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研究生(外文):Ming-Fa Huang
論文名稱(外文):The efficacy assessments of Bacillus subtilis application in crops planting
指導教授(外文):Tzu-Pi Huang
外文關鍵詞:PGPRBacillus subtilisBiofertilizers
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慣行農業過度仰賴使用化學肥料和農藥以達到提高收穫之目的,但造成環境汙染,自然生態循環和生物多樣性的破壞。由植物根圈分離出的植物促進生長根圈細菌(Plant Growth Promotion Rhizobacteria, PGPR)成為農業永續發展最新且具潛力的天然資材,可透過生長促進、與致病菌競爭作用、分泌抗生物質和誘導植株產生抗病的機制,達到促進植物健康成長的功效。Bacillus屬菌株為常見的PGPR,目前已被應用做為生物肥料、生物農藥和生物刺激劑等用途。本研究的目的是將由本土植物根圈分離篩選出的有益枯草桿菌151-B1、TKS1-1及SP4-17菌株之功能性營養液應用於作物栽培,探討其對台灣重要作物如:結球白菜、葉用甘藷、番茄及草莓等產生之功效評估。結果顯示枯草桿菌151-B1菌株之應用可以促進結球白菜根系發育,提升高溫逆境的適應能力並且改善結球品質。比較枯草桿菌151-B1、 TKS1-1及SP4-17菌株對番茄苗植株生長之影響,可見枯草桿菌151-B1、TKS1-1及SP4-17菌株之施用顯著較水處理具根系發育促進之功效,可分別增加根部之乾重達186 %、151 %及70 %。而SP4-17菌株則較其他菌株具較佳之株高促進作用,可以促進植株高度達23 %。應用此三株枯草桿菌株之對葉用甘藷亦皆可以增加50 %的莖葉長度。在根部的乾重和對照組比較,結果顯示處理151-B1、TKS1-1及SP4-17菌株之平均重量分別可增加90.9 %、46.9 %及30.7 %,明顯較處理水之對照組佳。其中又以枯草桿菌TKS1-1及 SP4-17菌株對栽培葉用甘藷土壤之保濕性較佳。施用於草莓之栽培,枯草桿菌151-B1、TKS1-1及SP4-17菌株,皆可以提升40 %的總生產量,對草莓提早進入開花期和提升植株平均產量都具有顯著功效。本研究證實由本土植物根圈分離出之有益微生物,枯草桿菌151-B1、 TKS1-1及SP4-17具PGPR的特性,而且具廣譜性的促進試驗中所測試作物植株生長之功效,未來深具應用作為生物肥料的潛力。
Over-dependence on chemical fertilizers and pesticides for achieving high yield in agriculture resulted in environmental pollution, and posted threat to natural ecological cycling and biodiversity. The plant growth promotion rhizobacteria (PGPR) is the most potential nature resources for sustainable development of agriculture. The mechanisms of PGPR include the plant growth promoting, competing with pathogens, producing anti-biotics and inducing systemic resistance. Bacillus species were most popular PGPR and have been used as biofertilizers, biopesticides and biostimulants in agriculture. Bacillus subtilis 151-B1, TKS1-1 and SP4-17 are beneficial microbes isolated from the local plant rhizosphere. The objectives of this study were to assess the efficacy of application of 151-B1, TKS1-1 and SP4-17 functional nutrient formulation (FNF) application on four important crops in Taiwan including Chinese cabbage, sweet potato, tomato and strawberry. Results indicated B. subtilis 151-B1 can promote the root development of the Chinese cabbage, improve the tolerance to high temperature stress and improve leaf compactness of the cabbage. Comparison of the application of B. subtilis 151-B1, TKS1-1 and SP4-17 on tomato plants, B.subtilis 151-B1, TKS1-1 and SP4-17 promoted the root development of tomato seedlings and increased 186 %, 151 % and 70 %, respectively of root dry weight compared to the water control. SP4-17 can promote plant height by 23%. B. subtilis 151-B1, TKS1-1, SP4-17 can increase 50 % of the leaf and stem length in sweet potato, among which B. subtilis TKS1-1 and SP4-17 showed better retention moisture content in soil planting sweet potato. In addition, application of strains 151-B1, TKS1-1, SP4-17 FNF significantly increased the root dry weights by 90.9 %, 46.9 % and 30.7 % respectively compared to the control. For application on strawberry plant, B. subtilis 151-B1, TKS1-1, SP4-17 FNF can increase 40 % of the total yield, shorten the duration to the first flowering period, increase the average yield of strawberry fruits. In conclusion, the B. subtilis 151-B1, TKS1-1, SP4-17 isolated from the local plant rhizosphere, showed characteristics growth promoting pattern as PGPR and has broad spectrum of efficacy on four tested crops. Thus, the three strains exhibited potential as biofertilizers.
一、 植物促進生長根圈細菌(Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria, PGPR)之特性…………………………………………………………………………1
二、Bacillus species 於農業之應用……………………………………………1
五、番茄之栽培概況……………………………………………………………… 6
二、供試枯草桿菌 151-B1、TKS1-1及SP4-17菌株之來源與保存……………9
四、功能性營養液(Functional Nutrient Formulation, FNF)之製作………10
六、枯草桿菌 151-B1、TKS1-1及SP4-17 功能性營養液應用於番茄育苗之功效評估……………………………………………………………………………12
七、枯草桿菌151-B1、TKS1-1及SP4-17 菌株功能性營養液應用於葉用甘藷栽
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