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研究生(外文):Nathania Dwiwahyundari
論文名稱(外文):Evaluation of blood lipid-lowering activity of berry puree and its enhancement by dietary fiber addition
指導教授(外文):Chi-Fai Chau
口試委員(外文):Fuu HseuNan-Wei SuMin-Hsiung Pan
外文關鍵詞:berriesdietary fibercitrus fiberblood lipidcholesterolhyperlipidemiahamsters
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第一階段結果顯示,與F組比較,攝取B和M樣品能顯著(p < 0.05)降低倉鼠血清中TC含量,及增加糞便TG含量。另外,B組的血清LDL-C顯著降低,而M組的糞便水分顯著增加。從第二階段可看到膳食纖維有增強B樣品調節血脂的效果。添加柑橘纖維有助於血清TC下降更低。在I組和O組能看到血清HDL-C/TC比例有顯著提高,而在I組和W組看到糞便水分的增加。添加柑橘纖維、小麥糊精和燕麥纖維皆能降低血清LDL-C含量,從而使血清LDL-C/TC比例顯著降低。但攝取這五種樣品對血清TG和糞便TC含量則無明顯差異。
Considering that high-fat diet and sedentary lifestyle have become so ingrained in the society, many food companies have produced various kinds of functional food products which are able to reduce blood cholesterol levels to achieve a lower prevalence of CVD in the society. Berries, with their rich nutrition content and beneficial effects on cardiovascular health, can be taken into consideration as a functional food ingredient. Dietary fiber (DF) has been commonly added in many food products with a wide range of purposes, one of which is to increase their health benefits because it has been known to lower blood lipid levels.
The first stage of this study used hyperlipidemic Golden Syrian hamsters to evaluate the lipid-lowering effect of two berry-based beverages: a puree of berries (B) and a puree of berries and Jew’s ear mushroom (M). Later in the second stage, in order to enhance the lipid-lowering effect of the puree, three new formulations based on B, added with different sources of DF, i.e. citrus fiber (I), wheat dextrin (W), and oat fiber (O), were designed and evaluated for their lipid-lowering effect. Hamsters fed high-fat diet without sample were used as the high-fat control (F). Serum TC, TG, HDL-C, LDL-C levels, fecal moisture, fecal TC, and fecal TG contents were evaluated after eight weeks.
Results showed that compared with F, intakes of B and M managed to reduce serum TC levels and increase fecal TG content significantly (p < 0.05). Significant reduction in serum LDL-C levels was only seen in B, while increase in fecal moisture content only in M. In the second stage, DF enrichment showed some enhancing effects. With I enrichment, serum TC was further decreased. Significant increases in HDL-C/TC ratios were observed in I and O, and fecal moisture contents in I and W. Serum LDL-C levels were further decreased by all types of DF, causing significant LDL-C/TC decreases. Serum TG levels and fecal TC contents were not significantly lowered by all types of purees.
It was concluded that B had an overall better lipid-lowering effect than M, and the most effective enrichment ingredient for B was I, then followed by O and W. This study could provide some hints about the potential hypolipidemic effect of berry mixture and the best possible DF choices for its enrichment.
Acknowledgements i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
Table of Contents v
List of Tables viii
List of Figures x

1. Introduction 1
1.1. Cardiovascular disease and hyperlipidemia 1
1.2. Plasma lipids and lipoproteins 2
1.2.1. LDL- and HDL-cholesterol 3
1.2.2. Triglycerides 3
1.2.3. Total cholesterol 5
1.3. Berries 5
1.3.1. Definitions of berry 5
1.3.2. Chemical composition and health effects of berries 6
1.3.3. Lipid-lowering activities of some berries 7
1.4. Dietary fiber 9
1.4.1. Definition of dietary fiber (DF) 9
1.4.2. Classification of DF 10
1.4.3. Physicochemical properties and physiological effects of DF 10
1.4.4. Lipid-lowering effects of DF 13
1.4.5. Application of DF in functional food 14
1.4.6. DF samples 15
1.5. Animal study 16
2. Purpose 18
3. Materials and methods 20
3.1. Sample composition 20
3.2. Animal’s diet 20
3.3. Sample dosage 21
3.4. Environmental conditions for animals 21
3.5. Blood sample collection 27
3.6. Fecal sample collection 27
3.7. Blood sample analyses 27
3.7.1. Serum TG analysis 27
3.7.2. Serum TC analysis 28
3.7.3. Serum HDL-C analysis 28
3.7.4. Serum LDL-C calculation 29
3.8. Fecal moisture determination 29
3.9. Fecal lipid analysis 30
3.9.1. Fecal lipid extraction 30
3.9.2. Fecal TG analysis 30
3.9.3. Fecal TC analysis 30
3.10. Statistical analysis 31
4. Results and discussion 32
Part I. Evaluation of blood lipid-lowering potential of berry and berry-mushroom purees
4.1. Effects of feeding berry and berry-mushroom purees on hamsters’ growth performance and food intake 32
4.2. Effects of feeding berry and berry-mushroom purees on hamsters’ blood lipid 35
4.2.1. Serum TG 35
4.2.2. Serum TC 36
4.2.3. Serum HDL-C 40
4.2.4. Serum LDL-C 41
4.3. Effects of feeding berry and berry-mushroom purees on hamsters’ fecal moisture content 44
4.4. Effects of feeding berry and berry-mushroom purees on hamsters’ fecal lipid content 46
4.4.1. Fecal TG 46
4.4.2. Fecal TC 46
4.5. Brief summary of part I results 48
Part II. Evaluation of blood lipid-lowering potential of dietary fiber-enriched berry purees
4.6. Effects of feeding DF-enriched berry purees on hamsters’ growth performance and food intake 49
4.7. Effects of feeding DF-enriched berry purees on hamsters’ blood lipid 49
4.7.1. Serum TG 49
4.7.2. Serum TC 50
4.7.3. Serum HDL-C 56
4.7.4. Serum LDL-C 56
4.8. Effects of feeding DF-enriched berry purees on hamsters’ fecal moisture content 63
4.9. Effects of feeding DF-enriched berry purees on hamsters’ fecal lipid content 69
4.9.1. Fecal TG 69
4.9.2. Fecal TC 69
4.10. Brief summary of part II results 69
4.11. Brief summary of part I and part II results 70
5. Conclusion 72
6. References 73
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