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研究生(外文):Tseng-Yu Huang
論文名稱(外文):Detection of mast cell tryptase using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
外文關鍵詞:mast celltryptasegold nano-hemisphere arraybiochipelectrochemical impedance spectroscopy
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本實驗利用金奈米半球陣列生醫晶片量測肥大細胞類胰蛋白(tryptase)濃度。奈米半球具三維結構,可增加接附面積用以製成高靈敏度奈米生醫感測晶片。本實驗以電化學阻抗分析類胰蛋白濃度,並利用自我組裝層原理進行修飾。由於量化方式為電訊號,本實驗不需要使用二次螢光抗體標記,即可縮短檢測時間。相較於文獻中ImmunoCap的最低檢測極限約1ng/ml,本阻抗量測的最低檢測極限可以達到約1 pg/ml。本研究完成類胰蛋白濃度標準曲線,其中類胰蛋白阻抗是具有與濃度正相關之線性趨勢,R-squared為0.9828,將應用於臨床上麻醉科藥物過敏篩檢。由於過敏性休克往往屬於急性,會在極短的時間造成呼吸道腫脹,通氣困難而缺氧,使得手術中斷甚至造成致命可能。使用本實驗晶片對病患術前檢測是否對麻醉常用藥物過敏,應可降低無預期過敏性休克的發生率。同時,可將此生醫感測平台延伸至其他臨床藥物過敏的檢測。
The present study investigates a gold nano-hemisphere array biochip for measuring concentration of mast cell tryptase. Three-dimensional structure of the nano-hemisphere that increases the attachment area of gold surface can be used to fabricate a nano-medical sensor chip with high-sensitivity. In the present experiments, antibody and antigen in the biochip were modified by self-assembled monolayers. The sensitivity of the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurement reaches 1 pg/ml that is much more sensitive than the value of 1 μg/ml for ImmunoCap as reported in previous literature. The experiments show a linear relationship between the measured impedance and the tryptase concentration with a high R-squared value of 0.9828. The nano-hemisphere array biochip of present investigation can be used to detect allergic reactions in general and anaphylactic shock in particular. Anaphylactic shock causes respiratory tract swelling, hypoxia and hypotension, which could interrupt the operation and even lead to death of the patient. Development of the present biochip is able to avoid some specific allergens for the patients and reduce the risk of anaphylactic shock. At the same time, this bio-sensing platform can be extended to other clinical allergy testing.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
圖表目錄 v
第一章、緒論 1
1.1研究動機與背景 1
1.2文獻回顧 3
1.2.1過敏現象 3
1.2.2 肥大細胞過敏反應 5
1.3研究目標 7
1.4論文架構 7
第二章、研究理論 8
2.1電化學 9
2.1.1電化學質傳現象 10
2.1.2電極雙層模型 11
2.1.3電化學電極量測 12
2.1.4電化學組抗分析法 14
2.2自我組裝層薄膜 21
2.2.1硫醇基鍵結於金基板 21
2.2.2 EDC與NHS錯合物修飾11-MUA 23
2.3抗體抗原專一性分析 24
2.3.1抗體抗原接合 24
第三章、實驗方法與材料 25
3.1抗體抗原調配 25
3.2奈米生醫檢測晶片 25
3.2.1奈米3D半球結構 26
3.2.2陽極氧化鋁膜背阻障層基板製作 27
3.2.3奈米半球AAO模具 28
3.2.4熱壓奈米半球PC試片 29
3.2.5奈米生醫感測晶片電極製備 30
3.2.6高溫退火 31
3.2.7奈米生醫感測晶片封裝 31
3.2.8電化學法沉積奈米金顆粒 32
3.3自我組裝薄膜 32
3.4接觸角 34
3.5抗體與抗原修飾 34
3.6 EC-LAB程式 35
第四章、結果與討論 36
4.1判定抗原專一性 36
4.2接觸角判斷MUA自我組裝層薄膜 37
4.3阻抗分析tryptase 38
4.3.1等效電路模型建立 38
4.3.2 Tryptase濃度標準曲線 42
4.3.3最低檢測極限 46
4.4電化學結果與現有檢測之比較 47
第五章、討論與未來展望 49
5.1結論 49
5.2未來展望 50
參考文獻 51
附錄 55
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