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研究生(外文):Chao-Ju Lai
論文名稱(外文):Construction and Analysis of Lubrication and Friction Model for Sliding Surface with Textures
指導教授(外文):Jhy-Cherng TsaiJerry M. Chen
口試委員(外文):Shih-Chieh Lin
外文關鍵詞:surface texturelubrication and friction modelthickness of lubricant filmsliding angle of attack
  • 被引用被引用:3
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The function of the guideway is to carry the load and guide the direction of motion. The hard rail, a surface-to-surface contact guideway, is particularly employed in the situation of motion at high loading. In such a guideway, lubrication between contacted surfaces is important. Although literatures showed texture patterns, serving as lubricant reservoir, are design and fabricated based on empirical methods, it is necessary to develop a theoretical model for analyzing lubrication and friction characteristics of sliding surface with textures.
In this paper, CAE software is employed to construct the lubrication and friction model for sliding surface with simple texture. First, the half-Sommerfeld boundary condition is used to simulate the cavitation effect. The effective thickness of lubricant and the corresponding friction are then computed based on the load and the bearing capacity of the oil pocket. Experiments to measure the friction forces are then conducted for comparisons. It showed that there exists an offset between theoretical results and experimental data, though both results showed the same tendency. Considering the lubricant induces an angle of attack during sliding, the friction model with an attack angle is constructed for exploring the loading capacity, which means the load is supported by both oil pocket and sliding surface. Results showed that the hydrodynamic pressure caused by the angle of attack at 1.4×10^-5 rad under 4.141 KPa surface pressure and at 8×10^-6 rad under 9.886 KPa surface pressure are close to experimental results. This research work provided a method to solve the problem in analyzing the loading and friction of sliding surfaces with textures due to tiny aspect ratio of lubricant film. The friction model for sliding surface with textures is constructed and verified its reasonability through experiments.
誌謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
符號表 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.3 研究方法與流程 6
1.4 本文架構 7
第二章 滑動面摩擦特性分析 9
2.1 滑動面摩擦特性分類 9
2.2 滑動摩擦之機制分析 11
2.2.1 平行板滑動面液動潤滑模型 11
2.2.2 非均勻膜厚所造成的液動壓力模型 13
2.3 具紋理之滑動摩擦之機構分析 15
2.3.1 統御方程式及假設條件 15
2.3.2 空穴效應 16
第三章 滑動面運動摩擦模型建構 18
3.1 潤滑油模型建構 18
3.1.1 探討對象 18
3.1.2 網格類型與網格數差異之探討 20
3.1.3 邊界條件 22
3.2 平板模型之比較 23
3.3 具滑動攻角模型之比較 25
3.4 單紋理模型之建構 26
第四章 滑動面摩擦量測與模型之比較 30
4.1 滑塊運動摩擦量測 30
4.1.1 量測設備與架設 30
4.1.2 量測數據 31
4.2 量測數據與數值分析之比對 33
4.2.1 水平模型 33
4.2.2 具滑動攻角模型 37
第五章 結論與未來展望 44
5.1 結論 44
5.2 未來展望 44
參考文獻 45
附錄:量測設備與材料規格 48
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