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研究生(外文):Li-Xiang Zhang
論文名稱(外文):Annual Variations of Carbohydrate Content Dynamics in Taiwanese Urban Trees —A Case Study of Camphor and Sweetgum Trees
指導教授(外文):Tung-Chi Liu
外文關鍵詞:carbohydrateFormosa sweetgumcamphor treereservessubtropics
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本研究選擇臺灣原生樹種楓香(Liquidambar formosana (Hance))和樟樹(Cinnamomum camphora (L.))為試驗材料,試驗地點位於臺灣臺中市中興大學校園。兩種樹種各有6株樹木,每月採樣葉枝根各3重複,自2016年3月開始到2017年2月。使用苯酚硫酸法測定樣品中總可溶性糖(Total Soluble Sugar, TSS)和澱粉(starch)含量,然後比較其含量逐月變化,與季節變化比較,探究楓香與樟樹如何與臺灣氣候狀況互動。
Carbohydrate is an index that has been developed for near a hundred years in plant physiology. As an autotroph, plants depend on photosynthate, or glucose, as their only source of energy. Carbohydrate also serves as materials of respiration, wood building, and defensive chemicals production. Owing to aforementioned reasons, carbohydrate content dynamics in different parts of plants show how plants distribute photosynthate and how they survive under various environments. Also, the best preserving way of trees in human cognition is to understand physiology of trees, and to maintain trees based on their physiological properties. Therefore, this study was used carbohydrate content dynamics as a physiological index to observe how urban trees have been interacted with the subtropical environment of Taiwan, and then providing suggestions of urban trees maintenances.
This study has been taken two native species: Formosa sweetgum (Liquidambar formosana) and camphor tree (Cinnamomum camphora) for examples at campus of National Chung Hsing University in Taichung City, Taiwan. Each species has been detected for 6 individual trees. Triplicate sample collection were used for leaves, branches, and root which collected once per month from March 2016 to February 2017. Total Soluble Sugar (TSS) and starch content in samples were determined by phenol-sulfuric acid method. Then this approach was compared carbohydrate content dynamics of two species with the factors of season changing, exploring how these two species to be detected to interact with the subtropical environment of Taiwan.
The results were shown that carbohydrate content dynamics of both species has higher correlation with seasonal changes. Their TSS and starch content in leaves, branches, and roots was detected to be lower from the middle of winter to spring, which means that a fraction of carbohydrates offered for differentiation of leaf and flower bud during winter, preparing for the bud break in spring. The other fraction of carbohydrates turned into soluble sugars for the aboveground part of trees to adopt to coldness and drought during winter. Thus, TSS increased in leaves and branches.
Besides, the carbohydrate content dynamics of leaves and branches were similar in both species, while dynamics of roots were different. This means that the differences of carbohydrate utilization models between deciduous and evergreen trees might be ambiguous under subtropical climate compared with temperate climate. Furthermore, starch content of roots of camphor trees and Formosa sweetgum both had two peaks in one year, and the time of peaks were similar. However, the degree of fluctuation of camphor trees was less than that of Formosa sweetgums, which means camphor trees might tend to store photosynthate in aboveground part in order to grow new leaves continuously throughout every season.
前言…………………………………. ………………………………………………….1
一、研究動機…………………………………. ……………………………………1
二、研究目的…………………………………. ……………………………………2
三、研究目標…………………………………. ……………………………………2
四、研究限制…………………………………. ……………………………………3
文獻回顧…………………………………. …………………………………………….4
(一) 樟樹…………………………………. ……………………………………...4
(二) 楓香…………………………………. ……………………………………...5
(三) 樟樹與楓香生理特性比較………………………………………………….7
(一) 植物醣類種類…………………………………………………………….12
(二) 儲藏物質(reserve)定義、分布與功能……………………………………...12
(三) 常綠與落葉儲藏物質利用模式比較……………………………………...16
(一) 採樣與樣品處理…………………………………………………………...24
(二) 醣類測定步驟……………………………………………………………25
(一) 葉片………………………………………………………………………..27
(二) 枝條………………………………………………………………………...28
(三) 根部………………………………………………………………………...28
(四) 葉枝根比較………………………………………………………………..29
(一) 葉片………………………………………………………………………...31
(二) 枝條………………………………………………………………………...31
(三) 根部………………………………………………………………………...32
(四) 葉枝根比較………………………………………………………………...32
附錄一 試驗期間侵臺颱風日期與強度…………………………………………...61
附錄二 樣區環境照片……………………………………………………………..62
附錄三 文獻回顧重要資料整理…………………….……………………………..64
附錄四 原始數據…………………………………………………………………...74


