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研究生(外文):Chi-Ming Lee
論文名稱(外文):A New Frame Selection Method for The Creation of Hyperlapse Video
外文關鍵詞:HyperlapseTime-lapseVideo StabilizationImage Deformation
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透過影片縮時的特性,縮時倍率決定了哪些畫面會被保留下來,但被挑選的畫面可能是晃動過大的畫面,進而造成常用的影片穩定方法無法有效處理的主要原因。在本篇研究中,我們提出了一種新的畫面選取(Frame Selection)方法來提升影片穩定程度。我們先找出畫面彼此之間匹配(Frame Matching)的資訊,並計算影像轉換成本(Transformation Cost)來評估各畫面的晃動幅度,之後使用畫面選取的方式保留轉換較小的畫面,取代原本由縮時倍率所選取的各畫面來達到減少影片晃動的效果,使得在我們使用影片穩定方法之前有更好的輸入影片。此外,我們的畫面選取方式可以有效地保持我們輸出影片的實際縮時倍率接近於我們預期的縮時倍率。
Hyperlapse is a new exposure technique in time-lapse photography. It needs to take pictures one by one and take a lot of time in the traditional way. Now we use camera to record long high quality videos and speed up them; however, if the video is shacking, the speed-up process will accentuate the unstable motion, resulting in a nauseating jumble.
Our goal is the hyperlapse videos stabilization. We present an algorithm for choosing the stable frame to replace the target speed-up frame, which is unstable. Our approach use the frame selection technique, we calculate the transformation cost to estimate if the frame is stable or not, by using frame matching for each video frame. Then we use our frame selection method based on transformation cost, this method will consider the transformation cost and target speed-up to make sure our hyperlapse videos is smoothing and the best match a desired target speed-up.
We will compare our result with other hyperlapse method by estimating the transformation of different directions for hyperlapse video, to prove our approach can make the hyperlapse video smoother.
第一章、緒論 1
1.1研究背景及動機 1
1.2 論文架構 3
第二章、文獻探討 4
2.1電影穩定(Cinema stabilization) 4
2.2第一人稱動態縮時攝影影片(First-person Hyper-lapse Videos) 5
2.3利用最佳畫面選取於即時建立動態縮時攝影(Real-Time Hyperlapse Creation via Optimal Frame Selection) 6
第三章、研究方法 9
3.1畫面匹配(Frame Matching) 10
3.1.1特徵點偵測(Feature Point Detection) 11
3.1.2特徵描述子與匹配(Feature Descriptor And Matching) 14
3.1.3射影變換矩陣(Homography Matrix) 15
3.1.4 RANSAC(RANdom SAmple Consensus) 16
3.2 成本估計(Cost Estimation) 19
3.3畫面選取(Frame Selection) 21
3.4影片穩定(Video Stabilization) 23
第四章、實驗結果及討論 26
4.1 態縮時攝影影片之結果 27
4.2 穩定成果比較 29
4.3 畫面裁切與轉換細節比較 37
第五章、結論與未來展望 41
參考文獻 42
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