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研究生(外文):Ding-Syuan Jhuang
論文名稱(外文):An Implementation of Packet-In Buffer Plugin for OpenFlow Switches
指導教授(外文):Shang-Juh Kao
口試委員(外文):I-En LiaoYao-Nan Lien
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多媒體應用在計算機網絡中急劇增長,增加的流量可能導致新開發的軟體定義網路的管理複雜性。在軟體定義網路中,當OpenFlow交換器接收到封包時,它會在交換器內的Flow table中搜尋匹配的規則欄位。一旦封包匹配,它將轉發封包到下一個目的地。如果封包在交換器中無法匹配,則交換器將會產生packet-in訊息,將整個封包直接傳送至軟體定義網路中的控制器。
The drastically multimedia applications increased traffic may cause management complexity in the newly developed Software-Defined Networking (SDN). With SDN, when an OpenFlow switch receives a packet, it searches the flow table for a flow match, and forwards the packet to the next hop once the flow is matched in the table. However, a mismatch may result in the packet to be directed to the controller as a packet-in message.

When the number of packet-in messages increases, a newly arrived packet may suffer from long latency before it is processed. The packet could be even dropped in case of the packet-in buffer being full. To speed up the processing time of packet-in messages, instead of sending mismatched packets to the controller, we propose a packet-in buffer plugin between OpenFlow switches and the controller as a middle box. Only the header of the mismatched packet is extracted and directed to the controller for the purpose of forwarding determination.

The plugin structure includes three modules: packet-in module, packet-out module and packet-buffer storage module. The packet-in module detaches the header and data from the mismatched packet and forwards the new packet containing header and buffer unique identifier (BUID) to the controller as well as stores the data and BUID into the packet-buffer storage. The packet-out module combines the packet-out message, as corresponding to the BUID, with the original data from packet-buffer storage and sends to the destined OpenFlow switch. Our experimental results show that by cutting the size of a packet-in message to 92bytes, we can successfully reduce the congestion occasions at the controller and improve the throughput of the controller. As a result, a single controller is able to manage more switches, and the network can be easily scaled out. However, if the scale of the network is not large enough, then the cost of going through an intermediate buffering device may result in increased latency.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
Contents iii
List of Tables v
List of Figures vi
1. Introduction 1
1.1. Motivation 1
1.2. Thesis Contribution 2
1.3. Thesis Structure 2
2. Related Work 3
2.1. Software Defined Networking 3
2.2. Packet-in Message 4
2.3. Packet-out Message 5
2.4. SDN Controller 6
2.4.1. Ryu SDN Framework 6
2.4.2. Open Network Operating System (ONOS) 6
2.5. Simulation Tools 7
2.5.1. Open vSwitch 7
2.5.2. KVM 8
2.5.3. Go 8
2.6. Distributed Controllers 8
3. Design of the packet-in buffer plugin 10
3.1. Packet-In Buffer Plugin Architecture 10
3.2. OpenFlow Switch Buffer Plugin 11
3.3. Packet-In Module 12
3.4. Packet-Out Module 13
3.5. Packet Buffer Storage Module 13
4. System Implementation and Analysis 14
4.1. Experimental environment construction 14
4.1.1. Install Open vSwitch 14
4.1.2. Install Ryu SDN Framework 16
4.1.3. Install KVM 16
4.1.4. Build a KVM virtual machine 17
4.1.5. Install Go 18
4.2. Controller Throughput 19
4.3. Latency 27
4.4. Flexible 28
5. Conclusions 29
References 30
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