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研究生(外文):Cheng-Chih Liu
論文名稱(外文):Using Chlorophyll Fluorescence Monitoring in the Development of a High Density Culture System for Rotifer
指導教授(外文):Chung-Chyi Yu
外文關鍵詞:Live FoodRotiferChlorophyll Fluorescence
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本研究旨在利用葉綠素螢光獲致一個快速且有效之輪蟲養殖系統之監測參數。探討Brachionus rotundiformis極小型輪蟲 (SSR)培養時,輪蟲與擬球藻(Nannochloropsis oculata)混合培養溶液之吸收光譜與葉綠素螢光參數隨時間之變化,探討輪蟲體內攝食之擬球藻細胞與輪蟲本身透明狀對吸收光譜及葉綠素螢光強度差值之影響,期能作為輪蟲於培養溶液中密度之量測分析。其中環境因子試驗獲致培養海水鹽度25 ppt、培養溫度30℃、pH值7.5~8.5之間及曝氣量45 ml/min之條件下,驗證輪蟲能有良好之增值環境。試驗設定初始餌料密度分別為800×104 cells/ml、1,200×104 cells/ml及1,600×104 cells/ml三組,試驗結果獲致較高之初始餌料密度1,600×104 cells/ml組,其高峰帶卵率達0.754 eggs/female,且於接種27小時後,其輪蟲數目達1667 ind./ml,為初始餌料密度之2.38倍。以本研究設定之培養海水鹽度25 ppt、培養溫度30℃、pH值7.5~8.5之間及曝氣量45 ml/min之條件下,獲致隨培養時間增加若葉綠素螢光淬滅值變化量高於82.9%,為高峰帶卵率階段,輪蟲數目始有增值現象,且能於測得高峰帶卵率階段後隨培養時間增加至第27小時,初始餌料接種密度分別為800×104 cells/ml、1,200×104 cells/ml及1,600×104 cells/ml之三組之輪蟲數目能分別有1.49倍、1.59倍及1.68倍等良好增值現象。
The purpose of this study was to use chlorophyll fluorescence monitoring in the development system for rotifer. The study analyzed the relationship between Rotifers- Nannochloropsis oculata mixed cultivation solution and chlorophyll fluorescence when cultivating a system for Brachionus rotundiformis, to realized the impact between of the rotifer’s colorless skin and absorption spectrum or chlorophyll fluorescence quenching to find a measurement of population density of rotifer during the progress. The best environment conditions for rotifer cultivation were set a temperature of 30°C, salinity 25 ppt, pH 7.5~8.5 and aeration with 45 ml/min.
The experiments set three different of initial feed densities, 800, 1,200 and 1,600×104 cells/ml. The results of experiments had demonstrated that a higher initial feed density, which initial food density is 1,600×104 cells/ml, obtained a greater egg ratio of the rotifer, had highest egg ratio with 0.754 eggs/female. The density at 27 hour after inoculation was 1667 individual /ml, which was up to the initial feed density of 2.38 times.
With the environment conditions of study, that were set a temperature of 30°C, salinity 25 ppt, pH 7.5~8.5 and aeration with 45 ml/min, we found if the rate of change of chlorophyll fluorescence had over 82.9 % during cultivating, it meant the cultivation system of rotifer approached the highest egg ratio period, the popular density of rotifer started increasing. And three different of initial feed densities, which means 800, 1,200 and 1,600×104 cells/ml, there rotifer density at 27 hour after inoculation were up to the density of highest egg ratio period of 1.49, 1.59 and 1.68 times, they all had great growth rate.
第一章 緒言..............................................................................................1
1-1 前言..............................................................................................1
1-2 研究目的......................................................................................2
第二章 文獻探討......................................................................................3
2-1 微藻..............................................................................................3
2-2 影響微藻生長之環境因子..........................................................3
2-2-1 光源....................................................................................3
2-2-2 溫度....................................................................................4
2-2-3 鹽度....................................................................................5
2-2-4 營養源................................................................................5
2-2-5 曝氣量................................................................................6
2-3 實驗對象浮游生物簡介..............................................................7
2-3-1 浮游生物簡介....................................................................7
2-3-2 海水輪蟲............................................................................8
2-3-3 影響輪蟲成長之環境因子..............................................11
2-3-3-1 光照........................................................................11
2-3-3-2 溫度........................................................................11
2-3-3-3 鹽度........................................................................12
2-3-3-4 酸鹼值....................................................................13
2-3-3-5 溶氧........................................................................13
2-3-3-6 氨............................................................................13
2-3-3-7 飼料........................................................................14
第三章 試驗材料與方法........................................................................17
3-1 試驗設計與規劃........................................................................17
3-2 試驗材料....................................................................................18
3-2-1 微藻..................................................................................18
3-2-2 營養液..............................................................................19
3-2-3 輪蟲..................................................................................19
3-3 試驗設備與量測方法................................................................19
3-3-1 微藻細胞密度量測方法..................................................20
3-3-2 輪蟲密度與帶卵率量測方法..........................................21
3-3-3 吸收光譜值量測方法......................................................21
3-3-4 葉綠素螢光量測方法......................................................22
3-3-5 經300目之尼龍網分離後內外培養溶液差異之試驗..23
第四章 結果與討論................................................................................25
4-1 經300目之尼龍網分離後內、外培養溶液差異試驗結果....25
4-1-1 微藻細胞密度量測結果..................................................25
4-1-2 吸收光譜值量測結果......................................................27
4-1-3 葉綠素螢光值量測結果..................................................34
4-2-1 輪蟲個數與餌料微藻密度量測結果..............................38
4-2-2 輪蟲帶卵率量測結果......................................................41
4-2-3 吸收光譜值量測結果......................................................43
4-2-4 葉綠素螢光值量測結果..................................................47
第五章 結論............................................................................................53
第六章 參考文獻....................................................................................56
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