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研究生(外文):Praphasiri Chaiyot
論文名稱(外文):Effects of Light-Emitting Diodes on Growth and Morphogenesis of Pineapples in vitro
指導教授(外文):Ching-Cheng Chen
口試委員(外文):Yau-Shiang YangJau-Chang ShihChing-Cheng Chen
外文關鍵詞:LEDlight qualityAnanas comosus
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結果顯示,不同光源處理之‘TN17’果冠腋芽之植株的葉片數及根數有顯著差異,在9IR (100 % 遠紅光) 處理下之葉片數及根數最低。經9B (100 % 藍光) 處理之植株葉片氣孔密度最高 (147/mm2)。在3R4B2IR (Red 45%, Green 1%, Blue 43%, Infrared 11%) 處理下之‘TN17’植株鮮重乾重和葉綠素含量最高。經9IR (100 % 遠紅光) 處理下之‘MD-2’植株,總葉綠素含量及植株葉片氣孔密度最低。來自‘TN17’和‘MD-2’芽球之植株的葉綠素含量在不同處理間有顯著差異。經9IR (100% 遠紅光) 處理下之‘TN17’和‘MD-2’植株的葉綠素含量最低。經9B (100 %藍光) 處理之‘TN17’芽球之植株的植株葉片氣孔密度最低。經CW (冷白光) 處理之‘MD-2’芽球之植株的葉片氣孔密度最高,而經9IR (100 % 遠紅光) 最低。
The effect of different light emitting diode (LED) lights on growth and morphogenesis of ‘TN17’ (Tainung 17) and ‘MD-2’ pineapples cultured in vitro was investigated. Plantlets regenerated from axillary buds of crown stems and meristematic globular bodies were used in this study.
The result showed that there were significant differences in leaf and root numbers of ‘TN17’ plantlets regenerated from axillary buds of crown stems among treatments. The lowest leaf and root numbers were obtained under infrared light (9IR) treatment. The density of stomata of ‘TN17’ plantlets regenerated from axillary buds of crown stems in the blue light (9B) treatment was the highest (147/mm2). ‘TN17’ plantlets in the treatment of 3R4B2IR (Red 45%, Green 1%, Blue 43%, Infrared 11%) had the highest fresh weight, dry weight and chlorophyll contents. The lowest chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and total chlorophyll contents and stomatal density were obtained in the 9IR treatment of ‘MD-2’ plantlets. ‘TN17’ and ‘MD-2’ plantlets regenerated from meristematic globular bodies had significant differences in chlorophyll contents. Plantlets under 9IR treatment had the lowest chlorophyll contents in both ‘TN17’ and ‘MD-2’ cultivars. ‘TN17’ plantlets regenerated from meristematic globular bodies in 9B treatment had the lowest stomatal density. The stomatal density in CW treatments were the highest and that in 9IR treatment was the lowest in ‘MD-2’ plantlets regenerated from meristematic globular bodies.
In summary, different LED light sources had significant effects on growth and morphogenesis of ‘TN17’ and ‘MD-2’ pineapples. Red, blue and white light were more effective than IR light on promoting growth and morphogenesis of ‘TN17’ and ‘MD-2’ pineapples cultured in vitro.
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
Table of Contents iii
List of Tables iv
List of Figures vi
Introduction 1
Review of literature 2
Propagation of pineapple 2
Effect of light on plant growth and development 2
Application of light-emitted diode (LED) lighting in Horticulture 4
Materials and methods 6
A. Materials and treatments 6
Experiment 1. Growth of axillary buds of ‘TN17’ pineapple crowns 6
Experiment 2. Growth of ‘TN17’ and ‘MD-2’ pineapple plantlets 6
Experiment 3. Growth of meristematic globular bodies (MGB) of ‘TN17’ and ‘MD-2’ pineapples 7
B. Measurement and analysis 8
C. Statistical analysis 8
Results 9
Experiment 1. Growth of axillary buds of ‘TN17’ pineapple crowns 9
Experiment 2. Growth of ‘TN17’ and ‘MD-2’ pineapple plantlets 16
Experiment 3. Growth of meristematic globular bodies (MGB) of ‘TN17’ and ‘MD-2’ pineapples 28
Discussion 36
References 39
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