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研究生(外文):Yu-Ting Lin
論文名稱(外文):Pivot Point Location of Dog Nose Printimage
外文關鍵詞:image segmentationpivot point locationdog nose pattern recognition systemdog management
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With the change of the population structure and lifestyle, keeping pets is becoming more and more popular in today’s society. According to the statistics of the Council of Agriculture by 2016, the number of pet dogs in Taiwan is about 1.71 million. With the proportion of keeping dogs rise, the responsibility of the owners is more important. Although there are rigorous legal rules and fines at present, the situation of pet abandonment still exists. However, it is reflected in the problem of stray dogs, because it is one of the main reasons of the spread of stray dogs. The remaining reasons include the loss of the pet dogs and the natural propagation of stray dogs. When stray dogs increase continuously, it will lead to many social problems such as diseases, public health, bites, traffic accidents and so on. To solve the above-mentioned problems, the method of effective management for the dogs is identifying them. Currently, the main way to identify dogs is pet microchip and pet collar, but each of them has its own disadvantages. The shortcomings of the former include the sensitivity of the scan, reader’s compatibility and dog's health, while the latter is easy to lose or be stolen.
Because of these disadvantages, we want to develop a system which combines the unique dog nose prints and image processing. The system consists of two parts: nose image segmentation and nose prints recognition. In this study, we mainly focus on the processing before recognizing nose prints, including the segmentation of the dog nose prints and pivot point location of dog nose printimage. And in this paper, we use a total of 61 images that are respectively from 24 different dogs to conduct experiment. In experimental results, the accuracy of pivot point location is 81.98%. In the future work, it is expected to improve the difficulties encountering in this study, and use the different images belonging to the same dog to find out the corresponding block to identify each dog, so that the function of the dog nose pattern recognition system can be more completed and perfect.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
Table of Contents iv
List of Tables vi
List of Figures vii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Related Works 5
2.1. Histogram Equalization 5
2.2. Gamma Correction 6
2.3. Run-Length 6
2.4. Multi-Scale Line Detector Method 8
2.5. Otsu’s Method 9
2.6. Mathematical Morphology 11
2.6.1. Dilation and Erosion 11
2.6.2. Closing 12
2.6.3. Thinning and Trimming Spurs 13
2.7. Region Labeling 14
Chapter 3 Segmentation of Dog Nose Pattern 18
3.1. Pre-processing 19
3.1.1. Convert the Original RGB Image to the Grayscale Image 20
3.1.2. Histogram Equalization 21
3.1.3. Localized Gamma Correction 21
3.1.4. Median Filter 23
3.1.5. Run-Length 24
3.2. Image Segmentation 24
3.2.1. Multi-Scale Line Detector Method 25
3.2.2. Hysteresis Thresholding 27
3.2.3. Closing 29
3.2.4. Thinning 29
3.2.5. Trimming Spurs 30
3.3. Adjustment after Image Segmentation 31
Chapter 4 Pivot Point Location of Dog Nose Image 33
4.1. Calculate the Center Point and the Nostrils’Distance 33
4.2. The Method of Region Search of Scale Resizing 34
4.3. Feature Matching Based on Genetic Algorithm 39
4.3.1. The Using Features 39
4.3.2. The Distance Algorithm 41
4.3.3. Genetic Algorithm Based Parameter Adjustment 42
Chapter 5 Experimental Results and Discussion 46
5.1. The Samples of Experiment 46
5.2. The Results of Experiment 47
5.2.1. Weight Values, Power Values and the Tolerance of Angle 47
5.2.2. The Label and Distance of the Blocks with Minimum Distance 48
5.2.3. The Accuracy of Proposed Method 49
5.3. The Challenges of Experiment and Discussion 51
5.3.1. The Angle of Shooting 51
5.3.2. The Quality of Shooting 51
5.3.3. The Error of Locating 52
Chapter 6 Conclusion and Future Work 54
References 56
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