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研究生(外文):Ting-Lun Liu
論文名稱(外文):Design and Implementation of Visible-light Wearable Eye Tracker joint Inertial Measurement Unit for Head-motion Compensation
指導教授(外文):Chih-Peng Fan
口試委員(外文):Wen-Chung KaoJiunn-Lin Wu
外文關鍵詞:iris trackingVisible-lightWearable Eye Tracker
  • 被引用被引用:2
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  • 收藏至我的研究室書目清單書目收藏:1


In recent years, the human-computer interaction has been widely implied in almost every way in our daily life. Especially the wearable devices toward more intuitive and more convenient. In this thesis, we develop a low-cost wearable eye tracker system that doesn’t need to fix the head after the user performs the calibration procedure. The proposed system also allows the head free and the correct gaze estimation simultaneously.
In this thesis, the eye tracker includes the visible-light front-view webcam, which captures the eye image, and the outward webcam, which captures the scene image. We propose two different algorithms for the iris center localization. One is based on the ellipse fitting method, the other is based the image gradients for accurate and robust eye center localization. In the calibration procedure, we compare different conditions in the outdoor and indoor conditions, and the head-movement compensation scheme with the IMU’s data is used for the tracking processes. Besides, since the human eyes are stereo-sphere shape, the gaze points are difficult to be projected from the 3-dimensions space to the 2-dimensions image. In order to solve this situation, we try to utilize 9 calibration points to increase the gaze tracking accuracy.
In our experiments by Algorithm 1: the experimental results show that in the outdoor condition, the offset of iris center is both within 4 pixels for horizontal and vertical coordinates. Then in the indoor case, the offset of iris center are both within 5.5 pixels for horizontal and vertical coordinates. By Algorithm 2 in the outdoor condition, its center offset of horizontal is 1 pixels, and the vertical offset is 5 pixels. Then in the indoor condition, its center offset of horizontal is 2.3 pixels, and the vertical offset is 7 pixels. Through the perspective function with the IMU compensation, by Algorithm 1 in the outdoor testing mode, the system achieves the horizontal accuracies of gaze tracking between 1.6 and 2.1 degrees, and the vertical accuracies of gaze tracking between 1.7 and 1.9 degrees respectively. In the indoor condition, the system achieves the horizontal accuracies of gaze tracking between 1.5 and 2.2 degrees, and the vertical accuracies of gaze tracking between 0.9 and 2.1 degrees respectively. By Algorithm 2 in the outdoor testing mode, the system achieves the horizontal accuracies of gaze tracking between 1.5 and 2.9 degrees, and the vertical accuracies of gaze tracking between 1.0 and 1.9 degrees respectively. In the indoor condition, the system achieves the horizontal accuracies of gaze tracking between 0.6 and 2.8 degrees, and the vertical accuracies of gaze tracking between 2.5 and 2.8 degrees respectively.
致謝 i
論文摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 論文架構 3
第二章 預備知識 4
2.1.0 眼球基本結構 4
2.1.1 接觸式眼動儀 5
2.1.2 影像式眼動儀 6
2.2.1 HSV色彩空間 10
2.2.2 隨機抽樣一致性 11
2.2.3 橢圓擬合 12
2.2.4 哈爾特徵 13
2.2.5 積分影像 14
2.2.6 歐蘇法 15
2.2.7 估計眼部中心方法 17
2.2.8 透視變換 19
2.2.9 四元數 19
2.2.10 尤拉角法 20
2.2.11 三維旋轉矩陣及慣性測量單元系統 22
第三章 演算法實作 24
3.1 眼動儀實體架構 24
3.2 演算法流程 25
3.3 演算法一 : 橢圓擬合 25
3.3.1 影像前處理 26
3.3.2 虹膜樣板匹配 27
3.3.3 去除反光、增強對比 29
3.3.4 環境判斷 30
3.3.5 影像二値化(室外) 30
3.3.6 兩階段二値化(室內) 31
3.3.7 二値化邊界取樣 33
3.3.8 RANSAC虹膜橢圓擬合 34
3.4 演算法二 : 梯度影像法 36
3.4.1 影像前處理 37
3.4.2 虹膜樣板匹配 38
3.4.3 去除反光 39
3.4.4 執行水平與垂直方向梯度 40
3.4.5 計算梯度影像閥值 41
3.4.6 基於虹膜大小之切割並計算權重 43
3.4.7 尋找可能的中心點 44
3.5 校正點定位 46
3.5.1 頭動偏移補償校正程序 48
3.5.2 慣性測量單元(IMU)移動補償校正程序 52
第四章 實驗結果及分析 59
4.1 可見光虹膜追蹤演算法實驗結果 59
4.2 演算法一之實驗結果分析 60
4.2.1 虹膜擬合橢圓中心位置比較 60
4.3.1 虹膜視線估計落點正確率(頭動移動補償) 70
4.3.2 虹膜視線估計落點正確率(IMU移動補償) 78
4.3.3 虹膜演算法執行速度比較 79
4.4 演算法二之實驗結果分析 80
4.4.1 虹膜擬合中心位置比較 80
4.4.2 虹膜視線估計落點正確率(頭動移動補償) 84
4.4.3 虹膜視線估計落點正確率(IMU移動補償) 88
4.4.4 虹膜演算法執行速度比較 89
第五章 討論與未來展望 90
5.1 結論 90
5.2 未來展望 94
參考文獻 95
附錄 98
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