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研究生(外文):Huan-Yu Chen
論文名稱(外文):Analysis on SME Transformation and Internationalization by Combining BSC with Hybrid-Expert Based ISM and DEMATEL Models: The Case of a Taiwanese Publisher
指導教授(外文):Tzong-Ru Lee
口試委員(外文):Hsing-Wen WangJiana-Fu Wang
外文關鍵詞:SMEInternationalizationBSCHybrid-Expert Based ISM and DEMATEL ModelsStrategy Map
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台灣中小企業隨著台灣經濟漸趨穩定而成長減緩,同時在國內市場也面臨激烈的競爭。過去文獻以理論的方式研究中小企業國際化,這篇論文採用台灣中小型出版社前程文化事業有限公司目前轉型國際化的經驗,旨在運用平衡計分卡結合綜合專家意見DEMATEL-ISM模型完整分析中小企業國際化並給予實質上的建議。本論文之問卷由前程文化高階經理及企業主填寫表達該企業國際化過程的經驗,最終回收六份問卷。問卷分析結果顯示,該企業國際化系統相當不穩定,且發展需定期重新評估。對該企業來說,財務議題顯得不重要,且平衡計分卡各構面因素之相互動關係要比理論上複雜得多。該公司的主管國際化視野呈主導性地位,相比之下員工教育訓練較不具影響性;企業環境適應力、創新能力、顧客期望價值與顧客核心利益為較難預測之因子,直接造成國際化系統不穩定,可帶領企業國際化突破或造成全盤崩壞;完整教育服務及海外市場成長可作為該企業國際化策略實施效果指標。本論文對中小企業國際化之貢獻有三,分別為:(1) 在學術層面,平衡計分卡從以往績效指標轉變為協助策略擬定工具;(2) 在管理層面,策略地圖可做為台灣中小出版公司轉型國際化參考;(3) 在管理層面,本論文使用之綜合專家意見DEMATEL-ISM模型可協助中小企業檢視自身國際化現狀並提升表現。
Taiwanese SMEs’ growth has been stabilizing along with Taiwanese economics and they are faced with fierce competition in the domestic market. Different from past researches that study theoretically on SME internationalization, this thesis aims to conduct a comprehensive analysis and provide SMEs a practical guidance to their transformation and internationalization by combining Balanced Scorecard (BSC) and Hybrid-Expert Based ISM and DEMATEL Models. The case applied in this thesis is a Taiwanese SME publisher, Future Career Professional Publisher (FCPP), who is undergoing its transformation and internationalization process due to the many problems faced. The questionnaire designed in this thesis is sent to the senior managers and the company owner for their professional opinions on the company’s internationalization, while in the end six questionnaires are retrieved for further analyses. Results from this research indicate that SMEs’ internationalization is an unstable system and has to be continuously reevaluated. Finance is not always the most important factor, while, in the practical case, elements in different BSC aspects form more complicated relationships than it should be theoretically. Managers’ global mindset is taking the lead in SMEs internationalization, while employee human capital is regarded to be of little impact. Organizational adaptability, innovation, customer expecting value and customer core benefit are influential but unstable elements that will lead the case company into a breakthrough or complete failure. Complete educational service and oversea sales growth are the main indicators to the company’s effectiveness of the company’s internationalization strategies implemented. There are three contributions of this thesis to SME internationalization: (1) in the academic perspective, BSC is no longer a result-oriented measurement tool but rather a forward-looking one that offers directions for strategic plans; (2) in the managerial perspective, the strategy map constructed helps Taiwanese SMEs to transform and make its way to internationalization; while (3) the Hybrid-Expert Based ISM and DEMATEL Models applied serves as a tool for SMEs to examine the status of their internationalization and enhance their performance.
Acknowledgement i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Tables vi
List of Figures vii
List of Abbreviations viii
I. Introduction 1
1.1. Background 1
1.2. Research Purpose 4
1.3. Research Process 5
II. Literature Review 7
2.1. Contributing Factors to Better Performance on Internationalization 7
2.2. Balanced Score Card (BSC) 25
2.3. DEMATEL 29
2.4. ISM 30
2.5. Hybrid-Expert Based ISM and DEMATEL Models 31
III. Methodology 32
3.1. Process 32
3.2. How to Analyze the Results 36
IV. Case Study 42
4.1. The Publishing Industry 42
4.2. Future Career Publishing Corporation 43
4.2.1. Case Company Development 43
4.2.2. Balanced Scorecard of FCPP’s Internationalization 47
V. Results and Analysis 51
5.1. Results 51
5.2. Result Analyses 59
VI. Conclusion 70
6.1. Recommendations 70
6.2. Contributions 71
6.3. Limits 72
Reference 73
Appendix 80
Appendix I. Questionnaire 80
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