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研究生(外文):Jin-Feng Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Studies on the physicochemical properties of mucilage from the seed of Citrus grandis Osbeck with ultrasound and enzymatic assisted extraction
外文關鍵詞:mucilageultrasonicenzymemolecular weightintrinsic viscosity
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柚子(Citrus grandis Osbeck)為柚屬芸香科(Rutaceae),是台灣重要的經濟作物而其種子為加工廢棄物,在相關研究發現其含有豐富的黏質多醣,目前工業上萃取果膠多醣方法皆以高溫(70~100℃)、高酸( pH 1.5~3.0)及長時間方式萃取,這種萃取方法易產生大量汙染廢水及較高的經濟成本,然近年來追求高經濟性、低汙染、安全性的綠色萃取方式,其中超音波及酵素處理被認為是相當具有潛力的綠色萃取技術。因此在本實驗中先以反應曲面法探討超音波萃取因子(超音波溫度、振幅及時間)對萃取柚子種籽黏質多醣產率的影響,發現多醣產率隨超音波溫度及振幅上升而增加而後下降,並其多醣產率隨超音波作用時間上升而增加再逐漸趨緩,並進一步求得最大化多醣產率的最佳萃取條件為萃取溫度53℃、超音波振幅84%、超音波作用時間40分鐘,經驗證實驗得最佳超音波萃取多醣產率為4.86 ± 0.22%與模型預測產率4.86%沒有顯著性差異。以電子顯微鏡可以觀察到柚子種籽外殼受超音波處理後有明顯的破壞效果。之後分析水浴萃取、最佳化超音波萃取、酵素萃取及超音波輔助酵素萃取所得黏質多醣之理化特性。
在多醣產率方面,添加酵素的組別其多醣產率(5.21~8.61%)皆有顯著提升,且柚子種籽經超音波處理皆增加酵素萃取多醣的產率,但在單糖組成則發現酵素萃取的組別其醣醛酸含量均下降而中性糖含量則提高,顯示多醣純度下降;在酯化度方面實驗所得多醣皆屬於高酯化度多醣(DE值> 50%)。
Citrus grandis Osbeck is Rutaceae, an important cash crop for Taiwan and whose seeds are processed waste. In the related research found that it is rich in mucilage. The extraction method used in the industry is based on the application of acids (pH 1.5–3.0) & high temperature (70–100 °C) and this extraction method is prone to pollution and high economic costs. In recent years, the pursuit of high economy, low pollution, safety of environment-friendly (green) extraction technologies, including ultrasonic and enzyme treatment is considered to have the potential of environment-friendly (green) extraction technologies. Therefore, in this experiment, the effect of ultrasonic extraction factor (ultrasonic temperature, amplitude and time) on the yield of Citrus grandis Osbeck seed was discussed by response surface methodology. It was found that the yield of polysaccharide increased and then decreased with the increase of ultrasonic temperature and amplitude. And the yield of polysaccharide increases with the ultrasonic extraction time and then gradually slow down. The optimum conditions for maximum polysaccharide yield were as follows: extraction temperature 53℃, ultrasonic amplitude 84%, ultrasonic extraction time 40 min. Under the actual optimum extraction parameters, the polysaccharide yield was 4.86 (± 0.22%), which was closely agreed to the predicted yield 4.86%. Electron microscopy can be observed by the outer hull of Citrus grandis Osbeck seed by ultrasonic treatment has obvious damage effect. The physicochemical properties of the polysaccharides were analyzed by water bath extraction, optimized ultrasonic extraction, enzyme extraction and ultrasonic assisted enzyme extraction.
In the yield of polysaccharides, the yield of polysaccharides (5.21 ~ 8.61%) was significantly improved by enzyme extraction, and the yield of polysaccharides increased by ultrasonic assisted enzyme extraction. However, in the monosaccharide composition by enzyme extraction, the content of uronic acid was decreased and the content of neutral sugar was increased, indicating that the purity of polysaccharide decreased. FT-IR spectrum of the polysaccharide extracted from the seed of Citrus grandis Osbeck implied that the polysaccharides are all high degree of esterification polysaccharide (DE> 50%).
In the molecular weight and intrinsic viscosity, the polysaccharides under ultrasonic treatment were degraded by ultrasonic, so that the molecular weight and intrinsic viscosity were significantly decreased. And in the process of enzyme extraction may produce rich in branched-chain polysaccharides, making the intrinsic viscosity decreased but have a higher molecular weight. The mild condition of the water bath extraction polysaccharide has a higher molecular weight and intrinsic viscosity, and its dynamic viscoelasticity is found to start gel at a concentration of 1%.
四、木質纖維素(lignocellulose) ……………………………………………17
(一)木聚醣酶 (Xylanase) ………………………………………………20
(二)半纖維素酶 (Hemicellulase) ………………………………………20
(三) β-葡聚醣酶 (β-Glucanase) …………………………………………21
(二) Box-Behnken design(BBD) ………………………………………28
(二)動態黏彈性 (Dynamic viscoelasticity) ……………………………50
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