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研究生(外文):Chen-Fang Hsiao
論文名稱(外文):Evaluation of acid precipitation on the function properties of desalted duck egg white and its application
指導教授(外文):Deng-Cheng liu
外文關鍵詞:acid precipitationdesalted duck egg whitefunction propertiesmayonnaise
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鹹鴨蛋為我國常見含高鹽份醃漬之加工蛋製品,其中鹹鴨蛋黃常作為傳統小吃及糕餅之材料,而鹹鴨蛋白為製程中大量產生之副產物,含有約10 %蛋白質,但因其鹽度高達4-12 %進而限制其使用範圍,故多廢棄處理,然而此舉將造成蛋白質資源之浪費及環境汙染之問題產生。文獻指出鹹鴨卵白之利用皆受限於高鹽分含量之特性,因此欲改善鹹鴨卵白之利用,其關鍵在於如何有效除去鹽分。故本試驗旨在探討 (1) 將探討以有機酸調整鹹鴨卵白至等電點沉澱並水洗除鹽對鹹鴨卵白物化性質之影響,(2) 為以酸沉澱及二次水洗之除鹽鹹鴨卵白取代50、60及70 %蛋黃製備蛋黃醬,並探討其質地、顯微結構及於4±2℃貯存28天期間蛋黃醬品質之變化。

結果顯示:鹹鴨卵白酸沉澱之最適有機酸及pH值分別為以醋酸調整至pH 2.5及以乳酸調整至pH 2.0進行沉澱,產率分別為前者69.43 %,後者為60.59 %。二者經二次水洗之產率分別醋酸處理組為52.84 %及乳酸處理組為52.18 %,除鹽效率分別醋酸處理組可達94.45 %及乳酸處理組可達96.25 %,並可使總生菌數減少至<1 log cfu/g,及去除沙門氏菌的作用。酸沉澱及二次水洗之除鹽鹹鴨卵白於高pH值下 (pH 11.5-13) 有較佳之溶解度,且乳酸沉澱及二次水洗之除鹽鹹鴨卵白其溶解度高於醋酸組;酸沉澱及二次水之除鹽鹹鴨卵白經加熱 (90℃,3h;100℃,1 h) 無法形成凝膠;但於蛋白質功能性方面,經酸沉澱及二次水洗之除鹽處理能改善卵白之起泡力及乳化力,且醋酸組之起泡力優於乳酸組,然乳化力則反之。以醋酸或乳酸沉澱及二次水洗之除鹽鹹鴨卵白,配製成60 %卵白液取代蛋黃50、60及70 %以製備蛋黃醬,能有效降低膽固醇含量;依據顯微結構觀察及質地分析 (黏性及高峰值) 則以較低取代比例 (50 %) 有較趨近於對照組之結果。以上述之條件所製備之蛋黃醬,將於4℃下貯藏28天,而依據貯藏之乳化安定性、過氧化價、2-硫巴比妥酸值、pH值、色澤分析、總生菌數、酵母菌和黴菌數及感官品評之結果顯示,以醋酸沉澱及二次水洗除鹽鹹鴨卵白取代50 %蛋黃製備之蛋黃醬有最相近或是優於對照組之結果。綜觀上述,以醋酸或乳酸沉澱及二次水洗之除鹽鹹鴨卵白取代蛋黃製備蛋黃醬具有可行性,且可有效降低其膽固醇含量;另外,依據感官品評結果可知以醋酸沉澱及二次水洗之除鹽鹹鴨卵白取代50 %蛋黃製備蛋黃醬是為最佳建議取代量。
Salted duck egg is one of the most traditional and popular duck egg products in Taiwan, which is cured in high concentration of saline. The most valuable product of salted duck egg is the egg yolk which is widely used in traditional Chinese foods and bakery such as filling of mooncakes. The salted duck egg white (containing 10% protein) is a by-product of the salted egg yolk processing which has not been fully utilized due to its high salinity (4-12% w/w). Therefore, salted duck egg white was discarded as waste leading to environmental pollution and protein waste. Several researches have been reported that the recycle of salted egg white was difficult to widely utilization because of the high concentration of sodium chloride. Therefore, desalinization is the key point to utilize salted egg white in large quantity. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate: (1) the change of physicochemical and functional properties of salted duck egg white treated by precipitated by organic acid and twice washings; (2) the change in quality of mayonnaise which was replaced 50, 60 and 70 % of egg yolk by desalted duck egg white precipitated by acetic acid and twice washings (ADDE) or lactic acid and twice washings (LDDE).

