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研究生(外文):Chun-Kuan Wu
論文名稱(外文):A feasibility of optical methods for measuring steel ball center for 5-axis machine tool calibration
指導教授(外文):Jenq-Shyong Chen
外文關鍵詞:static error measurementinterferometerimage measurementon-line measurementvirtual image
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本論文研究五軸工具機之快速、線上靜態誤差量測系統設計評估,設計上以克服傳統量測系統量測上的限制為主,其中包含增加工作距離、建立三維量測系統、提升對加工環境之抗性、降低參考點成本為目標。定位刀尖點的方法為使用鋼球(master ball)之球心當作工件參考點(artifacts),鋼球由各個面方向觀察,其形狀、光反射條件皆相同,與五軸工具機各個方向加工之情境相同。量測方法以影像處理做為基礎,影像量測可以降低因為環境干擾所產生的誤差量,增加工作距離,並且同時獲得三維數據,減少量測時間。
This study is about the feasibility of the newly designed static error measurement system for five-axis machine tool to measure geometry errors. The function requirements are to overcome the limitation of the measurement systems developed before, including increasing the working distance, applying three-dimension measurement, enhance the ability to use under the processing environment, lower the price of the reference point. The tool center point (TCP) was represent by a steel ball, named artifacts by researchers. The steel ball feature is having the same shape observed from all direction, giving that all the reflection from all direction behave as the same. This feature meets the requirements for five-axis machine tool error measuring system due to the TCP coming from all direction as well. Image processing is applied to the system to reach the function requirements.
To measure the center of the steel ball, there are three method mentioned in this thesis, involving contour measuring, sphere face interfering, surface character. Backlight projection is used in contour measuring, the circle center capture by the interferometer estimate the ball displacement, surface character is produced by character light which applied virtual image generated by steel ball. The thesis describes four measurement systems, including backlight method, interferometers method, mirror reflection method, light field camera method. Back light system contains two parallel light, a steel ball, two sensors to build up a three-dimension measuring system. Interferometer system is based on Michelson interferometer by putting a steel ball as the sample and the reference surface is set on the plan side of plan-convex plan with half reflection coating. Mirror reflection system contains four mirror sides giving two capturing angle. Light field camera capture three-dimension picture by micro lens array.
One-dimension experiment is used to evaluate the correlation between steel ball displacements and image displacements, and to verify the anti-processing-environment capability. Back light system reach the precision within 1μm with the system as shown and the precision still remain after adding cutting fluid while the accuracy move 15μm. Interferometer system can’t be used after adding cutting fluid. Mirror system reach the precision within 3μm and 1μm with circle fitting and image correlation while the accuracy move 35μm.
Mirror reflection reach the function requirements. Virtual image is used to generate optical character successfully. Light field camera is expected to be feasible to the static error system development.
摘要 i
Abstract iii
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xi
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.2.1 國際規範 2
1.2.2 傳統量測系統 4
1.2.3 新型三維量測系統 5
1.3 研究創新與進步性 7
1.4 論文架構 8
第2章 成像原理 9
2.1 鋼球干涉條紋原理 9
2.2 背光模組原理 13
2.3 鋼球面虛像成像原理 14
2.4 雙視角反射鏡原理 17
2.5 光場相機原理 18
2.6 影像處理 21
2.6.1 二值化 21
2.6.2 影像形態學 21
2.6.3 數位影像相關法 22
第3章 量測系統設計 23
3.1 干涉式模組 23
3.2 背光式模組 24
3.3 反射鏡式模組 24
3.4 光場相機模組 25
第4章 成像實驗與模擬 27
4.1 實驗設備 27
4.1.1 攝影機 27
4.1.2 雷射光源 27
4.1.3 遠心鏡頭 28
4.1.4 凸透鏡 28
4.1.5 擴束鏡 29
4.1.6 環狀光源 29
4.1.7 環境干擾物 30
4.2 干涉實驗與模擬 30
4.2.1 matlab模擬干涉條紋 30
4.2.2 Zemax模擬干涉條紋 31
4.2.3 鋼球移動與干涉條紋圓心相關性實驗 32
4.2.1 環境干擾實驗 33
4.3 背光實驗 34
4.3.1 鋼球移動與投影輪廓圓心相關性實驗 34
4.3.1 環境干擾與重現性實驗 36
4.4 虛像實驗與模擬 37
4.4.1 Matlab模擬橫向放大率與縱向放大率變化量 37
4.4.2 鋼球移動與虛像圓形特徵關係實驗 41
4.4.1 環境干擾物與重現性實驗 44
4.5 規格比較 45
第5章 結論與未來展望 46
5.1 研究結論 46
5.2 未來展望 47
參考文獻 48
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