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研究生(外文):Yu-Lun Wang
論文名稱(外文):The Study on Data Hiding Techniques in VQ and AMBTC
指導教授(外文):Jau-Ji ShenMin-Shiang Hwang
口試委員(外文):Cheng-Ying Yang
外文關鍵詞:Steganographyreversible data hidingVQ compressionAMBTC compression
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With the rapid development of information technology in recent years, and network faster and faster, more and more digital multimedia files such as images upload on the internet. Because of the rise of the social media, leading to modern people increasingly rely on social media to share their lives. And the popularity of smart mobile devices, make readily take pictures readily upload photos and textures possible. These uploaded files are easy to spread, misappropriation, and even be used to engage in illegal activities. Therefore, embedding personal name, logo etc. into the uploaded image file can prove ownership of the image file by and extraction algorithm. And different from the watermark method, the image will not be perceived this image has been data hidden processing.
Compressed image have become a well-known research field, and a variety of compression method have been proposed in the 20th century. After constant modification to achieve better compression rate, nowadays, social media in the image uploaded processing, in order to quickly achieve the purpose of uploading, usually compress the image first and then upload. Therefore, if we want to apply data hiding scheme to social media, it is necessary to hide the data in the compressed image file.
This proposal will propose data hiding techniques for different compression methods and meet criteria such as compression rates and the amount of data hidden in compressed image files.
致謝 i
中文摘要 ii
Abstract iii
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
Chapter 2 An improved reversible data hiding based on referred frequency for VQ compressed index 5
2.1 Related Works 5
2.1.1 The VQ technique 5
2.1.2 Data hiding in VQ compressed images 6
2.1.2 Tu et al.’s scheme [44] 13
2.2 Proposed Scheme 15
2.2.1 Data hiding in VQ compressed images embedding procedure 15
2.2.2 Data hiding in VQ compressed images decompression and extracting secret information procedure 18
2.3 Experimental Results 19
2.3.1 Embedding performance 21
2.3.2 Comparison 22
Chapter 3 An Improved Reversible Data Hiding for Block Truncation Coding Compressed Images 23
3.1 Related Works 23
3.1.1 The AMBTC technique 23
3.1.2 Data hiding in AMBTC compressed images 25
3.1.3 Sun et al.’s scheme [47] 26
3.2 Proposed Scheme 29
3.2.1 Data hiding in AMBTC compressed images embedding algorithm 29
3.2.2 Data hiding in AMBTC compressed images decompression and extracting secret information algorithm 33
3.3 Experimental Results 35
3.3.1 Embedding performance 37
3.3.2 Comparisons 38
Chapter 4 Conclusions and Future Work 45
4.1 Conclusions 45
4.2 Future Work 45
Reference 47
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