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研究生(外文):Teng-Fu Shih
論文名稱(外文):The Mandarin monosyllable recognition by using the method of K-nearest neighbor with different weights
外文關鍵詞:K-nearest neighbor with different weightsMFCC
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本篇論文主要是探討非特定語者對於 1391 個中文單音在不分、分聲調、母音與子音之辨識率。實驗主要分成幾部分:第一將錄製好的語音資料進行前處理,第二利用梅爾頻率倒頻譜求取特徵值,第三建立語音模型並使用權重式K最近鄰居法,從中選出辨識率最好的組合,視為最佳結果。本次實驗的語音資料庫是由二十位不同語者錄製共278200個語音資料。本篇固定的特徵值維度為39,取樣點為256,子、母音音框分別為20、25。實驗結果發現,在同母音群中,母音、子音權重分別為7比3時,其母音辨識率最佳為95.10%。在同母音且同子音群中,母音、子音權重分別為7比3時,其母音辨識率為94.40%。在母音對再辨識子音方面,其母音辨識對的前提下辨識單音的辨識率為87.4%。而在同母音且同子音群中,母音、子音權重分別為5比5時,不分聲調單音辨識率為80.73%。
This paper mainly discusses the recognition rate of non-specific speakers for 1391 mandarin tones in non-tone, sub-tone, vowel and consonant.
The identification process is mainly divided into several parts: the first part of recorded voice data will be fore-processing, the second part of find the eigenvalue by Melton frequency cepstrum, the third part of building voice model and the use of K-nearest neighbor of different weights, select the most recognition rate as the result of optimization. The speech database of this experiment is composed of twenty different speakers, total of 278200 voice data. In this paper, it fixed dimension of eigenvalue is 39, the sampling point is 256, the consonant frame is 20 and vowel frame is 25. The experimental results show that the best consonant error and vowel error are obtained for each vowel group and multiply the weight, and the vowel recognition rate is 95.10% when the vowel and consonant weights are 7:3 respectively. In addition, in each mandarin to find the best consonant, vowel multiplied by the weight, when the vowel, consonant weights are 7: 3, the vowel recognition rate of 94.40%, and in each mandarin to find the best consonant, vowel multiplied by the weight, when the vowel, consonant weight are 5:5 non-tone best recognition rate of 80.73%.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
附圖目錄 v
附表目錄 vi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 語音辨識相關研究 1
1.3語音辨識名詞 2
1.4 論文架構 3
第二章 語音訊號處理與求特徵值 4
2.1前言 4
2.2 語音訊號前處理 5
2.2.1 數位取樣 5
2.2.2 常態化 6
2.2.3 端點偵測 7
2.2.4 切割音框 8
2.2.5 預強調 9
2.2.6 視窗化 9
2.3 特徵值的求取 11
2.3.1 離散傅立葉轉換(Discrete Fourier transform) 11
2.3.3 三角濾波器 12
2.3.4 頻率範圍 13
2.3.5 對數能量 14
2.3.6離散餘弦轉換 14
第三章 建立模型與辨識方法 15
3.1 前言 15
3.2 模型建立 15
3.2.1 分群 15
3.2.2 K最近鄰居法 16
3.3 辨識流程和方法 17
3.3.1 K最近鄰居法的辨識流程 17
第四章 實驗結果 20
4.1 操作介面 20
4.2 參數設定 20
4.3 語音資料來源 20
4.4 實驗結果 21
第五章 結論及未來展望 28
參考文獻 30
附錄 31
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4.Muda, Lindasalwa, Mumtaj Begam, and Irraivan Elamvazuthi. “Voice recognition algorithms using mel frequency cepstral coefficient (MFCC) and dynamic time warping (DTW) techniques.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1003.4083 (2010).
5.Lippmann, Richard P. “Review of neural networks for speech recognition.” Neural computation 1.1 (1989): 1-38.
6.J. Cooley, J. Tukey, 1965, “An algorithm for the machine calculation of complex Fourier series.” Mathematics of Computation, vol.19, No.90, pp.297-301.
7.王小川 (2004),“語音訊號處理”。台北市:全華。

8. 王國榮 (2000),“Visual Basic 6.0 實戰講座”。台北市:旗標。
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