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研究生(外文):Jia-Jhen Lee
論文名稱(外文):Improving Lightfastness of Refined Oriental Lacquer by Photostabilizers
外文關鍵詞:Oriental lacquerRefined oriental lacquerHindered amine light stabilizerTitanium dioxideAntioxidantAcacia confusa heartwood extractsAnti-corrosion efficiency
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生漆(Oriental lacquer)為天然高分子塗料,具溫潤色澤及優越的耐藥品及耐久性等,但其缺點為耐光性不佳,因此改善塗膜耐光性是擴展生漆用途之可行途徑。故本研究係將不同種類及添加量之受阻胺光安定劑(Hindered amine light stabilizer, HALS)抗氧化劑(Antioxidant)與不同添加量之二氧化鈦(Titanium dioxide, TiO2)及相思樹心材抽出物等,分別添加入精製漆中(Refined oriental lacquer)以探討這些物質對精製漆塗膜耐光性之效果。試驗結果顯示,在不同添加量具-NH官能基HALS(Bis(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-piperidinyl)sebacate,簡稱H90)精製漆中,以添加2 phr者即可改善精製漆塗膜耐光性,而添加不同HALS之精製漆中,以具-NH(H90)及-NCH3(H60)官能基者之塗膜耐光性較佳。比較不同TiO2添加量精製漆之塗膜耐光性,以添加1 phr之TiO2即可改善精製漆塗膜耐光性,且獲較均衡塗膜性質。而在添加抗氧化劑精製漆方面,以添加1 phr之一級胺類抗氧化劑(AO-N)即可改善精製漆塗膜耐光性,同時具良好塗膜附著性及抗彎曲性。比較不同添加量之相思樹心材抽出物精製漆中,以添加1 phr者即可改善精製漆塗膜耐光性,及具良好塗膜附著性及均衡的塗料與塗膜性能。此外,本試驗亦探討不同膜厚生漆做為防銹塗料之可行性,由試驗結果顯示,以膜厚30 μm生漆塗裝具較佳防銹性能,且優於市售之伐銹底漆及紅丹漆。
Oriental lacquer is a nature polymeric coating with a satiny texture and excellent characters such as chemical resistance and durability but it also has a drawback of poor lightfastness. Therefore, it is important to improve the lightfastness of oriental lacquer for widely applications. The aims of this study were to investigate the improvement efficiency lightfastness of refined oriental lacquer with addition of different types and amounts of hindered amine light stabilizer (HALS) and antioxidants as well as different amounts of titanium dioxide (TiO2) and the heartwood extracts of Acacia confusa. The results showed that the lightfastness of refined oriental lacquer film was improved by adding only 2 phr of HALS (Bis(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-piperidinyl)sebacate, H90) containing -NH group. Among the different type of HALSs, the H90 containing -NH group and H60 containing -NCH3 group possessed the improvement efficiency for the lightfastness of refined oriental lacquer. The lightfastness of refined oriental lacquer film was also improved by only adding 1 phr of TiO2 and the harmonious film properties were obtained. Comparing with the different types and amounts of antioxidants for the lightfastness of refined oriental lacquer, the result showed that the lightfastness of refined oriental lacquer films was improved by adding 1 phr of primary amine antioxidant of AO-N and also had superior films properties including adhesion and bending resistance. The refined oriental lacquer with Acacia confusa heartwood extracts of only with 1 phr had a significant improvement on the lightfastness of film and also possessed excellent adhesion and balance properties between coating and film properties. In addition, anti-corrosion efficiency of oriental lacquer well also examined and the results indicated that the oriental lacquers film with 30 μm thickness showed the superior anti-corrosion ability and was better than commercial wash primer and red lead paint.
