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研究生(外文):Shin-Yu Chiou
論文名稱(外文):Introgression of black skin trait to Chiayi Ju-Chi chicken
外文關鍵詞:Chiayi Ju-Chi chickenintrogressionblack skin traitFibromelanosis
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種原保育的重要性在於維持物種遺傳多樣性與生物的永續利用。隨環境的改變,雞種在適應當地生態、人文環境後,演變出適應環境或不同外觀等變異。國立中興大學自民國71年開始進行台灣土雞的保種工作,將各地的土雞進行活體保種,其中嘉義竹崎土雞最初蒐集時有黑色與白色皮膚,在保種世代間流失黑皮性狀。本試驗主要目的是將黑皮性狀以漸滲雜交的方式導入竹崎雞。試驗一,分析黑皮雞隻與烏骨雞的纖維黑色素基因(Fibromelanosis, Fm),結果Fm基因皆有相同的結構變異。雞隻的黑皮性狀受到Fm基因的調控,因此試驗二,利用漸滲雜交方法將烏骨雞之Fm基因滲入竹崎雞,第一世代以竹崎公雞與烏骨母雞雜交,子代公雞與竹崎母雞持續回交至第四子代並進行黑皮性狀的選拔,比較黑皮竹崎雞、原竹崎雞與烏骨雞之生長性能,結果顯示黑皮竹崎雞體型較原竹崎雞輕小。亦比較黑皮竹崎雞與原竹崎雞的遺傳變異,分析第一型黑素皮質素受體(Melanocortin 1-receptor, MC1R)基因的單倍型,結果顯示黑皮竹崎雞和原竹崎雞的H1單倍型頻率沒有變化。本試驗利用漸滲雜交育種還原竹崎雞的皮膚顏色多樣性,並利用分子輔助固定黑皮性狀,唯黑皮竹崎雞公雞與母雞之體重較原竹崎雞輕、骨架較小。黑皮竹崎雞可作為儲存遺傳資源的基因庫,此竹崎雞種原在未來作為育種改良的種禽。
Conservation of the livestock is important to sustainable use for animal genetic diversity and biodiversity. Along with environment changing, chicken had some variation to adapt the local ecosystems and humanity. Such as different phenotype, structure, physiology and so on. National Chung Hsing University have been doing conservation of the Taiwan local chicken breeds since 1982. One of them is Chaiyi Ju-Chi, which has black or white skin in the beginning, but the black skin trait had disappeared since the conservation period. The main purpose of this study is to insert black skin trait into Ju-Chi via introgression. The first experiment analyzed the Fibromelanosis(Fm) of silky and some other black skin chickens, it showed the genes are very similar mutation. The black skin trait is controlled by Fm gene, therefore, the second experiment is to bring the Fm gene of silky into Ju-Chi via introgression. The first generation is crossbreed by Ju-Chi cocks and silky hens. The male offspring of the first generation are backcrossed with Ju-Chi hens till the fourth generation, then start the selection of black skin trait. The growth performance of Ju-Chi black, original Ju-Chi and silky were compared, it showed that the body size of Ju-Chi black is smaller than Ju-Chi. The genetic variation of Melanocortin 1-receptor(MC1R)gene haploid between Ju-Chi black and original Ju-Chi were also compared. Analyzing of H1 haploid frequence shows Ju-Chi black are no significant difference by original Ju-Chi. This study utilized introgression breeding to recover the diversity of skin color in Ju-Chi, and use marker assisted selection to select black skin trait. However, the weight and body size of Ju-Chi black are smaller than original Ju-Chi. Ju-Chi black can be regard as genetic resources in the gene pool and make use of breeder for improved breeding.
壹、 前言 1
貳、 文獻探討 2
一、 雞隻遺傳資源之種原保育 2
二、 嘉義竹崎雞 5
三、 雞隻黑色素與皮膚顏色性狀之調控 8
四、 漸滲雜交與分子輔助育種 18
參、 材料與方法 20
一、 試驗一,雞隻黑皮性狀之候選基因 20
(一) 試驗雞隻 21
(二) 纖維黑色素基因分析 22
二、 試驗二,黑皮性狀漸滲雜交育種 24
(一) 試驗雞隻 24
(二) 配種模式 27
(三) 飼養管理 28
(四) 性狀測量 29
(五) 統計分析 34
肆、 結果與討論 37
一、 試驗一,雞隻黑皮性狀之候選基因 37
二、 試驗二,黑皮性狀漸滲雜交育種 39
(一) 黑皮性狀表現 39
(二) 分子輔助選拔Fm基因Copy number分析 41
(三) 皮膚色差值表現 44
(四) 第一型黑素皮質素受體基因之遺傳多態性 47
(五) 生長性能 48
伍、 結論 57
陸、 參考文獻 58
柒、 附錄 66
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