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研究生(外文):Anuchart Sawasdee
論文名稱(外文):Screening and characterization of brittle mutants from the mutation pools of TNG67 and IR64 rice varieties and breeding to improve bacterial blight resistance
外文關鍵詞:Brittle culmsodium azide mutagenesiscell wall compositionbacterial blight disease
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稻稈是水稻收穫後的副產物、大部分是木質素、纖維素、在土壤中難以降解。脆性突變體在第二層的細胞壁有厚度降低現象、脆性水稻可能較容易降解。利用疊氮化鈉誘變本研究室建立了 IR64 和 TNG67 二個突變庫純系。經外外表型篩選、本研究分別獲得 21 個和 23 個 IR64 和 TNG67 脆性突變體。脆性可以分為 0、1、3和 5 四個等級、IRB3 是一個 IR64 的脆性突變品系、為 3 等級的脆性、手指可以輕易折斷。遺傳分析顯示、IRB3 的脆性是一個隱性基因 (不脆: 脆; 3: 1; χ2 = 0.223) 所調控的性狀。基因定位分析將脆性基因標定在第 10 號染色體、 RM271 和 RM5392 之間 666 kb 區間內。使用生物資訊學、在此一區域有七個候選基因被選出來、包括一個可能控制纖維素生合成的 OsCesA7 基因、可能是脆性的基因。將進一步的選殖定序以探討確定脆性基因、並開發供分子輔助育種使用的的功能標誌提高選拔效率。白葉枯病是水稻的重要病害、本研究將 IRB3 與帶有 4 個抗白葉枯病基因 (xa5/ Xa7/ xa13/ Xa21) 的 TN11/IRBB66 BC2F4 高級世代純系雜交、導入抗性基因、擬結合白葉枯病之抗性與脆性育成新的品種。在育種程序中利用分子標誌輔助選拔、應用五組與五個Xa基因連鎖的簡單序列重複 (SSR) 標誌進行抗病性之基因型選拔。配合剪葉接種法進行外表型選拔中、在最高分蘗期接種 Xoo-F2 和 XF89-b 菌株後、於發病後21天測定病斑危害長度、判斷抗病程度、目前已進行至第F5世代、獲得脆性與強抗病性之品系數個。
Straw is a by-product of rice after harvest, it is majorly consisted of lignocelluloses and is difficult to be degraded in the soil. The brittle culm mutants have mutation related with decreased secondary cell wall thickness and maybe easier for degradation. IR64 and TNG67 mutation pools were developed by sodium azide in our previous breeding programs. There were 21 and 23 brittle mutant lines selected from IR64 and TNG67 mutant pools. The brittle lines have differences in brittleness score from 0 to 5. IRB3 is a brittle culm mutant of IR64, it showed a Score 3 brittleness and easily to fracture by finger-bending. Bacterial blight disease is an important disease in rice, IRB3 was crossed with TN11/IRBB66 BC2F4 harboring with four bacterial blight resistant genes (xa5/Xa7/xa13/Xa21) to breed a variety with both blight resistance and brittle culm. In marker-assisted selection, the simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers linked to four Xa genes were applied in the breeding program. In phenotyping selection, plants were inoculated with Xoo-F2 and XF89-b strains by leaf-clipping method and investigated the disease lesion on leaves. The brittleness of IRB3 was controlled by a single recessive gene (non-brittle: brittle; 3: 1; χ2 = 0.223). The brittle gene of IRB3 was mapped on the chromosome 10 in a region of 666 kb between RM271 and RM5392 markers using a F2 population of IRB3 cross TN11/IRBB66 BC2F4. Using bioinformatics, seven candidate genes including the OsCesA7, which relates to the cellulose synthesis may control the brittle culm trait. Further study will be conducted to identify the gene responsible for the brittleness and to develop the functional marker for MAS to introduce the brittleness trait through MAS.
Table of contents

中文摘要 i
English abstract ii
Table of contents iii
List of tables v
List of figures vi
List of appendixes vii
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
Chapter 2: Literature reviews 3
1. Brittle culm trait and related genes identified in rice 3
2. Cell wall composition of rice brittle culm lines 14
3. Bacterial blight disease and resistant genes in rice 15
4. Marker assisted selection 17
Chapter 3: Materials and Methods 19
1. Plant cultivation and management 19
a) Seedling preparation 19
b) Transplanting 19
c) Field management 19
2. Characterization of brittle lines 20
a) Brittleness score investigation and screening for brittle lines from TNG67 mutant pool 20
b) Investigation of agronomic traits 21
c) Yield potential 26
d) Biomass investigation of brittle lines in different growth stage 26
e) Level of damage after typhoon investigation 27
f) Cluster analysis 27
g) Cell wall composition analysis 27
3. Genomic DNA extraction 29
4. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) 30
5. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) 30
6. Genetic analysis 31
a) Rice pollination for crossing 31
b) Allelism test 31
c) Mapping and identification of the brittle gene of IRB3 31
7. Breeding to improve bacterial blight disease resistance of the brittle lines 33
a) Xa gene selection 33
b) Bacterial blight disease inoculation 33
Chapter 4: Results 34
1. Characterization of brittle lines 34
a) Brittleness investigation and screening for brittle lines from IR64 and TNG67 pools 34
b) Agronomic traits investigation 34
c) Biomass of brittle lines at different growth stage 35
d) Level of leaf brittleness influenced by typhoon 36
e) Cluster analysis 36
f) Cell wall composition analysis 38
2. Genetic analysis 39
a) Allelism test 39
b) Mapping and identification of the brittle gene 39
3. Breeding to improve bacterial blight disease resistance for the brittle lines 41
a) Xa gene selection 41
b) Bacteria blight disease inoculation 41
Chapter 5: Discussion 43
Chapter 6: Conclusion and Future Prospects 47
References 48
Tables and Figures 57
Appendixes 89

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