第一章 前言…………………………………………………………………………..1
第二章 文獻回顧……………………………………………………………………..3
1.紫外光遮蔽劑(UV screeners)…………………………………….……12
2.紫外光吸收劑(UV absorbers) ………………………………………15
3.受阻胺光安定劑(Hindered amine light stabilizers, HALS)……….…16
5.單峰氧捕捉劑(Singlet oxygen scavengers)……………………………20
6.激發態捕捉劑(Excited-state quenchers)……………………………...20
第三章 添加HALS精製漆之耐光性及其塗料與塗膜性質……………………25
(一) 試驗材料………………………………………………………...…..25
(二) 試驗方法………………………………………………………...…..28
(一) 不同HALS添加量之精製漆……………………………………..…34
(二) 添加不同HALS種類之精製漆……………………………….….…49
第四章 添加TiO2精製漆之耐光性及其塗料與塗膜性質…………………..….62
(一) 塗料性質………………………………………………………...…..64
(二) 塗膜性質………………………………………………………….....65
第五章 含抗氧化劑精製漆之耐光性及其塗料與塗膜性質……………………79
(一) 試驗材料…………………………………………………………….79
(二) 試驗方法……………………………………………………...……..82
(一) 添加不同抗氧化劑之精製漆……………………………………….83
(二) 不同抗氧化劑添加量之精製漆…………………………………….86
第六章 含相思樹心材抽出物精製漆之耐光性及其塗料與塗膜性質………..100
(一) 不同溶劑萃取相思樹心材抽出物………………………………...104
(二) 不同相思樹心材抽出物添加量精製漆…………………………...105
第七章 生漆防銹性能之初探……………………………………………………..120
第八章 結論………………………………………………………………………..129


表2-1 不同產地之漆酚名稱及結構(盧崑宗、劉正字,2000)………………….. 4
Table 2-1 The name and structure of urushiol from different source areas……............4
Table 2-2 The UV transmission efficiency of the UV screeners……………………..14
表2-3 常用粉體材料之折射率比較(黃文魁,2003)…………………………...….14
Table 2-3 Comparison of refractive index of commercial powder materials ….…….14
Table 3-1 Coating properties of refined oriental lacquer with different amounts of H90…………………………………………………………………………………...35
表3-2不同H90添加量精製漆之經照光192 hr後塗膜耐光性………………...….38
Table 3-2 Lightfastness of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of H90 after 192 hr UV exposure test…………………………………………………38
Table 3-3 Surface properties of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of H90………………………………………………………………………………...40
Table 3-4 Film properties of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of H90…………………………………………………………………………………...44
Table 3-5 Tensile strength and abrasion resistance of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of H90……………………………………………………….45
Table 3-6 DTG parameters of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of H90…………………………………………………………………………………...48
Table 3-7 Coating properties of refined oriental lacquer with different HALS types………………………………………………………………………………….49
表3-8添加不同HALS精製漆照光192 hr之塗膜耐光性…………………….……52
Table 3-8 Lightfastness of refined oriental lacquer films with different HALS types after 192 hr UV exposure test…………………………………………………...……52
Table 3-9 Surface properties of refined oriental lacquer films with different HALS types……………………………………………………………………………...…..54
Table 3-10 Film properties of refined oriental lacquer films with different HALS types……………………………………………………………………………….....58
Table 3-11 Tensile strength and abrasion resistance of refined oriental lacquer films with different HALS types………………………………………………………...…59
Table 3-12 DTG parameters of refined oriental lacquer films with different HALS types……….………………………………………………………………….……...61
Table 4-1 Coating properties of refined oriental lacquer with different amounts of TiO2…………………………………………………………………………….….....65
表4-2不同TiO2添加量精製漆之經照光192 hr之塗膜耐光性…………………....69
Table 4-2 Lightfastness of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of TiO2 after 192 hr UV exposure test……………………………………………....…69
Table 4-3 Film properties of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of TiO2………………………………………………………………………………......74
Table 4-4 Film mechanical properties of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of TiO2………………………………………………………………….…..75
Table 4-5 DTG parameters of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of TiO2…………………………………………………………………………………..78
Table 5-1 Time dependent brightness difference (ΔL*)of refined oriental lacquer films with different type of antioxidants after UV exposure test……………….....…84
Table 5-2 Time dependent yellowness difference (ΔYI)of refined oriental lacquer films with different type of antioxidants after UV exposure test. ……………….…..85
表5-3 不同抗氧化劑精製漆塗膜照光試驗之色差經時變化……………….…….85
Table 5-3 Time dependent color difference (ΔE*)of refined oriental lacquer films with different type of antioxidants after UV exposure test. ………………….…...…85
Table 5-4 Coating properties of refined oriental lacquer with different amounts of antioxidants…………………………………………………………………….…..87
表5-5不同抗氧化劑添加量精製漆之經照光192 hr之塗膜耐光性…………..…..91
