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研究生(外文):Yu-Wei Liao
論文名稱(外文):A New Density-Based Local Outlier Detection Algorithm Using Weighted Dynamic Window
外文關鍵詞:Local outlierUnsupervised Outlier DetectionAnomaly DetectionDensity-Based Outlier FactorDynamic windowWeighting assignmentWeighted dynamic window
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An outlier is an observation sample that is distant from other observations. The outlier detection method area one of the important research topics in data analysis and pattern recognition, it has been widely used in various knowledge domains. The focus of this study is on the local outlier detection, i.e., a sample is dissimilar to its surrounding data (not global dataset). The existing density-based outlier detection algorithm - local outlier factor (LOF) has the following problems: (1) It can’t perform well when the dataset is imbalanced or their density distributions are overlapped; (2) It is sensitive to the selection of the parameter k in finding nearest neighbors. This study aims at implement a better performance density-based outlier detection method which can solve above problems. By using the dynamic window and the weighting assignment, the proposed method can detect the outlier effectively and robustly. Experiments on synthetic and real world datasets demonstrate that our proposed method yields robust and excellent performance.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
Contents iii
Figure Contents iv
Table Contents vi
CHAPTER 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Organization of the dissertation 6
CHAPTER 2 Related Works 7
2.1 Statistical Outlier Detection Methods 7
2.2 Distance-based Outlier Detection Methods 9
2.3 Density-based Outlier Detection Methods 11
2.3.1 Local Outlier Factor (LOF) 11
2.3.2 Dynamic window Outlier Factor (DWOF) 14
CHAPTER 3 Proposed Method 17
3.1 Weighted Local Density 18
3.2 Ranking Outlier Score with Weighted Dynamic Window 20
CHAPTER 4 Experimental Results 25
4.1 Background 25
4.2 Synthetic dataset 26
4.2.1 Varying Density Dataset 26
4.2.2 Arbitrary Shaped Dataset 35
4.3 Real-World datasets 44
4.4 Discussions 51
CHAPTER 5 Conclusions 53
References 54
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