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Objectives 2
2.1 User-Generated Content 3
2.2 Consumer-Generated Advertisement (CGA) 3
2.3 Source Credibility 6
2.4 Brand Attitude 7
2.5 Brand Trust 8
2.6 Intentioned Behaviors 9
Chapter 3 METHODOLOGY 10
3.1 Research Framework 10
3.2 Experimental Design 10
3.3 Measurements 14
3.4 Procedure and Participants 14
3.5 Data Analysis 15
Chapter 4 RESULTS 17
4.1 Reliability and Validity Analysis 17
4.2 Pearson Correlation Analysis 19
4.3 Dependent T-test for Different Responses of CGAs 21
4.4 Main Effects from the Contingency Variables 24
4.5 Main Effects on Intention Behaviors 28
4.6 Descriptive Analysis 29
5.1 Theoretical Contributions and Conclusion 36
5.2 Managerial Implication 38
5.3 Limitations and Suggestion for Future Research 39
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