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研究生(外文):Jian-Fong Liau
論文名稱:五軸加工中心機之刀尖跟隨循跡動態誤差及 傾斜軸追隨誤差之研究
論文名稱(外文):Study of Tool Centre Point Management Contouring Dynamic Error and A-Axis Following Error of 5-Axis Machining Centers
外文關鍵詞:machining purposesmachining purposesCNC controllerTaguchi method
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The purpose of this study is to establish a set of parameter optimization process for TCPM contouring dynamic error and A-axis following error. Using the HEIDENHAIN controller TNC640 with 5-axis machining center, first find the physical parameters of the controller parameters, in accordance with the Taguchi experimental method of planning experiments to identify the important parameters, and predict and verify, and finally the establishment of the target equation.
The results of the study (1) for the A-axis following error: in cases of both load and no load predictions are in accordance with experimental verification, but also to establish a time-priority prediction equation, it can quickly with the A-axis load conditions for parameter optimization.
The results of the study (2) are XY / XYC test: the prediction is consistent with the experimental verification, but also to establish a time-priority prediction equation, you can quickly with the synchronous path and cost savings for online parameter optimization;The position dynamic will indeed affect the contouring dynamic error, the amount of vibration, so that the client in the planning of parts processing fixtures and knives can be taken into account to improve the quality of parts processing; There are control parameters of the controller does not need to set up measuring instruments directly from the controller internal data for research and analysis.
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
圖目錄 v
表目錄 viii
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.3 論文架構 11
第2章 CNC控制器 12
2.1 HEIDENHAIN 控制器介紹 12
2.2 HEIDENHAIN 控制器參數研究分析與設定 19
第3章 實驗設計法 22
3.1 簡介 22
3.2 田口式實驗設計法 23
3.2.1 實驗設計因子 24
3.2.2 直角表 25
3.2.3 信號雜訊比 27
3.2.4 變異數分析(Analysis of Variance,ANOVA) 28
第4章 實驗規劃設計 30
4.1 實驗設備 30
4.2 實驗設計流程 34
4.2.1 目標特性設定 37
4.2.2 控制因子討論 38
4.2.3 實驗參數設計 41
第5章 傾斜軸動態特性實驗結果與分析 44
5.1 伺服迴路位置頻寬和頻率響應函數(FRF)量測 44
5.2 傾斜軸動態特性實驗結果與討論 46
5.2.1 田口實驗(200kg) 46
5.2.2 田口實驗(0kg) 52
5.2.3 田口實驗(200/0kg)綜合分析 57
5.2.4 目標方程式的建立 60
5.3 情境模擬 62
第6章 旋轉軸與線性軸同動實驗結果與分析 63
6.1 伺服迴路位置頻寬和頻率響應函數(FRF)量測 63
6.2 XY與XYC動態特性實驗 65
6.2.1 第一次田口實驗(XY) 65
6.2.2 第二次田口實驗(XYC) 74
6.2.3 田口實驗(XY vs XYC)綜合分析 83
6.2.4 目標方程式的建立 87
6.3 情境模擬 89
第7章 結論與未來展望 91
7.1 結論 91
7.2 未來展望 95
附錄一 96
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