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研究生(外文):Wan-Ting Chang
論文名稱(外文):A review on the development of regulations for nutrition labeling of selected countries
外文關鍵詞:nutrition labelnutrition factsfood labeling
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With the advancement of science and technology, people began to attach importance to the link between diet and health, and would like to know more about the nutrition information of foods. Therefore, nutrition label was established and implemented for providing information on food nutritional content. Nutrition label has become common now and many countries have established their own regulations for nutrition labeling. Recently, the revision of nutrition labeling in the United States has led to renewed interest in nutrition labeling.
This study investigated the development of nutrition labeling in the Codex Alimentarius Commission, Taiwan, the European Union, the United States and other countries, and discussed the differences of nutrition label from the perspective of development time, geographical area, nutrition information and methods to analyze the nutrient contents. It was noted that there was no correlation between the development time of nutrition labeling and the geographical area, and more countries have established nutrition labeling over time. It was also found that the number of mandatory nutrients to be listed on the label was very different among countries. The United States required the most number of mandatory nutrients and also required a continuous update on the information. In analytical method aspect, most countries generally recommend official methods of analysis to determine the nutritional information and allow the use of indirect methods.
This study about the development and regulation differences of nutrition labeling between countries was expected to provide some references for further improvement of nutrition labeling.
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iv
表次 vi
圖次 vii
縮寫及中英文全名對照表 viii
法規中英文名稱對照表 ix

前言 1
1.各國營養標籤之發展歷史 2
1.1 食品法典委員會 2
1.2 台灣 2
1.3 歐盟 3
1.4 美國 12
1.4.1管理歷史 12
1.4.2標籤之更新 14標示項目之增減 14份數計算方式之改變 15外觀樣式之變更 15
1.4.3 醒目標示系統 15
1.5 大陸 17
1.6 澳洲及紐西蘭 19
1.7 加拿大 21
1.8 馬來西亞 21
1.9 香港 23
2.0 小結 26
2. 各國營養標籤制度差異之比較 27
2.1 強制規定標示營養標籤之時間 27
2.2 國際間營養標籤強制規定標示之營養成分 31
2.2.1 脂肪 31
2.2.2 膽固醇 35
2.2.3 碳水化合物 35
2.2.4 維生素 38
2.2.5 礦物質 39
2.2.6 小結 40
2.3 國際間營養成分之測定方法 41
2.3.1 台灣 41
2.3.2 加拿大 41
2.3.3 澳洲及紐西蘭 42
2.3.4 大陸 43
2.3.5 香港 44
2.3.6 馬來西亞 46
2.3.7 小結 46
總結論 54
參考文獻 56
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