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研究生(外文):Zhi-Zheng Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Feedfoward Active Noise Control System with Virtual Sensing Technique
外文關鍵詞:active noise controlvirtual sensing techniqueonline secondary path modeling
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In traditional active noise control (ANC) systems, weights of an ANC controller are updated by use of an error signal which is picked up by an error microphone. However, it is sometimes unable to place a microphone at a desired location, like eardrum, for noise reduction. This study proposes a virtual sensing technique in this situation. A path transfer function from an error microphone to the desired location is first identified. Then the transfer function is used with the error microphone to obtain an estimated error signal at the desired location for updating weights in ANC. Results of computer simulation show that the proposed virtual sensing method with an offline identified secondary path transfer function can reduce noise at the desired location effectively and achieve an ANC performance comparable to that of a traditional ANC method. Results of experiments also show an effective ANC performance and support the usage of the virtual sensing technique. Furthermore, we consider incorporating an online secondary path modeling technique into the proposed ANC system. Both results of simulation and experiments show that the ANC system with the proposed virtual sensing method and the online secondary path modeling can still reduce the noise at the desired location well, demonstrating the feasibility of the proposed methods in real ANC applications.
誌謝 i
摘要 ii
論文目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2文獻回顧 2
1.3論文概要 3
第二章 於特定區域之主動噪音控制 4
2.1主動噪音控制描述 4
2.2 FxLMS演算法 5
2.3誤差麥克風不在消音位置上之情況 7
2.4虛擬感測技術 8
2.4.1路徑H鑑別之實驗架構說明 9
2.4.2路徑H鑑別方法步驟 11
2.5 虛擬感測技術之應用 13
2.6 NLMS/CE演算法於使用虛擬感測技術之ANC 14
2.7 加入線上第二路徑鑑別 16
2.8 加入線上第二路徑鑑別與鑑別輔助器 18
第三章 電腦模擬 20
3.1 多頻噪音之模擬 20
3.1.1 使用虛擬感測技術之ANC之模擬 20
3.1.2 傳統ANC之模擬 26
3.1.3 加入線上第二路徑鑑別之模擬 32
3.1.4 同時加入線上第二路徑鑑別與鑑別輔助器之模擬 34
3.1.5 控制喇叭改變位置之模擬 38
3.2 寬頻噪音模擬 40
第四章 實驗 43
4.1實驗架構說明 43
4.2 應用不同方法之ANC實驗 44
4.3同時加入線上第二路徑鑑別與鑑別輔助器之實驗 48
第五章 結論與未來展望 51
5.1結論 51
5.2未來展望 51
參考文獻 52
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