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研究生(外文):Chia-Wei Chang
論文名稱(外文):Real-Time Hand Motion Tracking in 2D Image by Mixture of Fuzzy Features and Particle Filter
外文關鍵詞:Hand trackingParticle filterMultiple fuzzy featuresParticle migration
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This thesis proposes a new method to track the two hands of a complete human body in standing posture using particle filtered fusion of multiple fuzzy features from monocular video. The proposed method first segments human body and then localizes the head and the feet based on the convex points of the body contour and body geometrical characteristics. With the consideration of the hand occlusion problem, hand candidates are determined according to the convex points of the segmented body contour, the center of skin color region, or the last hand palm locations. To accurately track the hand palms, the four features of optical flows, the degree a pixel belonging to foreground, skin color information, and the search area around the hand palm candidate are used. Four fuzzy membership values (FMVs) are derived from the four features and are then integrated into a single one to represent the overall FMV that a pixel belongs to a hand palm. Finally, particle filter based on the FMVs, a new particle migration technique, and hand moving directions is proposed to track the two hand palms. Experiments in three videos with comparisons with different hand tracking methods are performed to verify the effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed hand tracking method.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
Content iii
List of Figure v
List of Table x
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Survey 1
1.2 Organization of the Thesis 6
Chapter 2 Human Body Segmentation 7
2.1 RGB-based Background Registration and Update 10
2.1.1 Frame Difference 10
2.1.2 Background Registration 11
2.1.3 Background Update 12
2.2 Object Segmentation 12
2.2.1 Background Difference 13
2.2.2 Shadow Removal 14
2.2.3 Morphological Operator 16
2.2.4 Post Processing 17
Chapter 3 Two-Dimensional Posture Estimation 18
3.1 Localization of the Convex Point 19
3.2 Features for Posture Estimation 23
3.3 Posture Estimation Rules 24
3.3.1 Locating the Head 25
3.3.2 Locating the Tips of the Feet 25
3.3.3 Locating the Hands 26
Chapter 4 Hand Fuzzy Feature Extraction 27
4.1 Optical Flow 27
4.2 Foreground Degree 29
4.3 Skin Color 30
4.3.1 Fuzzy Skin Color Degree 30
4.3.2 Facial Skin Color Removal 31
4.4 Search Area 33
4.5 Mixture of Fuzzy Features 38
Chapter 5 Particle Filter Tracking Based on Mixture of Fuzzy Features 40
5.1 Particle Filter 41
5.1.1 Dynamic Model and Observation Model 42
5.1.2 Resampling 44
5.1.3 Particle Migration 45
5.1.4 Hand Palm Location Estimation 46
5.2 Two-Target Tracking Rules 47
Chapter 6 Experiments 51
6.1 Experimental Results 51
6.2 Discussions 61
Chapter 7 Conclusion 70
References 72
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