表1 樟樹與楓香生理特性比較………………………………………………………...9
表2 植物體內常見醣類………………………………………………………………14
表3 落葉與常綠樹種醣類含量年變化比較………………………………………….21
表4 試驗樹木編號與位置…………………………………………………………….23
表5 總可溶性糖與澱粉標準溶液配置方法…………………………………………26
表6 試驗期間節氣與季節……………………………………………………………36
附表 1 試驗期間發過警報之侵臺颱風……………………………………………...61
附表2 醣類測定方法整理……………………………………………………………64
附表3 醣類研究項目、測定部位與測定糖類種類整理……………………………70


圖 1 植物體內醣類的分類與關係圖………………………………………………...10
圖 2 光合產物分配到樹體各部位的比重順序……………………………………...16
圖 3 胡桃(pecan)枝條與細根醣類含量年變化……………………………………18
圖 4 奇異果枝條醣類含量年變化…………………………………………………...19
圖 5 糖楓(Acer saccharum)根部澱粉含量年變化示意圖…………………………...19
圖 6 冬青櫟(Quercus ilex)和板栗(Castanea crenata)主幹與根部非結構性醣含量年變化………………………………………………………………………………20
圖 7 山羊耳(Symplocos glauca)以及水木(Swida controversa)木質部與韌皮部醣類含量年變化差異……………………………………………………………………20
圖 8 試驗樹木分布圖…………………………………………………………….......23
圖 9 試驗開始前半年至試驗結束之雨量與氣溫資料……………………………...36
圖 10 楓香葉片總可溶性糖含量年變化…………………………………………….37
圖 11 楓香葉片澱粉含量年變化 …………………………………………………….37
圖 12 楓香葉片總可溶性糖與澱粉含量年變化之比較…………………………….38
圖 13楓香枝條總可溶性糖含量年變化……………………………………………..39
圖 14 楓香枝條澱粉含量年變化…………………………………………………….39
圖 15 楓香枝條總可溶性糖與澱粉含量年變化之比較…………………………….40
圖 16 楓香根部總可溶性糖含量年變化…………………………………………….41
圖 17 楓香根部澱粉含量年變化…………………………………………………….41
圖 18 楓香根部總可溶性糖與澱粉含量年變化之比較…………………………….42
圖 19 楓香葉枝根醣類含量年變化之比較………………………………………….43
圖 20 樟樹葉片總可溶性糖含量年變化…………………………………………….44
圖 21 樟樹葉片澱粉含量年變化…………………………………………………….44
圖 22 樟樹葉片總可溶性糖與澱粉含量年變化比較……………………………….45
圖 23 樟樹枝條總可溶性糖含量年變化…………………………………………….46
圖 24 樟樹枝條澱粉含量年變化…………………………………………………….46
圖 25 樟樹枝條總可溶性糖與澱粉含量年變化之比較…………………………….47
圖 26 樟樹根部總可溶性糖含量年變化…………………………………………….48
圖 27 樟樹根部澱粉含量年變化…………………………………………………….48
圖 28 樟樹根部總可溶性糖與澱粉含量年變化之比較…………………………….49
圖 29 樟樹葉枝根醣類含量年變化之比較………………………………………….50
圖 30 楓香與樟樹葉枝根醣類含量年變化之比較………………………………….51
附圖 1 樟樹A樣區環境……………………………………………………………..62
附圖 2 樟樹B樣區環境……………………………………………………………..62
附圖 3 楓香A樣區環境……………………………………………………………..63
附圖 4 楓香B樣區環境……………………………………………………………..63

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