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研究生(外文):Yu-Siang Chen
論文名稱(外文):Efficient Routing in SDN using Minimum Bottleneck Spanning Tree
外文關鍵詞:software-defined networkingrouting algorithmminimum bottleneck spanning treeload balancingTCAM
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軟體定義網路(Software defined networking, SDN)將控制層 (control plane)與資料層(data plane)分離,網路管理者能藉由控制器,以集中化的方式管理網路上的交換器,並根據網路策略規劃路由路徑。在SDN,為了能有效提升轉發封包的效率,交換器通常會使用TCAM來加快路由表搜尋的時間。然而,當重新路由的次數太頻繁時,TCAM就必須不斷的更新路由表以確保路由表的規則正確排序。而轉發封包的動作必須被停止直到TCAM更新結束,才能正常的轉發封包。因此,為了要減少重新路由的情況,本論文提出以最小瓶頸生成樹為基礎的路由演算法,在決定路由時,會以best-effort的方式盡可能地平均使用所有link做為傳輸路徑。我們亦提出了動態門檻值演算法,動態門檻值會隨著當下的頻寬調整當前的門檻值,避免過去SDN的路由演算法設定固定門檻值所造成的問題。實驗結果證明,本論文提出的路由算法相較於過去的方法,不僅能有效降低控制器重新路由次數與交換器端的TCAM更新次數,也能降低遺失的封包數及達到較佳的網路負載平衡。
Software-defined networking (SDN) decouples the control plane and data plane of network devices. The decoupling allows network administrators to manage network services and determine forwarding paths in a centralized manner. In order to increase the performance of packet forwarding in SDN networks, the switches are usually equipped with ternary content addressable memory (TCAM) to shorten the look up time. When the events of path rerouting frequently occur, switches must perform TCAM updates for the correctness of packet forwarding. While the TCAM updates, packet forwarding could be halted to avoid race condition. In order to reduce the occurrence of path rerouting, we propose a routing scheme which can evenly distribute routing paths to different links. We also develop a floating-threshold algorithm to adjust the threshold value based on the average traffic load. With the proposed routing scheme and floating-threshold algorithm, redundant path rerouting can be avoided. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed scheme can reduce the number of path-rerouting occurrences. As a result, the average and total number of installed rules can be lowered to minimize TCAM updates. The proposed scheme also achieves a better balance of link loads.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
Table of Contents iii
List of Figures iv
List of Tables v
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Related Work 4
2.1 Static Routing Schemes 4
2.2 Dynamic Routing Schemes 5
2.3 TCAM Update Schemes 6
Chapter 3 The Proposed Scheme 8
3.1 Controller Modules 8
3.2 Minimum Bottleneck Spanning Tree 11
3.3 Default Path Algorithm 14
3.4 Alternative Path Algorithm 16
3.5 Link Load Monitor Algorithm 19
3.6 Rerouting Algorithm 21
Chapter 4 Performance Evaluation 25
4.1 Experimental Environment 25
4.2 The Comparison of Different Threshold Values 27
4.3 The Comparison of Routing Schemes 29
4.4 The Comparison of Fixed and Floating Thresholds 33
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Work 36
References 37
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