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研究生(外文):Hsin-Yu Lin
論文名稱(外文):Banks’ Interbank Exposure and Systemic Risk
外文關鍵詞:InterconnectednessInterbank exposureMaturity mismatch∆CoVaRSystemic RiskBanking sector
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本研究發現銀行同業暴險與期限錯配比例對於銀行系統風險皆具有正向關係,藉由銀行於同業間的暴險程度探討系統風險,可提供監管機關從整體銀行同業市場角度來制定未來銀行法規,此外,研究顯示擁有較高期限錯配比例的銀行對於整體系統具有更大的威脅,本研究結果支持IMF(2013) 所提出的論點,監管單位應加強有關銀行期限錯配之流動性法規限制。
The financial crisis of 2008 has raised the awareness of the need to reinforce the control of systemic risk stem from the connections between financial institutions, particularly focus on the issue about the connection between the interconnectedness among banks and systemic risk. This paper studies whether interconnectedness stem from interbank exposure and maturity mismatch cause banks to bring about higher marginal contribution to the whole system. We first use ∆CoVaR to measure externality each bank imposes on the financial system, then we employ panel data techniques to analyze the relationship between bank characteristics and systemic risk. Our sample focus on Top 100 publicly traded commercial banks in the United States over the period 2006-2016.
Our results demonstrate banks with higher interbank exposure and maturity mismatch have a higher contribution to systemic risk. Using interbank exposure variable can let supervisors be aware of the systemic risk present in the whole system. Furthermore, we find bank with higher maturity mismatch contribute adversely to the financial system. Our finding support the view of IMF (2013) that it is important for supervisors to implement a systemic perspective on bank liquidity regulation related to maturity mismatch.
摘 要 i
Abstract i
List of Tables iv
1. Introduction 1
2. Literature Review 6
2.1 Systemic Risk 6
2.2 Financial Institution’s Individual Characteristics Relate to Systemic Risk 8
2.3 Financial Institution’s Interconnectedness and Systemic Risk 10
3. Data and Methodology 15
3.1 Data 15
3.2 Measuring Systemic Risk with CoVaR 15
3.3 Estimating the Impact of Interconnectedness 19
4. Empirical Results 21
5. Conclusions 25
References 27
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