Table 5-5 Lightfastness of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of antioxidants after 192 hr UV exposure test…………………………………………..91
Table 5-6 Film properties of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of antioxidants……………………………………………………………………..……96
Table 5-7 Tensile strength and abrasion resistance of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of antioxidants…………………………………………...…..97
Table 5-8 DTG parameters of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of antioxidants……………………………………………………………………..……99
表6-1 相思樹心材抽出物總酚類及總黃酮類之含量……………………………105
Table 6-1 Total phenolic contents (TPC) and total flavonoid contents (TFC) of
A. confusa heartwood…………………………………………………………....….105
Table 6-2 Coating properties of refined oriental lacquer with different amounts of A. confusa heartwood extracts……………………………………………………....…106
表6-3不同相思樹心材抽出物添加量精製漆之經照光192 hr之塗膜耐光性…..110
Table 6-3 Lightfastness of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of A. confusa heartwood extracts after 192 hr UV exposure test…………………………110
Table 6-4 Film properties of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of A. confusa heartwood extracts……………………………………………………........116
Table 6-5 Tensile strength and abrasion resistance of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of A. confusa heartwood extracts……………….…...……..117
Table 6-6 DTG parameters of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of A. confusa heartwood extracts……………………………………………….……...119
表7-1 銹蝕等級及銹蝕面積………………………………………………………122
Table 7-1 Corrosion grade and corrosion area………………………………...……122
表7-2 生漆與市售塗料之塗膜性質及防銹效能…………………………………124
Table 7-2 Film properties and anti-corrosion efficiency of oriental lacquer and commercial coatings …………...………………………………………………...…124
表7-3 生漆與市售塗料經鹽水浸置試驗後之塗膜起泡觀………………..…..…125
Table 7-3 Blister observation of oriental lacquer and commercial coatings after the saltwater soaking test……………………………………………………………..125


Fig. 2-1 The curing process and chemical structure changes of oriental lacquer…..…7
圖2-2 光線對塗膜的影響(Wiles and Carlsson, 1981)………………………...……9
Fig. 2-2 The influence of light on the coating film …………………………………....9
圖2-3 精製漆塗膜之光劣解之可能機制(Hong et al., 2000)………......................10
Fig. 2-3 Schematics of the possible photo-degradation mechanism for refined oriental lacquer coating film…………………………………………………………..………10
圖2-4 精製漆塗膜表面經240 hr紫外光照射之掃描式電子顯微照片(大薮等,1998)……………………………………………………………………..11
Fig. 2-4 SEM micrograph of surface of refined oriental lacquer film irradiated with UV for 240 hr………………………………………………………………………...11
Fig. 2-5 Diagrams of photo-degradation of refined oriental lacquer film……..……..12
圖2-6 紫外光遮蔽劑之散射原理(林新賀,2001)…………………………………13
Fig. 2-6 The scattering principle of UV screeners…………………………………13
圖2-7 金紅石型和銳鈦礦型二氧化鈦結構(Linsebigler et al., 1995)………….…15
Fig. 2-7 Structure of rutile and anatase TiO2…………………………………………15
圖2-8 紫外光吸收劑能量轉移之方式(Valet, 1992)………………………………16
Fig. 2-8 The energy transfer of UV absorber………………………………...………16
圖2-9 受阻胺光安定劑之反應機制(隋昭德等,2010)………………………..…..17
Fig. 2-9 The reaction mechanism of HALS……………………………………...…..17
圖2-10 市售低分子型HALS………………………………………………….……18
Fig. 2-10 Low molecular weight of commercial HALS……………………...……18
圖2-11 市售高分子型HALS………………………………………………….……18
Fig. 2-11 High molecular weight of commercial HALS……………………….…..18
圖2-12 市售複合型HALS…………………………………………………….……18
Fig. 2-12 Commercially HALS complex……………………………………….……18
圖2-13 抗氧化劑之作用機制(Easchem, 2017)……………………………………19
Fig. 2-13 The mechanism of antioxidants……………………………………………19
圖2-14 單峰氧捕捉劑作用機制(Rabek, 1990)……………………………………20
fig. 2-14 The mechanism of singlet oxygen deactivator ……………………………20
圖2-15 漆酚與鐵離子之反應(Honda et al., 2006)……………………………..…23
Fig. 2-15 Reaction between urushiol and iron ion…………………………………...23
圖3-1 塗料乾燥性之測定方法…………………………………………………..…29
Fig. 3-1 Test method of curing time of coatings..……………………………………29
圖3-2 不同H90添加量精製漆塗膜耐光試驗後之色差經時變化..………………37
Fig. 3-2 Time dependent color difference(ΔE*)of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of H90.……………………………………………………………37
圖3-3 不同H90添加量精製漆塗膜耐光試驗後之明度經時變化…..……………37
Fig. 3-3 Time dependent brightness difference(ΔL*)of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of H90..……………………………………………………...37
圖3-4 不同H90添加量精製漆塗膜耐光試驗後之黃色指數差異經時變化…..…38
Fig. 3-4 Time dependent yellowness difference(ΔYI)of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of H90.………………………………………………………38
圖3-5 不同H90添加量精製漆照光前後之塗膜外觀.………….…………………38
