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研究生(外文):Wei-Ying Wu
論文名稱(外文):A Physiological Information Management System for Remote COPD Rehabilitation
指導教授(外文):Chih-Yu Wen
口試委員(外文):Tsang-Yi WangJan-Ray Liao
外文關鍵詞:Physiological Information Management SystemRemote COPD Rehabilitation
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Air pollution has been a problem since the beginning of the industrial revolution in the late 1700s, which leads to the increasing number of COPD patients. In order to reduce symptoms, pulmonary rehabilitation may be the key to maintain pulmonary function and improve exercise capacity. Generally speaking, during a conventional rehabilitation procedure, a patient needs a physical therapist to provide information on recovery and rehabilitation guidance, which limits the effectiveness of pulmonary rehabilitation, considering its cost and operation dependence. Accordingly, based on a pervasive rehabilitation with wearable computing system, a MySQL database is used to record patients’ physiological information, and a web server is applied for the benefit of patients to establish personal information and upload the physiological data generated during the remote rehabilitation procedure such that the integrity and reliability of the rehabilitation system can be improved.
List of Tables..........................................v
List of Figures........................................vi
1. Introduction......................................1
1. 1. COPD..............................................1
1. 2. Wearable Computing................................2
1. 3. MySQL.............................................3
1. 4. Thesis Outline....................................3
2. Related Works.....................................5
2. 1. The MAFC Protocol.................................5
2. 2. Fuzzy Logic Architecture..........................6
2. 3. System Implementation............................10
2. 4. Bluetooth and Software...........................14
2. 5. Discussion.......................................17
2.5.1. Web-based application on medical system.........17
2.5.2.System architecture..............................19
3. Information Management System....................21
3. 1. Apache HTTP web server...........................21
3.1.1. Comparison of web server software...............22
3.1.2. The procedure of Apache.........................23
3. 2. MySQL............................................25
3.2.1. MySQL outside connection........................28
3. 3. PHP..............................................30
3. 4. phpMyAdmin.......................................32
4. Android SQLite database..........................34
4. 1. SQLite...........................................34
4.1.1. SQLite compare with MySQL.......................35
4. 2. SQLite on Android................................36
5. System Implementation............................40
5. 1. Software.........................................41
5.1.1. Browser.........................................43
5.1.2. Client side.....................................44
5.1.3. Hospital side...................................47
5.1.4. Other Function..................................49
5.1.5. Android App.....................................51
6. Conclusion......................................54
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