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研究生(外文):Ting-Jia Jhnag
論文名稱(外文):The Influence of Advertising Formats and Promotions on Customers' Responses on Facebook
指導教授(外文):Fei-Fei Cheng
口試委員(外文):Mu-Yan ChenFan-Yun BaiYing-Jiun Hsieh
外文關鍵詞:Advertising formatspromotionsAttitude toward advertisingPurchase intentionAdvertising recall
  • 被引用被引用:4
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現今,越來越多人使用社群媒體,大量的使用者吸引了廣告商將資源投入這個平台,但學術研究對於社群媒體上的廣告仍未有太多的探索,因此本研究主要為探討在Facebook上不同的廣告形式和廣告促銷及產品類別對於顧客在廣告態度、購買意圖和廣告回想上的影響,本研究採用了3(圖片廣告卅輪播廣告卅影片廣告)× 2(降價促銷卅贈送贈品) × 2(搜尋品卅經驗品)的受試者間實驗設計,本研究共蒐集了632份有效樣本,並發現相較於影片廣告,圖片廣告及輪播廣告會產生較好的廣告態度,相較於經驗品,搜尋品會產生較好的廣告態度,本研究同時也驗證了在社群媒體上的廣告中,不同的廣告態度會造成消費者不同程度的購買意圖,此外本研究也發現相較於圖片廣告,影片廣告會造成較好的廣告回想。
Nowadays, more and more people use social media. The large population of social media attracted a lot of advertisers to invest this new advertising platform. This tendency made online advertising more diverse. This study wanted to understand the influence of advertising on social media. Because there was less researches to explore this topic. This research used advertising formats (Photo/Carousel/Video), promotions (Premiums/Price-offs) and product categories (Search product/Experience product) to examine the influence of advertising on the social media. This study examined the attitude toward the advertising, purchase intention and advertising recall to understand the effectiveness of advertising formats, promotions and product categories on social media. The results showed the advertising formats “photo” and “carousel” had better effectiveness than “video” on attitude toward advertising. Besides, search product (sports wristband) had better effect than experience product (facial cleanser) to result in different level of attitude toward advertising. Attitude toward advertising had main effect on purchase intention. For advertising recall, “video” would create better advertising recall than “photo” and the promotions price offs would cause better advertising recall then premiums.
Table of Contents
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
Table of Contents iii
List of Figures v
List of Tables vi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research background 1
1.2 Research motivation and research purposes 3
Chapter 2 Literature review 5
2.1 Social media and advertising 5
2.2 Advertising Formats 5
2.3 Promotions 6
2.4 Product categories 7
2.5 Attitude toward Advertising and Purchase Intention 8
2.6 Advertising Recall 10
2.7 The interaction of Advertising Formats, Promotions and Product categories 11
2.8 Hypotheses 12
Chapter 3 Research methodology 14
3.1 Framework 14
3.2 Selecting Search and Experience products 14
3.3 Operational definition and manipulation 16
3.4 Measurement 17
3.5 Experimental design and sampling 19
Chapter 4 Data analysis 23
4.1 Demographics 23
4.2 Test of validity and reliability 27
4.3 Hypotheses testing 28
Chapter 5 Conclusion and discussion 46
5.1 Discussion and research findings 46
5.3 Research limitation and future research direction 48
References 49
References in Chinese 49
References in English 49
Appendix 54
Appendix 1 Pretest questionnaire 54
Appendix 2 Screen shot of experimental scenarios 58
Appendix 3 Questionnaire 70
References in Chinese
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