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研究生(外文):Yen-Ting Lin
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Collaborative Filtering Location Based Travel Recommendation System on GPS Trajectory
指導教授(外文):Iuon-Chang Lin
口試委員(外文):Chen-Young ChengYin-Yann ChenKuan-Jiuh Lin
中文關鍵詞:位置過濾路徑過濾GPS 行程軌跡關鍵路徑模組相似位置模組推薦系統
外文關鍵詞:Location FilteringRoute FilteringGPS trajectoryKey Point ModuleSimilar Location ModuleRecommender System
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隨著應用「全球衛星定位系統(Global Positioning System ; GPS)」於個人定位與導航之相關行動裝置產品日益普及,若對於各使用者每次使用於定位導航之資料加以蒐集儲存,可產生路徑資料庫。而將此資料加以分析,當可獲取許多有用的資訊與知識。目前應用 GPS 於導航的相關產品所做之最短路徑規劃,多為單純地找出起點至終點之最短路徑。然對於想要至當地旅遊的旅行者而言,此類最短路徑卻未必為其最佳路徑。因此類駕駛者往往至當地旅遊時無法判斷該去哪個景點,以及路線該如何規劃才會是該段旅程之最佳路徑。
本研究針對上述問題,提出以 GPS 資料探勘最適應路線給予當前使用者之演算法。因此類資料庫資料量通常十分龐大,本系統架構將對於使用者定出之起點與終點,建立適合旅遊之協同過濾推薦機制,通過此機制使用者得以在短時間內了解陌生的城市,並以較適合的路徑規劃旅程。
With the pervasiveness of the GPS-enabled devices, a huge amount of GPS traces has been accumulating unobtrusively and continuously in these Web communities. However, almost all of these applications still directly use raw GPS data, like coordinates and time stamps, without much understanding. Hence, so far, these communities cannot offer much support in giving people interesting information about geospatial locations. What’s more, facing such a large dataset in a community, it is impossible for a user to browse each GPS trajectory one by one. Therefore, the classifying of users' GPS logs is performed by mining each traces to determines the direction of it (positive or negative). When the number of the rating is greater than threshold this means that it is a similar place to the user. In contrast, if a lot of ratings are negative, so the rate of a place is not suit the person. When a user searches for the best place, recommender system will ask about user's location (latitude, longitude). Recommender system will send to user's mobile the best rated location as well as the nearest one from user's location. The mobile will show the location of recommended place on a map. Our study is based on GPS data mining that is our proposed before. It can use on numeric type of user’s attributes in the recommender system. In the experiment, we discussed the similar locations required to GPS data, user’s information data and the route which the user may be interested. Finally, we summarize the proposed the method and future research.
致謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Tables vi
List of Figures vii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1. Research Motivations 1
1.2. Research Goals 3
1.3. Thesis Organization 4
Chapter 2 Literature Review 5
2.1. Location Recommenders 5
2.2. Mining Location History 6
2.2.1. Traditional TFIDF 6
2.2.2. Edit Distance 7
2.2.3. Distances based on correlation coefficients 8
2.3. Recreational Itinerary Planning 9
Chapter 3 System Design 11
3.1. System Architecture 11
3.2. Data Collection (GPS Logs, Users Data, Locations Data) Module 12
3.3. Feature Preprocess 14
3.3.1. Users Feature 15
3.3.2. Locations Feature 17
3.4. Location Filtering 18
3.4.1. Locations-Content-aware Collaborative Filtering (LCCF) 18
3.4.2. Similar Location Module(Location-based) 21
3.5. Route Filtering 23
3.5.1. Collaborative-Filtering(CF) Based Route Recommendation 23
3.6. Recommender System 25
Chapter 4 Experimental Results 27
4.1. Datasets Description 27
4.1.1. GPS Datasets 27
4.1.2. Location Datasets 28
4.2.Locations-Content-aware Collaborative Filtering (LCCF) 29
4.3. Route Filtering 31
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Works 35
5.1. Conclusions 35
5.2. Future Works 36
References 37
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