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研究生(外文):Meng-Fong Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Application and Study of imbalanced datasets base on Top-N Reverse k-Nearest Neighbor (TRkNN) coupled with Synthetic Minority Over-Sampling Technique (SMOTE)
外文關鍵詞:Imbalanced classificationSynthetic minority oversampling techniqueDistance MetricUCI Dataset
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The imbalanced classification means the dataset has an unequal class distribution among its population. For a given dataset without considering the imbalanced issue, most classification methods often predict the high accuracy for the majority class, but significantly low accuracy for the minority class. The first task in this dissertation is to provide an efficient algorithm, Top-N Reverse k-Nearest Neighbor (TRkNN), coupled with Synthetic Minority Over-Sampling TEchnique (SMOTE) to overcome this issue for several imbalanced datasets from famous UCI datasets. To investigate the proposed algorithm, it was applied into different classified methods, such as Logistic regression, C4.5, SVM, and BPNN. In addition, this research also adopted different distance metrics to classify the same UCI datasets. The empirical results illustrated that the Euclidean distance and Manhattan distance not only perform higher percentage of accuracy rate, but also show greater computational efficiency than the Chebyshev distance and Cosine distance. Therefore, the TRkNN and SMOTE based algorithm could be widely used to handle the imbalanced datasets and how to choose the suitable distance metrics can be as the reference for the future researches.
Research into cancer prediction has applied various machine learning algorithms, such as neural networks, genetic algorithms, and particle swarm optimization, to find the key to classifying illness or cancer properties or to adapt traditional statistical prediction models to effectively differentiate between different types of cancers, and thus build prediction models that can allow for early detection and treatment. Training data from existing patients is used to establish models to predict the classification accuracy of new patient samples. This issue has attracted considerable attention in the field of data mining, and scholars have proposed various methods (e.g., random sampling and feature selection) to address category imbalances and achieve a re-balanced class distribution, thus improving the effectiveness of classifiers with limited data. Although resampling methods can quickly deal with the problem of unbalanced samples, they give more importance to the data in the majority class, and neglect potentially important data in the minority class, thus limiting the effectiveness of classification. Based on patterns discovered in imbalanced medical data sets, the second task in this dissertation is to use the synthetic minority oversampling technique to improve imbalanced data set issues. In addition, this research also compares the resampling performance of various methods based on machine learning, soft-computing, and bio-inspired computing, using three UCI medical data sets.
致 謝 ii
中文摘要 iii
Abstract iv
Contents vi
List of Figures viii
List of Tables ix
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2. Literatures Review 4
2.1 Sampling Techniques 4
2.2 Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE) 5
2.3 Machine Learning 6
Chapter 3. Data Mining for Bioinformatics: Design with Oversampling and Performance Evaluation 8
3.1. Imbalanced Class 8
3.2. Machine Learning 10
3.3. DataBase 11
3.4. Methods 13
3.4.1. UCI Data Set Collection Stage 13
3.4.2. Data Preprocessing Stage 13
3.4.3. Prediction Model Implementation Stage 15
3.4.4. Performance Evaluation Stage 15
Chapter 4. Distance Metric Based Over-Sampling Method for Bioinformatics and Performance Evaluation 16
4.1. Materials 16
4.2. Top-N Reverse k-Nearest Neighbor (TRkNN) Algorithm 17
4.3. Distance Metrics 19
Chapter 5. Experimental Results 22
5.1. Performances of Data Mining Based Design for Bioinformatics with Oversampling 22
5.1.1. Experimental Design and Parameter Setting 22
5.1.2. Performance Evaluation 22
5.2. Performances of Distance Metric Based Over-Sampling Method for Bioinformatics 25
5.2.1. Experimental Design and Parameter Setting 25
5.2.2. Performance Evaluation 25
Chapter 6 Conclusions 31
References 33
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