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研究生(外文):Jyun-Jie Peng
論文名稱(外文):Algorithm Design Based on ORB Feature for Panoramic Video Stabilization
外文關鍵詞:panoramic videodigital video stabilization
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360全景影像在近幾年相當流行,然而,因為透過手持式360全景攝影機拍攝的影像易受攝影機的轉、震動影響,以虛擬實境視角觀看時,易視覺上的晃動導致類似暈車的症狀,因此,消弭影像震動之數位影像穩定技術(Digital Image Stabilization)在近幾年應用非常的頻繁,本論文中提出如何在手持式攝影機時,因人為不可預期的抖動或風力、外力等的影響而造成影像的抖動,以數位影像處理的方式去除不必要的抖動而保留必要的移動。數位影像穩定技術的困難點主要有兩個:(1) 如何從影像序列中有效率的估算出準確、可靠的全域移動向量(Global Motion Vector);(2) 如何從所取得的移動向量在邊界的限制下補償出一平滑的影像運動軌跡,本論文將會解決這些問題。
本論文首先介紹我們提出一個全景影像切割子畫面幀間預測演算法,並套用在數位影像穩定上面,本論文在移動估測技術(motion estimation)上提出將等距柱狀投影(equirectangular map)之球型影像切割出四個較符合二維影像之子畫面,並以ORB (Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF)特徵提取子畫面中之特徵點進行匹配,並基於特徵點距離、及RANSAC方法濾除前景移動得到的全域移動向量,接著將二維移動向量轉換為三維旋轉角度,以三維旋轉角度做移動向量加總演算法得到移動補償向量。此演算法可適用在不同的狀況的影像序列如複雜背景移動、大區域低對比、影像前景移動快速及抖動幅度大的影像狀況,使用ITF(Inter-frame transformation fidelity) 客觀的去評估效果可驗證本論文所提出的方法有效的改善數位影像穩定的效能。
本論文亦對系統提出最佳化之方法,包含Feature Buffer、特徵點距離之前景移動濾除、去除高斯金字塔階層、變形區塊之使用,系統運算時間可由1351.511ms改善至124.29ms,改善約10.87倍,本論文提出演算法之處理速度與其他文獻相比亦得到不錯之改善。
360-degree panoramic images are popular in recent years. However, because the image captured by the hand-held 360 degree panoramic camera is susceptible to the camera's turn and vibration effects, the visual sloshing causes a similar motion sickness when viewed in a virtual reality view. Therefore, to eliminate the image of the digital image stabilization technology in recent years, the application is very frequent. This paper suggests how to shake the image due to the unpredictable jitter or wind force, external force, etc. in the hand-held camera, and remove the necessary movement in the way of digital image processing to remove unnecessary jitter. There are two difficulties in the digital image stabilization technique: (1) To estimate an efficient, precise, and reliable global motion vector (GMV). (2) To use the existing GMV to compensate for a smooth motion trajectory within the window shifting allowance boundary.

Based on our proposed algorithm, we present a panoramic image sub-images inter frame prediction algorithm and apply it to digital image stabilization. Our motion estimation technique is proposed to cut out four sub-images that fit two-dimensional images from the equirectangular map image. Matching the feature point which extracted by ORB (Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF) method. And the RANSAC method is used to filter the global motion vector obtained by the foreground movement, and then the two-dimensional motion vector is transformed into the three-dimensional rotation angle. This algorithm can be applied in different conditions of the image sequence such as complex background movement, large area low contrast, image foreground movement fast and jitter amplitude large image condition. Using ITF (Inter-frame transformation fidelity) objective evaluation effect can be verified by the method proposed in this paper to effectively improve the stability of digital image performance.

We also propose methods to optimize the system which contain the Feature Buffer, the distance of the foreground movement to filter out, remove the Gaussian pyramid layer and image warping by the warping blocks. System operation time can be improved from 1351.511ms to 124.29ms. Processing time improved by 10.87 times. In this paper, the processing speed of the algorithm is improved compared with other literatures.
第一章 引言1
第二章 全景影像之影像穩定演算法介紹與探討9
第三章 全景影像切割子畫面幀間預測演算法17
第四章 全景影像穩定系統最佳化與結果討論57
(一)、Feature Buffer59
第五章 結論與未來展望68
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