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研究生(外文):Wen-Chu Chang
論文名稱(外文):Estimation of Price and Expenditure Elasticities of Energy Demand in the Household Sector
指導教授(外文):Shu-Yi Liao
口試委員(外文):Wei-Chun TsengMao-Lung Huang
外文關鍵詞:household energy demandAlmost Ideal Demand Systemprice elasticity of demandexpenditure elasticity
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隨著時代的進步,科技的日新月異,所消耗的能源與日俱增,而其中家計部門的能源消費型態較多元,更是與民眾日常生活需求息息相關,使得台灣家計部門的能源消費呈現逐年增加的趨勢,故家計部門未來在提高能源使用效率及減少碳排放時將扮演重要角色。因此本文利用近似理想需求體系(Almost Ideal Demand System, AIDS)模型建立台灣家計部門的能源需求體系,推估各項能源需求價格彈性與支出彈性值,並進一步分析家庭社會經濟條件對能源支出之影響。
As time progresses and technology improves every day, more and more energy has been consumed. However, the energy consumption behavior of the household sector is not only very diverse but also very closely related to people's daily life. As a result, total energy consumption in Taiwan’s household sector has increased steadily along with economic growth. Due to the increasing environmental awareness to protect the global commons, household sector will play an important role in improving energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions in the future. Hence, the main purpose of this study is to investigate the energy consumption behavior of Taiwan’s household sector by applying the Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS).
The empirical results show that the number of household members, housing floor space, family composition, dwelling ownership, geographical location, age, gender, and the level of education of the household head are important factors with significant impacts on household energy demand. Based on the results for the estimated price and expenditure elasticities, the own-price elasticities of gasoline and gas fuel are inelastic while the uncompensated elasticity of electricity demand is relatively elastic. The results imply that there will be significant reductions in the consumption of electricity when the price of gasoline, electricity, and gas fuel increase. Futhermore, the estimates of expenditure elasticities of energy demand indicate that household demand for electricity is relatively more income elastic than for other types of energy. This is because income elasticity of demand for home electric appliances is relatively more elastic than transportation vehicles and gas fueled home appliances. Therefore, the government can improve the efficiency of electricity use in the household sector by encouraging the development of high-efficiency and small standardized products to substitute for large home electric appliances, such as washing machine, refrigerator, and air conditioning.
According to our findings, the government should evaluate the externalities of energy consumption and then design appropriate measures to include external costs in the prices of various types of energy. Furthermore, to meet the growing demand for electricity and achieving the goals of energy conservation and carbon emission mitigation, the government should also increase electricity generation from renewable energy sources, promote near-zero emission power generation technology, and strengthen energy demand-side management.
第一章 緒論1
第一節 研究動機與目的1
第二節 研究範圍與資料來源6
第三節 研究方法與步驟9
第二章 家計部門能源消費與綠色稅制概況11
第一節 最終能源消費概況12
第二節 綠色稅制31
第三章 文獻回顧43
第一節 家計部門能源消費因素相關研究43
第二節 綠色稅制對家計部門的影響52
第四章 研究方法56
第一節 消費者需求理論56
第二節 效用函數可分割性與兩階段預算法62
第三節 近似理想需求體系64
第五章 實證分析68
第一節 資料來源與說明68
第二節 實證模型78
第三節 實證結果分析80
第六章 結論與建議87
第一節 結論87
第二節 建議88
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