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研究生(外文):Yu-Shian Lyu
論文名稱(外文):Co-torrefaction of Paper Mill Sludge and Woody Materials
外文關鍵詞:Paper mill sludgeCryptomeria japonicaBiomassTorrefactionHeating value
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本研究選用紙廠污泥及日本柳杉進行混合焙燒,焙燒溫度為250、300、350以及400℃;持溫時間為20、40、60 min。經焙燒處理之產物包括固態、液態和氣態,在固態產物部分,進行近似分析、元素分析、質量收率分析、熱值分析、哈氏可磨性指數分析,以及重金屬分析;另外,液態和氣態產物皆分別收集,並進行組成分分析。
Co-torrefaction of paper mill sludge and Cryptomeria japonica was conducted in this study. The operating conditions for the torrefaction temperature and residence time were set as 250, 300, 350 and 400℃, and 20, 40 and 60 minutes, respectively. Torrefaction products can be classified into solid, liquid and gas. The characteristics of solid torrefied biomass such as ultimate, proximate, mass yield, heating value, energy yield, Hardgrove Grindability Index (HGI) and heavy metal analyses were investigated. In addition, the yield and composition of torrefied liquid and gas were also analyzed.
The results show that the heating value, fixed carbon and ash content of torrefied biomass of mixed paper mill sludge and Cryptomeria japonica increased with increasing the torrefaction temperature and residence time, but the moisture, volatile matter, nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen and sulfur contents shows the contrary results. In addition, the HGI of mixed paper mill sludge and Cryptomeria japonica was greatly improved by about 6.3 times after torrefaction. According to the van Krevelen’s diagram, the characteristics of torrefied biomass of mixed paper mill sludge and Cryptomeria japonica is similar to coal. It is more suitable as the fuel for the PC boiler.
Moreover, the yield of torrefied liquid and gaseous products increased with increasing the torrefaction temperature. For acid-based substances, acetic acid was from torrefaction of Cryptomeria japonica, and other fatty acid was from torrefaction of sludge. For phenolic substances, torrefied liquid from Cryptomeria japonica contains o-methoxyphenol and 4-ethyl-2-methoxyphenol mainly, and that from paper mill sludge contains o-methoxyphenol only. On other hard, the composition of the torrefied gaseous is CO, CO2, CH4 and CnHm. CO, CO2 and CH4 increased with increasing the torrefaction temperature and residence time. In addition, Observe the torrefied gas composition of sludge and cedar mixture ratio 50:50. It can be found that, when the torrefaction temperature is higher than 300℃, the CnHm content increased from co-torrefaction of paper mill sludge and Cryptomeria japonica with mixed ratio of 50%. It is suggested that the metal content of the paper mill sludge could act as the catalyst to produce the more than C2 compound molecules.
摘 要 i
圖目次 vi
表目次 viii
第一章 前言 1
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1 生質能源 3
2.2 焙燒 16
第三章 材料與方法 24
3.1原料 24
3.2 造粒試驗 33
3.3焙燒試驗 33
3.4焙燒固態產物分析 38
3.5 液態產物分析 43
3.6 氣態產物分析 43
第四章 結果與討論 44
4.1 固態產物 44
4.2 焙燒試驗之產物分佈 90
4.3 液態產物 93
4.4 氣態產物 97
第五章 結論與建議 101
5.1 結論 101
5.2 建議 104
參考文獻 105
作者自述 112

圖2.1 二零一四年全球初級能源供應比例 4
圖2.2 生質物熱化學轉換之中間能量載體與能量產物 6
圖2.3 行政院環境環保署統計之重點事業廢棄物產出量 12
圖2.4 污泥種類與代碼 13
圖2.5 典型都市暨工業廢水的污泥處理流程圖 14
圖2.6 焙燒系統之熱整合選項基礎概念 17
圖2.7 木質纖維素三大組成分於不同溫度範圍下之主要物化現象 20
圖2.8 焙燒過程形成之產物 21
圖2.9 生質物加熱轉換所需之能量 22
圖3.1 台南某A紙業廢水處理之污泥產出流程 26
圖3.2 平模造粒機 34
圖3.3 焙燒系統之自製示意圖 35
圖3.4 焙燒反應器實體圖 37
圖3.5 哈氏可磨性指數測定儀 41
圖3.6 哈氏可磨性指數校正曲線圖 42
圖4.1 不同焙燒溫度及持溫時間處理條件之生質物外觀 46
圖4.2 生質物於無氧升溫模式之TGA、DTG曲線(升溫速率: 20 ℃/min) 51
圖4.3不同污泥與日本柳杉混合比例與持溫時間對質量收率之影響 52
圖4.4 不同污泥與日本柳杉混合比例與持溫時間對含水率之影響 57
圖4.5 不同污泥與日本柳杉混合比例與持溫時間對灰分含量之影響 59
圖4.6 不同污泥與日本柳杉混合比例與持溫時間對揮發分含量之影響 61
圖4.7 不同污泥與日本柳杉混合比例與持溫時間對固定碳含量之影響 63
圖4.8 不同污泥與日本柳杉混合比例與持溫時間對碳含量之影響 68
圖4.9 不同污泥與日本柳杉混合比例與持溫時間對氫含量之影響 70
圖4.10 不同污泥與日本柳杉混合比例與持溫時間對氧含量之影響 72
圖4.11 不同污泥與日本柳杉混合比例與持溫時間對氮含量之影響 74
圖4.12 不同污泥與日本柳杉混合比例與持溫時間對硫含量之影響 76
圖4.13 生質物原料與焙燒物之范克雷維倫圖 77
圖4.14 不同污泥與日本柳杉混合比例與持溫時間對哈氏可磨性指數之影響 81
圖4.15 不同污泥與日本柳杉混合比例與持溫時間對熱值之影響 85
圖4.16 不同污泥與日本柳杉混合比例與持溫時間對能量產率之影響 88
圖4.17 不同污泥與日本柳杉混合比例對產物分佈之影響 91
圖4.18 不同污泥與日本柳杉混合比例對液態成分 95
圖4.19 不同污泥與日本柳杉混合比例對氣體組成之影響 99

表2.1 裂解處理過程之特點 7
表2.2 生質燃料之原料與技術 9
表3.1 紙廠污泥與日本柳杉造粒之性質分析 27
表3.2 紙廠污泥與日本柳杉不同混合比例焙燒物之金屬分析 28
表3.3 焙燒實驗操作條件 36

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