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研究生(外文):K.Teepalak Rangubhet
論文名稱:評估菇類廢棄基質青貯料飼糧對荷蘭閹公牛之生長性狀、 瘤胃醱酵與甲烷排放之影響
論文名稱(外文):Evaluation of spent mushroom (Flamulina velutipes) substrate silage-based diets on the growth performance, rumen fermentation, and methane emission in Holstein steers
指導教授(外文):Hsin-I Chiang
口試委員(外文):Yang-Kwang FanJih-Tay HsuChe-Ming YangYuan-Guo Chen
外文關鍵詞:enteric methanespent mushroom substratesilageprotozoasteer
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Direct modification of rumen microbial fermentation could provide universal and cost-effective solutions to reduce methane emissions from ruminant livestock. In this study, nutritive and bioactive values of sawdust-based spent mushroom (golden needle mushroom, Flammulina velutipes) substrate (SMS)-based silage were evaluated and effects of SMS silage-based diet on the growth performance, rumen fermentation and enteric methane emission in Holstein steers were investigated. Spent mushroom substrate and whole crop corn were ensiled for 60 days with or without urea in four recipes as follows: High SMS content without urea (90% SMS and 10% whole crop corn); High SMS content with urea (90% SMS, 1% urea and 9% whole crop corn); Low SMS content without urea (80% SMS and 20% whole crop corn); Low SMS content with urea (80% SMS, 1% urea and 19% whole crop corn) on dry matter (DM) basis. There was improvement on nutritive values in SMS-silage supplemented with urea. Low SMS content with 20% whole crop corn could favor the fermentation of silage. The maximum activity of laccase, lignin peroxidase and manganese peroxidase was found in High-SMS with 1% urea (20.8, 2545, 182 U/L, respectively) throughout the 60 days of fermentation period. Treatment diets that contained high SMS-based silage had higher range of total phenol and tannin (9.63-9.89, 1.96-2.03 mg of GAE/g, respectively) than the low SMS-based silage (9.02-9.22, 1.81-1.89 mg of GAE/g, respectively). SMS level and urea supplementation affected (P < 0.05) the cumulative gas production. High SMS contained in silage without urea could reduce (P < 0.05) gas production. Five dietary treatments were prepared as follows: 1) a control diet made-up of 50% concentrate and 50% bermuda hay (Cynodon dectylon), and 2) four diets formulated by replacing 40% of the bermuda hay in the control diet with the four SMS-based silages described above. Five Holstein steers (mean BW 542 ± 72 kg) were assigned to a 5 × 5 Latin square design and offered the five dietary treatments. The results demonstrated that the digestibility of all nutrients in SMS silage-based diets did not differ from the control diet but there were significantly decreased (P < 0.01) on feed conversion ratio in Holstein steers fed SMS-silage based diets. Nitrogen balance tended to be increased (P = 0.06) in animals fed SMS silage which contained 1% urea. Energy loss as methane energy was reduced (P < 0.05) in animal fed SMS silage-based diet. Holstein steers fed with SMS silage-based diets showed blood characteristics within the normal range as the steers fed control diet. Moreover, results of the rumen fermentation revealed that Holstein steers fed diets containing SMS-based silages had lower total protozoa population (3.75 × 105/mL vs. 6.09 × 105/mL), rumen acetate (55.43 mM/L vs. 57.61 mM/L) and methane emission (211 g/day vs. 252 g/day) (P < 0.05) than Holstein steers fed control diet. When comparing the inclusion levels of SMS-based silages in the diets, cattle fed diets with lower levels of SMS-based silages (80% SMS) had higher acetate contents (56.61 mM/L vs. 54.25), protozoa population (3.92 × 105/mL vs. 2.84 × 105/mL) and methane emission (226 g/day vs. 196 g/day) than animal fed diets with higher levels of SMS-based silage (90% SMS). The study revealed that spent Flamulina velutipes substrate silage can be used as forage source in Holstein steers which shows no significant effect on animal health. Feeding steers SMS-based silage can significantly elevate the balance of energy, hence increase body weight gain as well. This work also supports methane mitigating strategies based on reduction of rumen protozoa populations, and the inhibition of methanogenesis in the rumen probably through the presence of phenolic compounds. The study thus unveiled a novel migration strategy for reducing greenhouse gas production in ruminants using agro-industrial by-products. It is also a possible strategy to replace 20% bermuda hay (DM basis) in rations of Holstein steers to reduce feed cost up to 40 NTD/kg ADG.

