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研究生(外文):Chang-Yan Lin
論文名稱(外文):Study on the Influence of Particle Size on Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Corn Stalk
指導教授(外文):Chung -Teh Sheng
外文關鍵詞:Corn stoverEnzymatic hydrolysis transformationParticle size
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本研究以玉米為原料,探討利用酵素水解,於不同平均粒徑大小(0.20824mm、0.12364mm、0.08772mm及0.05232mm)與不同固液比(1:8及1:10)PH值在4.3~4.5、溫度50~52℃及連續攪拌等條件下進行酵素水解醣化。研究結果觀察到粒徑大小大於0.149mm只需觀察6小時,粒徑大小小於0.149mm只需要觀察26小時即可得到最終濃度,可有效利用實驗時間。當平均粒徑大小研磨到0.05232mm其醣化轉糖率高達75%及最終糖濃度皆為最佳。表顆粒小可將纖維素結晶破壞較為明顯,使醣化效果較佳,其中平均粒徑大小在0.05232mm時,醣化1小時以內時糖濃度上升更為明顯, 效率為每5分鐘上升糖濃度約0.11%,在5分鐘內平均每30秒上升糖濃度0.12%。
由不同固液比發現1:8最終濃度皆高於1:10,經計算轉糖率清楚了解糖化固液比1:10比1:8更能將纖維素及半纖維轉換成糖,轉糖率並高出1.8% ~3.1%。此值由統計分析為不顯著影響。由上述實驗固液比會增加糖濃度,但糖化效率比例及轉糖率以1:10為較佳。
This study examined the efficiency of enzymatic hydrolysis transformation by different particle sizes and different ratio of the corn stover powder to the citric acid liquid (solid-liquid ratio). There are four particle mean sizes: 0.20824mm, 0.12364mm, 0.08772mm, and 0.05232mm; and two solid-liquid ratio: 1:8 and 1:10. The process of enzymatic hydrolysis and saccharification was processed in the condition of ph4.3-4.5, temperature of 50-52℃ and countinuous stirring. The particle mean size of 0.05232mm had the better result.The saccharification transformation is up to 75% and the final concentration is the highest. Moreover, the sugar concentration during saccharification in first hour increased significantly. In the first hour, the study observed the sugar concentration increasing about 0.12% every 30 seconds in the first 5 minutes, and after 5 minutes, it increased 0.11% every 5 minutes untill the first hour. Furthermore, the minimum experimental time is only 6 hours for the particle mean sizes larger than 0.149mm and 26 hours for the sizes smaller than 0.149mm. For the different solid-liquid ratio, the result showed the sugar conversion rate of the solid-liquid ratio 1:10 is higher than the ratio 1:8, although the final sugar concentration of the solid-liquid ratio 1:8 is higher than the ratio 1:10. In other words, the solid-liquid ratio 1:10 transformed cellulose and hemicellulose to sugar more efficiently. Above all, this study has simulated the enzymatic hydrolysis transformation of corn stover for particle mean size 0.149mm and 0.05232mm, and the R2 are 0.93 and 0.896 respectively. Both of the simulated equations are highly correlation. The simulated mathematics model can be applied to describe enzymatic hydrolysis transformation.
謝誌 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iv
圖目錄 x
表目錄 xii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻探討 3
2.1木質纖維素介紹 3
2.2生質乙醇製程 6
2.2.1稀酸水解製程 6
2.2.2濃酸水解製程 7
2.2.3酵素水解製程 7
2.3 酵素 9
2.3.1纖維酵素水解特性 9
2.3.2酵素水解影響因子 10
2.3.3酵素活性 12
2.3.4酵素水解相關研究 13
2.4纖維素顆粒度大小 16
2.5前處理 16
2.5.1機器粉碎 16
2.5.2裂解 17
2.5.3高壓熱水處理法 17
2.5.4稀釋酸處理法 17
2.5.5蒸氣爆裂理法 18
2.6醱酵 18
第三章 研究與方法 19
3.1 研究流程 19
3.2 實驗材料與設備 19
3.2.1實驗材料 19
3.2.2實驗設備 20
3.3 實驗方法 25
第四章 結果與討論 30
4.1 平均顆粒度 30
4.2不同平均粒徑大小醣化結果 31
4.2.1平均粒徑0.20824mm之醣化結果 34
4.2.2平均粒徑0.12364mm之醣化結果 35
4.2.3平均粒徑0.08772mm之醣化結果 36
4.2.4平均粒徑0.05232mm之醣化結果 38
4.2.5實驗準確性分析 39
4.2.6不同顆粒醣化小結 43
4.3 不同固體及液體比率醣化結果 45
4.3.1平均粒徑0.20824mm不同固液比之醣化結果 47
4.3.2平均粒徑0.12364mm不同固液之醣化結果 48
4.3.3平均粒徑0.08772mm不同固液比之醣化結果 49
4.3.4平均粒徑0.05232mm不同固液比之醣化結果 50
4.3.5不同固液比計算糖化效率 52
4.4 纖維素轉糖率 54
4.5 平均粒徑0.05232mm醣化一小時 56
4.6平均粒徑0.05232mm醣化五分鐘 58
4.7 迴歸方程式結果分析 60
4.7.1 不同顆粒度及不同固液比酵素水解方程式 61
4.7.2 粒徑小於0.149mm趨勢方程式 66
4.7.3平均粒徑0.05232mm整趨勢方程式 68
第五章 結論與建議 70
5.1 結論 70
5.2 建議 72
參考文獻 73
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