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研究生(外文):Chia-Hung Chu
論文名稱(外文):Adaptive Force Control of Redundant Robot Manipulator for Task-space
指導教授(外文):Ching-Hung Lee
外文關鍵詞:redundant robot manipulatortask spacenull spacefuzzy neural networkforce control
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本文主要是針對具冗餘自由度的多軸手臂於接觸環境下進行適應性力量控制設計,我們利用任務空間與關節空間的關係同時引入零空間關係式,推導出冗餘機械手臂之任務空間與零空間的數學模型並進行適應性控制器設計。本文考慮到外部干擾及系統本身的不確定性,我們利用模糊類神經系統進行動態估測來克服其問題,且考慮到冗餘機械手臂與制動器的系統動態重新設計適應性控制器。同時,本文針對加工(接觸)環境使用梯度坡降法來估測外部加工環境的彈性系數,其對應的更新律與穩定分析由利耶普諾夫(Lyapunov) 定理推導得到,進而保證系統穩定。最後,我們藉由Matlab電腦模擬將所提之控制器應用於KUKA LWR4七軸機械手臂進行驗證及分析,以說明所提控制策略的有效性。
In recent years, the industrial robot manipulator has been changed wildly used in manufacture. In practical application, it is hard to know the exactly parameters (or models) of the robot manipulator and stiffness coefficient of exterior processing environment since its changes of parameters, exterior disturbances, and friction. As a result, external disturbances and uncertainty of parameters cause difficulty on designing the controller. When the robot manipulator works during the machining, the force control has to be designed in order to smoothly process and avoid damage.
This thesis considers the problem of controlling a redundant robot manipulator in the task space. We discuss the relation between the task space and joint space, and also introduce the knowledge of null space to derive the dynamic model of task and null space. Considering the model system of redundant robot manipulator that is a highly nonlinear dynamic model, with the interaction interference and uncertainty, we utilize the position and force controller design to overcome these problems by fuzzy neural network. Meanwhile, the stiffness coefficient of the environment is unknown. Therefore, we use the gradient descent method to estimate the stiffness coefficient of environment to achieve the adaptive force control. The stability analysis of the closed-loop system and the corresponding update laws are given by Lyapunov stability theorem. Finally, we employ our proposed control scheme in the redundant robot manipulator KUKA LWR4 with 7 –DOF to illustrate the performance and effectiveness.
Abstract in Chinese i
Abstract in English ii
Contents iii
List of Figures v
Chapter One Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction 1
Chapter Two The Dynamic Model of n-Link Redundant Robot Manipulator 4
2.1 Overview 4
2.2 System Description 4
2.3 Coordinate Definition 5
2.3.1 Task Space and Null Space 7
2.3.2 Dynamic Model of Task Space and Null Space 12
Chapter Three Adaptive Force Control Design of n-Link Redundant Robot Manipulator 18
3.1 Fuzzy Neural Networks 18
3.2 The Relationship of Target Impedance 21
3.3 Adaptive Force and Position Control by Fuzzy Neural Network 22
3.3.1 Adaptive Tracking Control by FNN 22
3.4 Adaptive Force Control 28
Chapter Four Simulation Results for KUKA LWR 33
4.1 Planning Scheme of the Desired Trajectory 34
4.2 Simulation Results 34
Chapter Five Conclusions and Future Researches 60
5.1 Conclusions 60
5.2 Future Researches 61
References 62
Appendix A 67
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