Acknowledgements i
Abstract ii
Contents iv
List of Tables vii
List of Figures viii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Literature Review 3
1.2.1 Spent mushroom substrate (SMS) 3 Nutritive value of SMS 3 Bioactive compound of SMS 4 In vitro digestibility of SMS 6
1.2.2 Applying SMS as roughage source for ruminant feed 6 SMS silage-based diets 6 Effects of SMS on animal health 7 Effects of tannin complex protein in rumen 9
1.2.3 Methane emission and methane mitigation strategies 12
1.2.4 Protozoa population and methane emission 16
1.2.5 Urea supplementation 18
Chapter 2 Evaluation of SMS-based silage on nutritive and bioactive values 20
2.1 Introduction 20
2.2 Materials and methods 21
2.2.1 Mushroom cultivation 21
2.2.2 Silage preparation 21
2.2.3 Chemical analysis 22
2.2.4 Silage fermentative characteristics 22
2.2.5 In vitro gas production 23
2.3 Results and discussion 26
2.3.1 Nutritional composition 26
2.3.2 Silage quality parameters 28
2.3.3 Bioactive compositions 30
2.3.4 In vitro gas production 32
2.4 Conclusions 35
Chapter 3 Economic and evaluation of SMS silage-based diets on growth performance and blood characteristics in Holstein steers 36
3.1 Introduction 36
3.2 Materials and methods 37
3.2.1 Silage preparation 37
3.2.2 Animal experiment 38
3.2.3 Chemical analysis 38
3.2.4 Blood characteristics 39
3.2.5 Statistical analysis 40
3.3 Results and discussion 41
3.3.1 Ingredients andchemical composition 41
3.3.2 Daily feed intake and digestibility 44
3.3.3 Daily weight gain and retention of nitrogen and energy 47
3.3.4 Blood characteristics 49
3.3.5 Economic evaluation 51
3.4 Conclusions 52
Chapter 4 Evaluation of SMS silage-based diets on rumen fermentation and methane emission in Holstein steers 53
4.1 Introduction 53
4.2 Materials and methods 54
4.2.1 Experimental design and animal management 54
4.2.2 Rumen fermentation 54
4.2.3 Protozoa quantification 55
4.2.4 Methane emission 56
4.2.5 Statistical analysis 58
4.3 Results and discussion 59
4.3.1 Rumen fermentation parameters 59
4.3.2 Protozoa population and methane emission 63
4.4 Conclusions 66
Chapter 5 Conclusions 67
References 68
Publication list 79
Curriculum vitae 82

List of Tables

Table 1 Blood characteristics for healthy cattle 8
Table 2 Methane abatement strategies, mechanism of abatement, and considerations for use 15
Table 3 Nutritional composition (on DM basis) of SMS-based silage 27
Table 4 Silage quality parameters (on DM basis) of SMS-based silage 29
Table 5 Bioactive compounds of SMS-based silage (on DM basis) 31
Table 6 In vitro gas production and gas production parameters of SMS-based silage (on DM basis) 34
Table 7 Ingredients and chemical composition of treatment diets 43
Table 8 Daily intake of feed component (on DM basis) in Holstein steers fed with SMS silage-based diets 45
Table 9 Digestibility (on DM basis) of nutrients in Holstein steers fed with SMS silage-based diets 46
Table 10 Average body weight, dry matter intake, FCR and retention of nitrogen and energy in Holstein steers fed SMS silage-based diets (on DM basis) 48
Table 11 Blood characteristics in Holstein steers fed SMS silage-based diets (on DM basis) 50
Table 12 Economic evaluation of feeding SMS silage-based diets to Holstein steers 51
Table 13 Rumen fermentation parameters in Holstein steers fed with SMS silage-based diets (on DM basis) 62
Table 14 Methane emission and protozoa population in Holstein steers fed with SMS silage-based diets (on DM basis) 65

List of Figures

Figure 1 Flammulina velutipes (golden needle mushroom)
Figure 2 Spent mushroom substrate from Flammulina velutipe 2
Figure 3 Monomeric units of condensed (catechin and gallocatechin) and hydrolysable tannins (gallic and ellagic acid). 6
Figure 4 The chemical structure effect of tannins on protein bounding 12
Figure 5 The mechanism of formation and disassociation of tannin-protein complex in ruminant gastrointestinal tract 13
Figure 6 Rumen microorganisms, including bacteria, protozoa, and fungi, ferment carbohydrates to obtain energy and generate significant amounts of reducing equivalents (FADH2, NADH and others) in the process 16
Figure 7 Relationship between methane emission and rumen protozoa concentration 21
Figure 8 Urea pathway 23
Figure 9 Glass syringes, for in vitro gas production technique, with samples were incubated at 39 ºC for 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36 and 48 h 30
Figure 10 Kinetic parameter fitted by Y = a+b (1-e-ct) 31
Figure 11 In vitro gas production of SMS based-silage (on DM basis) 40
Figure 12 Blood collected from tail vein and prepared into blood collection tube 48
Figure 13 Protozoa populations (A) counted by counting chamber (B) 69
Figure 14 Cattle was confined in individual respiration chambers 71
Figure 15 Gas (A) collected from the respiration chambers and methane analyzed by GC (B) 71

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