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研究生(外文):Ya-Wei Chang
論文名稱(外文):An Optimized Analysis on The Cost and Carbon Emission of Office Green Building.
外文關鍵詞:Office Green BuildingNSGA-IICO2 emissionMulti-objective decision modelENVLOADPACS
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本研究以嘉義市某辦公廳類建築為例,利用非支配排序基因演算法(non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II, NSGA-II)進行建築物之多目標最佳化設計與分析,期望可在建築物規劃設計階段時,幫助建築師設計出最低成本與建築外殼碳排放的配置方案,並且建置並開發友善的圖形使用者介面(Graphical User Interface, GUI),以供使用者便於計算ENVLOAD與PACS節能指標之工具,以簡化計算指標的繁雜工作程序。最後本研究透過NSGA-II多目標設計,使建築物符合綠建築外殼節能指標ENVLOAD與空調系統耗能係數PACS,得到了建築外殼碳排放減量31%的最佳化配置方案。
In recent years,the one of world's primary policy for environmental protection is energy conservation and carbon reduction. Conform to the trend of sustainable development,many country also promote green building, it is expected that the construction industry reduce the damage to the environment during the city development. Depending on local climate differences, countries also develop a green building assessment system for their country. However,the architects in the planning and design process , often by virtue of their own experience to design the building, and also might choose less environmentally friendly and expensive building materials. Moreover, the poor building envelope, will also lead air conditioning energy loss, resulting not only in building construction costs are too high, but also cause the burden of the environment. In addition, there is a lack of tools to calculate the indicators to determine whether the building is in compliance with energy indicators regulations.

In this study, use a non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA-II) to design and analyze the multi-objective optimization of office building in Jia-yi City. It is expected that the architect will be able to design the lowest cost and building's carbon emissions during the planning and design process of the building. Also build a graphical user interface (GUI) for users to facilitate the calculation of ENVLOAD and PACS energy-saving indicators ,it can simplify the calculation procedures of indicators.

Finally, this study by NSGA-II multi-objective design, so that the building in line with indicators ENVLOAD and PACS, resulting in an optimal configuration of 31% reduction in carbon emissions from building.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究緣起 1
1-2 研究目的 2
1-3 研究內容與流程 2
1-4 本文架構 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2-1 綠建築起源 4
2-2 台灣綠建築評估系統EEWH 5
2-2-2 日常節能指標 7
2-2-3 空調耗能係數PACS 8
2-3 相關文獻研究 9
2-3-1 建築物外殼碳排放研究 9
2-3-2 建築優選文獻 10
2-3-3 空調系統節能文獻 11
2-4 文獻總結及研究方向 13
第三章 研究方法 14
3-1 日常節能設計模式建立 16
3-1-1 建築外殼耗能量模式 16
3-1-2 空調系統節能模式 23
3-1-3 特殊空調節能系統修正效率之意義與求法 27
3-2 非支配排序基因演算法(NSGA-II) 32
3-2-1 NSGA-II演化過程 32
3-3 案例建築說明 34
3-3-1 案例建築外殼基本資料 34
3-3-2 建築外殼分區及命名 39
3-3-3 建築外殼面積 41
3-3-4 案例建築外牆資料 45
3-4 案例建築室內空調系統設計 46
3-4-1 案例建築空調外周區與內部區面積 46
3-4-2 案例建築所需冷凍噸數 47
3-4-3 案例建築所需送風量 48
3-5 最佳化數學模式的設計 49
3-5-1 建築外殼節能設計之最佳化模式 49
3-5-2 建築空調系統設計之最佳化模式 54
3-6 圖形化使用者介面設計與應用 58
3-6-1 圖形化使用者介面概述 58
3-6-2 建立計算多目標之圖形化使用者介面 59
第四章 結果與討論 60
4-1 案例建築外殼與空調系統之CO2排放與成本評估 60
4-1-1 案例建築外殼節能指標基本資料 60
4-1-2 案例建築空調系統基本資料 62
4-2 圖形使用者介面應用於建築外殼與空調系統之成果 63
4-3 利用NSGA-II最佳化建築外殼及空調系統之比較 67
4-3-2 最佳化建築外殼開窗面積與遮陽類型之比較 68
4-3-3 最佳化建築外殼建材之比較 69
4-3-4 最佳化空調系統之比較 72
4-3-5 最佳化建築外殼及空調系統之成本與碳排放比較 74
第五章 結論與建議 76
5-1 研究結論 76
5-2 後續研究建議 77
參考文獻 79
附錄一 建材資料庫 82
附錄二 空調資料庫 93
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