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研究生(外文):Hsun-Yi Chiu
論文名稱(外文):Effects of different injecting percentages and tumbling time on the quality of Taiwanese-style braised loin chashao during storage at 12 ~ 15 ° C
外文關鍵詞:InjectingTumblingTaiwanese-style braised loin chashao
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商業上多以注射、滾打或按摩技術取代傳統醃漬處理縮短醃漬所需之時間,許多研究指出注射、滾打或按摩有利於醃漬液分佈均勻,且可破壞肌肉結構、改變蛋白質特性及增加肉製品之保水力,進而提高產品之風味及多汁性。故本研究旨在探討 (1) 不同醃漬液注射率 (0、10、20及30%) 與不同滾打時間 (3、6及9小時) 對台式滷煮里脊叉燒加工特性及感官品評之影響及 (2) 注射30%醃漬液及不同滾打時間 (6及9小時) 之台式滷煮里脊叉燒於12~15°C儲藏12週期間品質之變化。

試驗一之結果顯示:滾打產率及烹煮產率隨著注射率增加有明顯上升之現象,反之,烹煮失重則隨著注射率增加有下降之趨勢。當滾打時間增加至6小時及9小時,則可發現對照組、10%及30%注射率之處理組其烹煮產率皆高於3小時處理組。感官品評部分,以注射30%醃漬液且滾打6小時或9小時有最佳之表現。試驗二則依據上述最佳之加工及感官品評結果進行儲藏試驗,結果顯示:各組別之脂肪氧化程度皆隨著儲藏時間增加而上升,且所有處理組之數值皆有低於對照組之趨勢。微生物方面,各組別之總生菌數於儲藏期間皆小於1.0 log CFU/g,而乳酸菌則皆未測得。嫩度方面,所有處理組皆顯著低於對照組 (P < 0.05)。感官品評方面,所有處理組之各項品評分數皆高於對照組,其中注射30%醃漬液且經滾打9小時之台式滷煮里脊叉燒有最佳之多汁性及總接受度。綜觀上述,經注射30%醃漬液且滾打9小時處理可顯著有效提高台式滷煮里脊叉燒之加工特性、嫩度及感官特性,並於12~15°C儲藏12週期間產品品質仍可保持穩定。
In commercial, traditional curing process is usually replaced with new techniques such as injection, tumbling or massaging to reduce time of curing process. Many reports have shown that injection, tumbling or massaging contributed to uniform distribution of marinade agent, destroy the muscle structure, change protein properties, increase water binding capacity of meat products, and consequently to improve the flavor and juiciness of products. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate: (1) effects of different injecting percentages of marinade agent (0, 10, 20 and 30%) and tumbling time (3, 6 and 9 hours) on processing characteristics and sensory panel of Taiwanese-style braised loin chashao; (2) changes in the quality of Taiwanese-style braised loin chashao with 30% marinade agent treated by different tumbling time (6 and 9 hours) stored at 12~15°C for 12 weeks.

The results of the first experiment showed that tumbling yield and cooking yield of Taiwanese-style braised loin chashao significantly increased with the increase of injecting percentages, on the contrary, cooking loss decreased with the increase of injecting percentages. Data can be evidenced that the cooking yield of control, 10% and 30% injection with tumbling time for 6 and 9 hours were higher than that for 3 hours. For sensory panel, the lots of 30% marinade agent and tumbling for 6 or 9 hours had the best performance. Based on the conduction of the first experiment, the samples were prepared with 30% marinade agent and tumbling for 6 or 9 hours for secondary storage test. The results showed that the degree of lipid oxidation in each treatment increased with the storage time increasing, and the values of all the treatments were lower than the control. In the part of microorganism, the total plate count in each treatment was less than 1.0 log CFU / g during whole storage, however, lactic acid bacteria were not detected in this experiment. The shear force (tenderness) of all treatments were significantly lower than control (P <0.05). In the sensory panel, the scores of all items in all treatments were higher than control, and Taiwanese-style braised loin chashao with 30% marinade agent and tumbling for 9 hours had the best juiciness and overall acceptance. In conclusion, treatment of injection 30% marinade agent and tumbling for 9 hours was evidenced significantly to improve the processing characteristics, tenderness and sensory characteristics of Taiwanese-style braised loin chashao and the quality of this product can be kept stable during storage at 12~15°C for 12 weeks.
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
表次 v
圖次 vii
壹、前言 1
貳、文獻探討 3
一、台灣地區的肉品生產與消費概況 3
二、傳統滷製與叉燒之介紹 3
(一) 傳統滷製簡介 3
(二) 傳統叉燒簡介 4
三、食品增稠劑-食用膠之介紹及使用 6
(一) 食用膠之種類與使用 6
(二) 食用膠於肉品加工之功能與應用 10
四、注射、按摩及滾打技術在肉品加工之應用 12
(一) 注射技術 (injection) 12
(二) 滾打技術 (tumbling) 13
五、食品加熱殺菌方法與應用 16
(一) 微生物生長繁殖所需的條件 16
(二) 肉品敗壞之原因 18
(三) 食品加熱殺菌之原理與方法 19
六、儲藏溫度對肉品之影響 25
(一) 低溫儲藏 25
參、材料與方法 30
試驗一、台式滷煮里脊叉燒之製備流程及注射量與滾打時間的設定 30
(一) 原料來源 30
(二) 醃漬液與滷煮汁之製備 30
(三) 台式滷製里脊叉燒之製備流程設定 32
(四) 台式滷煮里脊叉燒之注射量與滾打時間的設定及試驗設計 33
試驗二、台式滷製里脊叉燒於12~15°C儲藏期間品質之評估 35
(一) 原料來源 35
(二) 醃漬液與滷煮汁之製備 35
(三) 台式滷煮里脊叉燒之製備流程 35
(四) 產品12~15°C儲藏試驗設計 35
三、分析項目 37
(一) 滾打產率 (tumbling yield) 37
(二) 烹煮產率 (cooking yield) 37
(三) 蒸煮失重 (cooking loss) 37
(四) 一般化學組成分析 (proximate analysis) 38
(五) pH值 40
(六) 2-硫巴比妥酸值 (2-thiobarbituric acid, TBA) 41
(七) 共軛雙烯鍵 (conjugated dienes, CD) 42
(八) 總生菌數 (total plate count) 43
(九) 乳酸菌數 (lactic acid bacteria count) 43
(十) 質地分析 (texture analysis) 43
(十一) 感官品評 (sensory panel) 44
(十二) 統計分析 (statistics analysis) 44
肆、結果與討論 45
試驗一、台式滷煮里脊叉燒之製備流程及注射量與滾打時間的設定 45
(一) 滾打產率 45
(二) 烹煮產率 45
(三) 烹煮失重 46
(四) 感官品評 52
試驗二、台式滷煮里脊叉燒於12~15°C儲藏期間品質之評估 61
(一) 一般化學組成 (proximate analysis) 61
(二) pH值 65
(三) 2-硫巴比妥酸 (2-thiobarbituric acid, TBA) 68
(四) 共軛雙烯鍵 (conjugated dienes, CD) 72
(五) 總生菌數 (total plate count) 75
(六) 乳酸菌數 (lactic acid bacteria count) 75
(七) 質地分析 (texture analysis) 78
(八) 感官品評 (sensory panel) 81
伍、結論 94
陸、參考文獻 95
柒、附錄 111

















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