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研究生(外文):Ya-Han Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Does Warm-Heartedness Grows Consistently? The Effects of Temperature Cue in the Persuasiveness of Cause-Related Marketing Campaign
指導教授(外文):Ming-Yi Chen
外文關鍵詞:Cause-related marketingtemperature cuesexecution styleadvertising appeal
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一、 前導實驗:先行驗證心理溫度刺激下的心理機制,並以視覺圖片促發心理溫度。當接受冷意刺激時,會偏向認知性思維(cognitive state),當接受到暖意刺激時,則是偏向情感性思維(affective state)。
二、 實驗一:採用2(心理溫度:高vs.低)*2(廣告視覺焦點:產品vs.善因)之受測者間因子設計,並使用實驗室設計法,以視覺圖片促發心理溫度,依變數為廣告態度、品牌態度及購買意願。研究結果發現心理溫度與廣告視覺焦點對善因廣告的溝通效果有交互作用影響,當廣告主視覺焦點為善因時,相較於心理溫度低,觀看暖意圖片後所促發的高心理溫度搭配有較高的廣告態度及品牌態度。
三、 實驗二:採用2(心理溫度:高vs.低)*2(善因廣告訴求:利己導向vs.利他導向)之受測者間因子設計,以網路平台發放問卷,並以視覺影片促發心理溫度,依變數為廣告態度、品牌態度及購買意願。研究結果發現心理溫度與善因廣告訴求對善因廣告的溝通效果有交互作用影響,當善因廣告訴求為利己導向時,相較於心理溫度高,觀看冷意影片後所促發的低心理溫度搭配有較高的購買意願,反之,廣告訴求為利他導向時,相較於心理溫度低,觀看暖意影片後所促發的高心理溫度搭配有較高的購買意願。
Sensory marketing as marketing that engages the consumers' senses and affects their perception, judgment and behavior. Since consumers don’t perceive these sensory cues as marketing messages and therefore don’t react with the usual resistance to advertisements and other promotions, it becomes more and more popular in recent years. Furthermore, previous embodied cognition literatures showed the effectiveness of charity appeals might be attenuated by temperature effects while contacting with cold images. To look into of this phenomenon, this study attempt to examine temperature mechanism by comparing two execution styles which separately consider visual component and ads appeals as moderators, and purpose to find which are likely to be most effective in cause-related ads.
1. Pilot Study:(1) to ascertain whether the image manipulation was valid in inducing perceptions of coldness and warmth and (2) to assess the idea that cold-images lead to a cognitive state whereas warm-images lead to affective thoughts, respectively.
2. Study1:2(temperature cues: warm vs. cold)×2(execution style: product-focused vs. cause-focused) between-subjects design. The outcomes reveal a two-way interaction of execution style and temperature cues on attitude toward the brand and campaign. Participants in a warmth related situation showed more positive brand and campaign attitudes after viewing the CRM ads with cause images as the focus than product images as the focus in advertising.
3. Study2:2(temperature cues: warm vs. cold)×2(execution style: self-focused vs. other-focused) between-subjects design. The outcomes reveal a two-way interaction of execution style and temperature cues on purchase intention. Participants in a warmth related situation showed higher purchase intention after viewing the other-focused CRM ads than self-focused advertisement. Conversely, in a coldness related situation, participants showed higher purchase intention toward self-focused CRM ads than other-focused one.
The present research provides guidance and in turn suggests how marketers and nonprofits organizations can use temperature cues to optimize the effectiveness in cause-related marketing campaign.
目 錄
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 心理溫度 6
第二節 善因行銷 8
第三節 廣告視覺焦點 10
第三章 前導實驗 13
第一節 研究架構 13
第二節 研究假說 14
第三節 聯想圈詞測驗設計 15
第四節 實驗程序 16
第五節 結果分析 20
第六節 小結 22
第四章 實驗一 23
第一節 研究架構 23
第二節 研究假說 24
第三節 研究設計 26
第四節 變數的操作型定義與衡量 26
第五節 研究結果分析 31
第六節 研究結果討論 38
第五章 實驗二 40
第一節 善因廣告訴求:利己導向vs.利他導向 40
第二節 研究架構 41
第三節 研究假說 42
第四節 研究設計 44
第五節 變數的操作型定義與衡量 44
第六節 研究結果分析 51
第七節 實驗二研究結果討論 57
第六章 結論與建議 58
第一節 研究結論 58
第二節 學術研究貢獻 60
第三節 管理意涵 62
第四節 研究限制與建議 63
參考文獻 64
附錄1 聯想圈詞測驗之前測問卷 69
附錄2 前導實驗問卷 71
附錄3 實驗一問卷 75
附錄4 實驗二問卷 81
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