Fig. 3-5 Appearances of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of H90 before and after UV exposure.…………………………………….…………………38
圖3-6 不同H90添加量之精製漆經192 hr照光試驗後塗膜掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察.………………………………………………………………...…………………..39
Fig. 3-6 Scanning electron microscopic image of film with different amounts of H90.……………………………………………………………….…………………39
圖3-7 不同H90添加量精製漆之塗膜原子力顯微分析.……….…………………41
Fig. 3-7 Atomic force microscopic image of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of H90…………………………………………………………….41
Fig. 3-8 FTIR spectra of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of H90.……………………………………………………….………………………….43
圖3-9 不同H90添加量精製漆之塗膜應力-應變圖.………………………………45
Fig. 3-9 Stress-strain curves of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of H90.…………..…………………………………………………..………………..45
圖3-10 不同H90添加量精製漆之塗膜TGA圖.……………………..……………47
Fig. 3-10 Thermogravimetric diagrams of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of H90.……………………………………………………….……………..47
圖3-11 不同H90添加量精製漆之塗膜DTG圖.………..…………………………47
Fig. 3-11 Derivative thermogravimetric diagrams of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of H90...……………………………………………………..47
圖3-12 添加不同HALS精製漆塗膜耐光試驗後之色差經時變化….……………51
Fig. 3-12 Time dependent color difference(ΔE*)of refined refined oriental lacquer films different HALS types.………………………………………….………………51
圖3-13 添加不同HALS精製漆塗膜耐光試驗後之明度經時變化.………………51
Fig. 3-13 Time dependent brightness difference(ΔL*)of refined oriental lacquer films with different HALS types.……………………………………………………….….51
圖3-14 添加不同HALS精製漆塗膜耐光試驗後之黃色指數差異經時變化….…52
Fig. 3-14 Time dependent yellowness difference(ΔYI)of refined oriental lacquer films with different HALS types.…………………………………….………………52
圖3-15 添加不同HALS精製漆照光前後之塗膜外觀….…………………………53
Fig. 3-15 Appearances of refined oriental lacquer films with different HALS types before and after UV exposure.………………………………………….……………53
圖3-16 含不同HALS精製漆之照光前後塗膜掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察….………53
Fig. 3-16 Scanning electron microscopic image of refined oriental lacquer films with different HALS types after UV exposure test.…….…………………………………53
圖3-17 不同HALS精製漆之塗膜原子力顯微分析圖.……...….…………………55
Fig. 3-17 Atomic force microscopic image of refined oriental lacquer films with different HALS types.………………………………………………..………………55
圖3-18 添加不同HALS精製漆之塗膜FTIR光譜圖.…………..…………………57
Fig. 3-18 FTIR spectra of refined oriental lacquer films with different HALS types.…………………………………………………………….…………………...57
圖3-19 添加不同HALS精製漆之塗膜TGA圖...…………………………………60
Fig. 3-19 Thermogravimetric diagrams of refined oriental lacquer films with different HALS types.…………………………………………….……………………………60
圖3-20 添加不同HALS精製漆之塗膜DTG圖.………………….……………….61
Fig. 3-20 Derivative thermogravimetric diagrams of refined oriental lacquer films different HALS types.………………………………………………..………………61
Fig. 4-1 Time dependent brightness difference(ΔL*)of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of TiO2 after UV exposure test……………….……………...67
Fig. 4-2 Time dependent yellowness difference(ΔYI)of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of TiO2 after UV exposure test………..……………………..67
圖4-3 不同TiO2添加量精製漆塗膜耐光試驗後之色差經時變化..….…………...68
Fig. 4-3 Time dependent color difference(ΔE*)of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of TiO2 after UV exposure test………………………….………...68
圖4-4 不同TiO2添加量精製漆照光前後之塗膜外觀.…………….………………68
Fig. 4-4 Appearances of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of TiO2 before and after UV exposure………………………………………………………..68
圖4-5 含不同TiO2添加量精製漆塗膜之掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察.…….…………70
Fig. 4-5 Scanning electron microscopic image of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of TiO2………………………………………….…………………70
Fig. 4-6 FTIR spectra of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of TiO2…………………………………………………………………………………..72
Fig. 4-7 Thermogravimetric diagrams of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of TiO2……………………………………………………………………...77
圖4-8 添加不同TiO2質量比精製漆之塗膜DTG圖.……….……………………..77
Fig. 4-8 Derivative thermogravimetric diagrams of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of TiO2………………………………...……………......................77
Fig. 5-1 Time dependent brightness difference(ΔL*)of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of antioxidants after UV exposure test……………...……….89
