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研究生(外文):Chih-Li Hung
論文名稱(外文):The Development of a User Interface for Ultrasonic Vibration Assisted Cutting System
指導教授(外文):Jenq-Shyong Chen
口試委員(外文):Chien-Hung LiuShao-Shien Chen
外文關鍵詞:Ultrasonic vibration assisted cuttingUltrasonic vibration assisted cutting SystemUser Interface
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In recent years, a lot of composites are used in many fields, including car or aerospace. New composite materials need new processing methods, thus ultrasonic vibration assisted machining is extremely important for precision machining. The advantage of ultrasonic vibration assisted cutting (UVAC) is effectively reduction the cutting force, reduction of burrs, increase processing efficiency, surface quality improvement and significant improvement tool life. UVAC can improve the traditional processing methods.
Ultrasonic vibration assisted cutting System (UVACS) can use frequency sweep to find the best resonant frequency for different horn or ultrasonic vibration assisted tool. UVACS has continuous-phase frequency tracking to find the best resonant frequency during machining, it improve the accuracy and stability of processing. However, when users change the horn or ultrasonic vibration assisted tool, they need to change the best resonant frequency. All of the pipeline is to restart frequency sweep, analyze the impedance position, remove the UVACS shell, set the frequency range for single-chip microcomputer data, test UVACS and others apparatus.
Thus, we developed of a user interface to help users operation UVACS, including five functions: user interface switch, Bluetooth distal frequency sweep, HMI change UVACS resonant frequency output range, automatic generation the frequency-phase figure and user interface adjustment the UVACS output amplitude. Our UVACS HMI improved the user working efficiency and accuracy. In addition, we developed visualized-software in computer, and the software could carried to other systems.
In this study, we analyzed the frequency sweep result of UVACS and precision impedance analyzer using two tools, we found that the two frequency sweep results are consistent. The ultrasonic vibration assisted tool adjusted amplitude by user interface, The maximum amplitude is 4μm and the minimum amplitude is 1μm. This study will help users easily and quickly to operate precision machining process.
中文摘要 ................................................. i
Abstract ............................................... iii
目錄 ..................................................... v
圖目錄 ................................................. vii
表目錄 ................................................. xii
第1章 緒論 ............................................... 1
1.1前言 .................................................. 1
1.1.1研究目的與動機 ...................................... 2
1.2文獻回顧 .............................................. 3
1.2.1現今超音波工具機與控制器發展技術 .................... 4
1.2.2超音波振動輔助加工技術與應用 ........................ 7
1.2.3人機介面之應用技術 ................................. 11
1.3本研究的傳承與應用 ................................... 16
1.4專利文獻探索 ......................................... 17
1.4.1專利分析 ........................................... 17
1.4.2國內專利檢索 ....................................... 21
1.5論文架構 ............................................. 23
第2章 超音波輔助加工理論 ................................ 24
2.1超音波輔助加工應用 ................................... 24
2.1.1超音波振動輔助鑽削 ................................. 24
2.1.2超音波振動輔助車削 ................................. 25
2.1.3超音波振動輔助銑削 ................................. 25
2.1.4超音波振動輔助磨削 ................................. 26
2.2超音波振動輔助之驅動原理 ............................ .27
2.2.1壓電材料特性 ....................................... 27
2.2.2蘭杰文(Langevin) ................................... 28
2.2.3超音波變幅桿設計原理與分析 ......................... 29
2.3超音波輔助加工特點 ................................... 31
第3章 系統架構與規劃實驗內容 ............................ 32
3.1人機介面軟體語言與硬體設備 ........................... 34
3.2傳輸通訊介面 ......................................... 41
3.2.1並列與序列通訊簡介 ................................. 41
3.2.2序列資料傳輸協定… ......................... 42
3.3實驗規劃與步驟 ....................................... 43
3.3.1人機開關 ........................................... 44
3.3.2藍芽遠端傳輸 ....................................... 45
3.3.3人機設定頻率輸出範圍 ............................... 46
3.3.4自動繪製頻率相位圖 ................................. 47
3.3.5人機調整振幅大小 ................................... 48
第4章 系統設計與實驗結果與討論 ...................... 51
4.1超音波振動輔助切削驅動器人機介面動作設計 ............. 51
4.2超音波振動輔助切削驅動器之人機介面頁面系統 ........... 53
4.3阻抗分析儀與超音波人機介面掃頻實驗 ................... 58
4.3.1刀片測試 ........................................... 59
4.3.2螺絲測試 ........................................... 64
第5章 結論與未來展望 ................ 67
5.1結論 ................................................. 67
5.2未來展望 ............................... 68
參考文獻 ................................................ 69
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