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研究生(外文):Ting-Yun Chen
論文名稱:紫花紫錐菊(Echinacea purpurea (L. ) Moench)一代雜交種檢定與特性之評估
論文名稱(外文):Characterization and identification of F1 hybrid in purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea (L. ) Moench)
中文關鍵詞:紫錐菊花藥培養AFLP 分子標誌一代雜交種自交不親和性
外文關鍵詞:Echinacea purpureaanther cultureAFLPF1 hybridself-incompatibility
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紫花紫錐菊(Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench ),為原生於北美地區的菊科紫錐菊屬多年生藥用植物,紫錐菊中主要的藥理活性成分為烷醯胺、咖啡酸衍生物及多醣體等物質,具有增強人體免疫力治療病毒及細菌入侵的療效,可作為有效的抗感染劑,在商業上主要以種子繁殖為主。由於紫錐菊為異交作物,具有自交不親和性(self-incompatibility),易造成商業栽培集團高度異質結合,其農藝性狀與有效成分含量差異甚大,品質不易掌控。為提高紫錐菊植株一致性及增加藥用價值,利用花藥培養獲得單倍體或雙單倍體純系作為純系親本生產一代雜交種(F1 hybrid),若同時能保有其自交不親和特性則可降低去雄成本以及保障育種權益。
倍數性,並將花藥培養衍生植株及自交與雜交後代利用擴增片段長度多型性(amplified fragment length polymorphism, AFLP)分子標誌分析衍生植株是否為同質結合基因型。根尖染色結果顯示衍生植株皆為二倍體,經AFLP
分子標誌初步判定有17 株花藥培養衍生植株為同質雙單倍體,進一步分析其自交後代結果確認5 株為同質雙單倍體植株;後續鑑定一代雜交種並調查其形態特徵以評估雜種優勢,結果顯示紫錐菊一代雜交種基本上不具雜種優勢,然雜交後代個體間保有其一致性。
Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench) is a North American native
Echinacea genus (Asteraceae) of perennial plant. The major pharmacological
activity compounds in Echinacea include alkamides, caffeic acid derivatives and
polysaccharides, which known as the activities of antimicrobial, antivirus and
immunostimulatory. Commercial production of Echinacea mainly propagated by
seed. For cross-pollinated plants with the characters of self-incompatibility, it
might produce a heterogeneous population and lead to agronomic traits,
composition and quality variation. In order to improve the uniformity of
population and increase medicinal value, it is need to develop the methods of
anther culture and chromosome doubling which can produce the pure line of
homozygous double haploid. Homozygous doubled haploid with selfincompatibility
plants can be directly used in breeding programs for F1 hybrids
to reduce the cost of emasculation and protect breed’s right.
In the present study, anther-derived plants of E. purpurea were evaluated by
chromosome number examination and amplified fragment length polymorphism
(AFLP) detection of homogeneity. Results of chromosome number
determination confirmed that all of anther-derived plantlets were diploid. AFLP
analysis of parents, anther-derived plants, self and cross-pollinated offspring
demonstrate that 17 anther-derived plants were a homozygous doubled haploid
plants. Further analysis of self-progeny confirmed that 5 anther-derived plants
were homogeneous double haploid plants. To evaluate the heterosis of F1 hybrids
by AFLP analysis and their morphological characteristics, results indicated that
even the F1 hybrids did not show the apparent hybrid vigor, the morphological
characteristics of leave and stem revealed the uniformity among all progeny.
中文摘要…………………………………………………………………...... i
Abstract……………………………………………………………………... ii
目錄…………………………………………………………………………. iii
表目錄………………………………………………………………………. iv
圖目錄………………………………………………………………………. .v
附錄目錄………………………………………. . …………………………vii
一、 紫錐菊之外表性狀與分類……………………………………………3
二、 紫錐菊藥用價值及商業需求…………………………………………4
三、 異交作物雜種優勢應用………………………………………………6
四、 紫錐菊微體繁殖與花藥培養…………………………………………8
五、 花藥培養衍生植株倍數性與同質性檢定……………………………11
六、 一代雜交種檢定………………………………………………………13
一、 紫錐菊花藥培養誘導癒傷組織及芽體……………………………16
二、 根尖染色體數目檢定………………………………………………20
三、 紫錐菊基因組DNA 萃取…………………………………………20
四、 DNA 增幅片段長度多型性分析……………………………………21
五、 紫錐菊人工授粉……………………………………………………27
六、 植株形態特徵調查…………………………………………………27
一、 紫錐菊花藥培養衍生植株染色體倍數性檢定………..……………29
二、 紫錐菊花藥培養衍生植株AFLP 分析結果………………………….31
三、 紫錐菊花藥培養雙單倍體植株F1 雜交後代檢定……………………44
四、 紫錐菊一代雜交種形態特徵調查……………………………………55
一、 花藥培養雙倍體植株來源之探討……………………………………64
二、 紫錐菊花藥培養同質性檢定之策略…………………………………66
三、 紫錐菊一代雜交種的檢定與表現……………………………………67
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