Fig. 5-2 Time dependent yellowness difference(ΔYI)of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of antioxidants after UV exposure test………………………89
圖5-3 不同抗氧化劑添加量精製漆塗膜耐光試驗之色差經時變化.……….……90
Fig. 5-3 Time dependent color difference(ΔE*)of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of antioxidants after UV exposure test……………………………90
圖5-4 不同抗氧化劑(AO-N)添加量精製漆照光前後之塗膜外觀.……..……….90
Fig. 5-4 Appearances of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of antioxidants (AO-N) before and after UV exposure.………………………………90
圖5-5 含不同抗氧化劑添加量精製漆塗膜之掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察.…….……91
Fig. 5-5 Scanning electron microscopic image of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of antioxidants.……………………………………………………91
圖5-5 (續) 含不同抗氧化劑添加量精製漆塗膜之掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察.……………………………………….……………………………………………92
Fig. 5-5(Continue) Scanning electron microscopic image of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of antioxidants…………………..…………………….92
Fig. 5-6 FTIR spectra of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of antioxidants………………………………………………………………………......94
Fig. 5-7 Thermogravimetric diagrams of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of antioxidants…………………………………………….………………..98
圖5-8 添加不同抗氧化劑質量比精製漆之塗膜DTG圖.……………..…………..98
Fig. 5-8 Derivative thermogravimetric diagrams of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of antioxidants………………………………….…………………98
圖6-1 相思樹心材經丙酮 (70%) 及甲苯/乙醇 (2/1) 萃取後之收率(相對於心材乾重之百分比計算而得)…..………………………………………………104
Table 6-1 Yields of acetone (70%) and toluene/ethanol (2/1) extracted from A. confusa heartwood (Based on percentage by dry weight of heartwood)…...……..104
Fig. 6-2 Time dependent brightness difference(ΔL*)of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of A. confusa heartwood extracts after UV exposure test…………………………………………………………………………………..108
Fig. 6-3 Time dependent yellowness difference(ΔYI)of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of A. confusa heartwood extracts after UV exposure test.…………………………………………………………….…………..………..109
圖6-4 不同相思樹心材抽出物添加量精製漆塗膜耐光試驗後之色差經時變化.……………………………………………………………………….…………..109
Fig. 6-4 Time dependent color difference(ΔE*)of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of A. confusa heartwood extracts after UV exposure test……….109
圖6-5 不同相思樹心材抽出物添加量精製漆照光前後之塗膜外觀.……….…..110
Fig. 6-5 Appearances of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of A. confusa heartwood extracts before and after UV exposure.……………………...…110
圖6-6 含不同相思樹心材抽出物添加量精製漆之照光前後塗膜掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察.………………………………………………………………………….…..111
Fig. 6-6 Scanning electron microscopic image of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of A. confusa heartwood extracts after UV exposure test……….111
圖6-6(續) 含不同相思樹心材抽出物添加量精製漆之照光前後塗膜掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察.…………………………………………………………………….…..112
Fig. 6-6 (Continue)Scanning electron microscopic image of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of A. confusa heartwood extracts after UV exposure test.………………………………………………………………………....………..112
Fig. 6-7 FTIR spectra of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of A. confusa heartwood extracts.…………………………………………………..…….114
Fig. 6-8 Stress-strain curves of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of A. confusa heartwood extracts………………………………………………...….117
Fig. 6-9 Thermogravimetric diagrams of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of A. confusa heartwood extracts………………………………………….118
圖6-10 添加不同相思樹心材抽出物質量比精製漆之塗膜DTG圖.……………119
Fig. 6-10 Derivative thermogravimetric diagrams of refined oriental lacquer films with different amounts of A. confusa heartwood extracts……………………….….119
圖7-1 起泡大小等級 む起泡數量(起泡密度)め.…………………………….……122
Fig. 7-1 Blister grade むblister quantity(blister density)め…………………….........122
圖7-2 不同塗料經鹽水浸置試驗後之塗膜外觀.……………………………...…125
Fig. 7-2 Observation of different type of coating after the saltwater soaking test. …125
圖7-2 (續) 不同塗料經鹽水浸置試驗後之塗膜外觀.….....................................126
Fig. 7-2 (Continue)Observation of different type of coating after the saltwater soaking test…………………………………………………………………………126
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黃文魁 (2003年5月)。二氧化鈦市場、國內奈米光觸媒之發展現況與建議(一)。取自https://goo.gl/nbVDny。
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