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研究生(外文):Hsiang-Jen Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Using PPG Imaging Method in Drowsiness Detection System
指導教授(外文):Chen-Hao Chang
口試委員(外文):Chung-Bin WuKuang-Hao Lin
外文關鍵詞:HRVPPG ImagingDrowsiness Detection
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本論文提出了採用光體積變化描記圖之瞌睡偵測系統,是一種非接觸式的量測方式,當webcam拍攝人臉時,利用血紅素吸收光線的變化量來轉換成心跳信號,然後使用心率變異度(Heart rate variability, HRV)在頻域上的分析,藉由我們的演算法來進行計算與判斷,能提早發現駕駛員是否有瞌睡情況,而當我們系統偵測到瞌睡狀態發生的情況下,會提前發出警示鈴聲,提醒駕駛員,有利於避免交通意外的發生。

本系統在LINUX環境下開發人機介面(Graphical User Interface, GUI),能及時觀察到PPG的波形和低高頻功率的比值(LF/HF-ratio)。
In recent years, fatigue driving led to the occurrence of many accidents, which often caused great harms. How to warn the driver in advance to avoid accidents has become an important issue.

In this thesis, a drowsiness detection system is proposed by using PPG Imaging. It is a non-contact measurement method. When the webcam captures the human face, hemoglobin absorption of light can be changed into heartbeat signal. And then use the heart rate variability (Heart rate variability, HRV) in the frequency domain analysis. By the proposed algorithm to calculate and judge, early drowsiness detection can be achieved. When the proposed system detects the occurrence of drowsiness, it will send out the warning ring to warn the driver. It is a good help to avoid traffic accidents.

Graphical user interface (GUI) is developed under Linux Operation System (OS). It can immediately display PPG waveform and low frequency / high frequency ratio(LF/HF-ratio).
誌謝 i
中文摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
第1章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 論文架構 2
第2章 文獻探討 3
2-1 光體積變化描記圖(PPG) 3
2-2 光體積變化描記圖影像 4
2-3 PERCLOS介紹 6
2-4 心率變異度介紹 7
2-4-1 心跳區間 7
2-4-2 時域分析 8
2-4-3 頻域分析 10
2-5 瞌睡偵測介紹 11
第3章 瞌睡偵測系統演算法架構與模擬 13
3-1 系統演算法架構 13
3-2 心跳區間偵測(RRI detection) 14
3-3 瞌睡判斷 15
3-3-1 清醒跟瞌睡狀態 15
3-3-2 判斷條件 16
3-4 瞌睡偵測演算法 18
3-5 瞌睡準則(Drowsiness Rules) 20
3-5-1 瞌睡準則1(Rule 1) 21
3-5-2 瞌睡準則2(Rule 2) 22
3-5-3 瞌睡準則3(Rule 3) 23
3-5-4 瞌睡準則4(Rule 4) 24
3-5-5 瞌睡準則5(Rule 5) 24
3-5-6 瞌睡準則6(Rule 6) 26
3-6 實驗結果 27
第4章 系統設計與實作 40
4-1作業系統介紹 40
4-2軟體介紹 41
4-3攝影機介紹 42
4-4 GUI介面 43
第5章 結果與討論 44
參考文獻 45
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