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研究生(外文):Ming-Jen Chang
論文名稱(外文):The Contrast Enhancement and Detection of Objects in Medical Images
外文關鍵詞:retinal imagecolor transformationcontrast enhancementliver tissue section imageobject segmentationscar tissue recognition
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(2) 首先使用區域十字門檻方法,由肝組織切片影像中將傷疤肝組織與正常肝組織分離開來,再利用雙層識別演算法來確認肝組織中的傷疤所屬狀態。最後,用參數設定基因演算法來決定所用到參數的最佳值。實驗結果證明所提出的方法對肝組織傷疤的判定有接近90%的正確率。
Medical images are some of the very important referenced data for clinical diagnosis. The quality of a medical image not only affects the result of clinical diagnosis but also affects the performance of an automatic computer diagnosis assistant system. The object contrast enhancement is an essential step to improve the quality of medical images. This not only lets a doctor correctly identify objects in a medical image easier but also improves the object segmentation of an automatic computer diagnosis assistant system. Of course, the quality of object segmentation will affect the performance of the diagnosis assistant of an automatic computer diagnosis assistant system.
This research is focused on two major issues - improving the color contrast between vessels and the background in a retinal image and object segmentation of medical images. Contrast enhancement is applied on retinal images to enhance the color contrast between vessels and backgrounds. Object detection is employed to extract and classify the scar tissues from a liver tissue section image. The topics are summarized as follows.
(1) Propose a color transformation method to enhance the contrast. The existing color contrast enhancement methods are based on the color textures of the original retinal images. If the image quality is poor, or diagnosis needs to be done for different parts of a retinal image, the existing methods might not obtain well color contrast. The proposed method employs the color textures of another image to improve the color texture of the original retinal image. This can break the restriction of the existing contrast enhancement methods. Furthermore, the color channel of retinal images with the highest contrast between vessels and backgrounds is studied. The existing researches show that the green channel of a color retinal image has the highest contrast. But in experiments, it is found that R channel will provide the highest color contrast after the proposed color transforming.
(2) First, a local cross thresholding method is provided to separate the scar liver tissues from normal liver tissues on a liver tissue section image. Moreover, a two-layer recognition algorithm is presented to identify the scar stage of liver tissue. Furthermore, a parameter decider genetic algorithm (PDGA) is proposed to decide the most suitable values of the parameters used in the presented diagnosis system. The experimental results show that, in segmenting scar tissues and normal tissues on liver cirrhosis images, the average accuracy is close to 90%.
誌謝辭 i
中文摘要 ii
Abstract iii
Contents v
List of Figures vii
List of Tables viii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Challenges 4
1.3 Materials 5
1.4 Thesis Structures 6
Chapter 2 Related Works 8
2.1 Related Works of Color Enhancement 8
2.2 Related Works of Object Segmentation 10
Chapter 3 MRA-Based Color Transformation Scheme 12
3.1 Color Space Transformation 13
3.2 Normalization 14
3.3 Sampling and Sorting 14
3.4 Multiple Regression Analysis 15
3.5 Inverse Normalization and Color Space Transformation 16
3.6 Color Transformation in Different Color Space 17
Chapter 4 Performance Evaluations 20
Chapter 5 Liver Scar Stage Diagnosis System 26
5.1 Image Pre-processing 26
5.2 Contrast Enhancement 28
5.3 Local Cross Thresholding 28
5.4 Feature Extraction 30
5.5 Liver Tissue Scar Stage Identification 31
5.6 Parameter Decider Genetic Algorithm (PDGA) 33
The performance of the TSILSS diagnosis system is deeply affected by the parameters rG, mc, rb, rs, r1, w1, r2, w2, …, r5, and w5. In this study, a parameter decider genetic algorithm (PDGA) is presented to give the fittest values of rG, mc, rb, rs, r1, w1, r2, w2, …, r5, and w5. 33
Chapter 6 Results Analysis 36
Chapter 7 Conclusions 39
7.1 Color Contrast Enhancement 39
7.2 Object Segmentation and Detection 39
Bibliography 41

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