The results showed that the optimum precipitation of organic acid and pH value was acetic acid at pH 2.5 and lactic acid at pH 2.0, respectively. The yield of former was 69.43 % and the latter was 60.59 %. After twice washings, the yield of ADDE and LDDE was 52.84 % and 52.18 %, individually and the desalinating efficiency of ADDE and LDDE were 94.45 % and 96.25 %, respectively. Moreover, the total plate count of all samples were reduced to <1 log cfu/g and no Salmonella spp. was detected. Solubility of ADDE and LDDE increased with higher pH value (pH 11.5-13), and the former was lower than the latter. The heat-induced gel of ADDE and LDDE could not be performed at 90℃ for 3 h or 100℃ for 1 h. Acid precipitation and twice washings could improve the foaming ability and emulsifying capacity of desalted duck egg white. However, the foaming ability of ADDE was better than LDDE, but the emulsifying capacity of ADDE was lower than LDDE. Mayonnaise which made by replaced 50, 60 and 70 % of ADDE or LDDE (60 wt %) solution to egg yolk showed significant reducing in the cholesterol content. Based on the data of microstructure and texture, the 50 % replacing treatment had the most similar result as control. During storage at 4℃ for 28days, the change of emulsifying stability, peroxide value, 2-thiobarbituric acid value (TBA value), pH value, color, total plate counts and yeast and mold counts of ADDE50 was similar to or better than the control. In conclusion, according to the result of all sensory panel, the most optimum replaced rate for egg yolk in mayonnaise was 50% of ADDE.
致謝 i
中文摘要 ii
英文摘要 iv
表次 ix
圖次 xi
壹、前言 1
貳、文獻探討 3
一、鹹鴨卵白之介紹 3
(一) 鹹鴨卵白生產方式及現況 3
(二) 鹹鴨卵白營養組成 4
(三) 卵白之功能性 11
二、除鹽方式之介紹 14
(一) 離子交換層析法 (ion-exchange chromatography) 14
(二) 透析法 14
(三) 電滲透析法 15
(四) 超過濾法 18
(五) 蛋白質沉澱純化法 23
三、 NaCl及pH值對卵白蛋白質功能性之影響 26
(一) 凝固性 26
(二) 起泡性 28
(三) 乳化性 29
四、蛋黃醬 (Mayonnaise) 32
(一) 蛋黃醬之介紹 32
(二) 蛋黃醬之營養組成 33
(三) 蛋黃醬之主要成分 36
(四) 蛋黃醬之乳化機制 37
(五) 蛋黃醬乳化不安定之現象 37
五、蛋黃醬組成分之取代 43
(一) 油脂減少的方式 43
(二) 膽固醇減少的方式 48
参、材料與方法 53
一、酸沉澱除鹽鹹鴨卵白之製備 53
(一) 原料來源 53
(二) 鹹鴨卵白酸沉澱除鹽條件之設立 53
(三) 酸沉澱除鹽鹹鴨卵白溶解度之測定 53
(四) 酸沉澱除鹽鹹鴨卵白功能性之測定 54
二、添加酸沉澱除鹽鹹鴨卵白對蛋黃醬於4℃儲藏期間其品質之影響 55
(一) 原料來源 55
(二) 蛋黃醬之製備 55
(三) 試驗設計 55
四、分析項目 59
(一) 一般化學組成分析 (chemical composition analysis) 59
(二) pH值 62
(三) 產率 (yield) 62
(四) 除鹽率 (desalinating efficiency) 63
(五) 溶解度 (solubility) 63
(六) 起泡力 (foaming ability) 63
(七) 乳化力 (emulsifying capacity) 63
(八) 凝膠性 (heat-induced gel) 64
(九) 黏性測定 (viscosity test) 64
(十) 總生菌數 (total plate count) 65
(十一) 酵母菌及黴菌數 (yeast and mold count) 65
(十二) 沙門氏菌之檢測 (Salmonella spp.) 66
(十三) 膽固醇含量 (cholesterol content) 67
(十四) 顯微結構觀察 (microstructure) 68
(十五) 過氧化價 (peroxide value, POV) 70
(十六) 2-硫巴比妥酸值 (2-thiobarbituric acid value, TBA value) 71
(十七) 乳化安定性 (emulsifying stability) 72
(十八) 色澤分析 (color) 72
(十九) 感官品評 (sensory panel) 73
(二十) 統計分析 (statistics analysis) 73
肆、結果與討論 74
一、鹹鴨卵白酸沉澱之最適有機酸及pH值之選擇 74
(一) 鹹鴨卵白酸沉澱之乾物質分析 74
(二) 鹹鴨卵白酸沉澱之產率及乾物質產率分析 74
二、水洗對酸沉澱鹹鴨卵白之產率及除鹽效率之評估 81
(一) 產率 81
(二) 除鹽效率 81
三、酸沉澱及二次水洗除鹽處理對鹹鴨卵白功能性之影響 89
(一) 溶解度 89
(二) 凝膠性 89
(三) 起泡力 90
(四) 乳化力 90
四、酸沉澱及二次水洗除鹽處理對除鹽鹹鴨卵白微生物品質之影響 102
(一) 總生菌數檢測 102
(二) 沙門氏菌檢測 102
五、以酸沉澱及二次水洗之除鹽鹹鴨卵白取代蛋黃對蛋黃醬品質之影響 104
(一) 一般化學組成分析 104
(二) 膽固醇含量分析 105
(三) 顯微結構觀察 108
(三) 黏性測定 112
六、酸沉澱及二次水洗之除鹽鹹鴨卵白取代蛋黃對蛋黃醬於其儲存期間品質之影響 116
(一) 乳化安定性 116
(二) 過氧化價 118
(三) TBA值 (2-thiobarbituric acid, TBA) 122
(四) pH值 125
(五) 色澤分析 128
(六) 微生物品質 136
(七) 感官品評 139
伍、結論 153
陸、文獻 155
柒、附錄 171
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